Statements Pim Fortuyn I say what I think and do what I say. - TopicsExpress


Statements Pim Fortuyn I say what I think and do what I say. At Your Service! (Pim Fortuyn, while Congress Liveable Netherlands November 25, 2001) They can ram me from the world, but my ideas persist. (source: website LPF) Do not make it viable, but the conceivable (source: interview Elsevier September 1, 2001) We Dutch are no longer interested in our heritage and our ancestors., We know our history so bad and know nothing about our cultural identity and our unaware of the many achievements of which democracy is one. (Source: AD Time Document, the rise, murder and aftermath). I will not say that the Netherlands is full, but pretty busy. To me even a little too busy during his inauguration speech at Liveable Netherlands. (TV news November 26, 2001) The multicultural society is not so cozy., For many people shy away from too many languages, too many cultures. They see crime, impoverishment, and feel displaced in their own city. (Source: AD Time Document, the rise, murder and aftermath) If youre here in the Polder some argue sharply, they call soon that youre arguing. Course that is not so. I know that to be there. Closed in the political compromises Im not crazy. Maa that does not you have to convey. you starting with a mouth full of flour (Source: AD Time Document, the rise, murder and aftermath) I got her sense an. At your service, during the inauguration speech at Liveable Netherlands. (TV news November 26, 2001) Im the new Prime Minister. No mistake, I become the new Prime Minister, evokes an emotional Fortuyn after the board of Liveable Netherlands has given notice him. Guard (Source: TV news, February 9, 2002). Down with the grant socialism. It has led millions of people to the side and do not know how enjoyable it is to do something. Away from that window, because thatll get you your money, but you also have to surrender your soul during his inauguration speech at Liveable Netherlands. (Source: AD Time Document, the rise, murder and aftermath). Its a bloody shame! (Stop Word Fortuyn appropriately and inappropriately used) This must stop, this demonization. Mr. Cook should stop to stop. Put me in a corner You are also MY Prime Minister, Mr. Cook, after pie incident during the press conference of The ruins of Purple. (Source: TV news March 13, 2002) Ive used everything: my money, my career, my mind, everything! (Source: LPF website) I think every person has a job in his life. Its my job to do what Im doing now. This represents a complete renovation of this country. This works best when I am Prime Minister. (Source: AD-Time Document, never published double interview with Melkert) Even though Im not a Prime Minister than I am anyway.s How I get through a lot of people have seen. Yells politics to turn around, then you need to make things happen. Exactly, politics on location. (Source: Interview with Elsevier, September 1, 2001) Its not a question you ask and we run. Whoever changes in this country wants, it will move to come! Statements about Islam If I could get around the law, I would just say there will be no more Muslims in. But I can not get around Islam is retarded, Im just saying, its just a backward culture!.. (Source: Volkskrant, February 9, 2002) I have talked with Muslims ever before? Im even going to bed, Mr. Imam. And put the talks themselves with a decent depth on. But I must admit that I am now for the first time like a real imam at the table is . in response to a question of Imam Abdullah Haselhoef. In the Islamic culture, women are subordinate to men. They say that women cover themselves free will at all with a headscarf. Ammehoela, I want a massive emancipation politically disadvantaged neighborhoods where these women live. Those girls in college with a headscarf , fine. Im much more worried about that residential areas where Muslim women are confined to the household and some shopping. I think that is a disgrace. (Source: AD Time Document, the rise, murder and aftermath) You should see the mosques as cover organizations. That means checking whats being said. A fundamentalist who calls our women are whores and gay men less than pigs turn. Then there must be taken. Point. The CPN has never been banned in the Netherlands, but the BVD infiltrated it. As it should. Well see what happens. (Source: Interview with Hugo Elsevier Camps, 01-09-2001) Christian residents in the Netherlands, such as the Veluwe, are morally more rights than Muslim newcomers, because Christians have for centuries contributed to the building of our country. (Source: NIS, February 3, 2002) On the question of whether he is an Islam-hater, says the leader of Liveable Netherlands. I do not hate Islam I think it is a backward culture. I have traveled extensively around the world. And wherever Islam is the boss, its just awful (Source: interview with Volkskrant, February 9, 2002) On secular society We have in our region some centuries done, and rivers of blood to shed, but it had finally done:. Separation of Church and State Religious belief and ecclesiastical organization entirely private matters, it is the matter of the citizens themselves and. the government acts as very reluctant to. Pendant which is that no one in the public domain on unsolicited and unwanted manner facing such conviction! on immigration I stand for this country, for all the people who are here, including the people who have come out., But definitely not for those who still want to come. Grenzes going really close. Come here not genuine asylum seekers. This is the big problem. Ninety percent economic refugee . (Source: AD Time Document) We must stop the borders wide open. Let us first fix the problems with immigrants present. Every housewife can tell you that you should run when you mop. The tap first (Source: TV) Forty thousand asylum seekers per year, which is in four years a city with a magnitude of Groningen that people should take a good realization And mostly,.. Single trip underclass. (Source: interview with Volkskrant, February 9, 2002) About other politicians Women like Netelenbos, Jorritsma and Sorgdrager sit in those places because they have a vagina the excuse-truusen in politics Minister Borst is a greater threat to the Dutch public, than Osama bin Laden, referring to the waiting lists. (Source: Christmas Speech 2001 in Business Class, RTL 5) Cook is a disaster. (Source: AD Time Document, the rise, the murder, the aftermath) Wouter Bos, which is a nice guy, I see something in (Source: TV) Actually, the only ones that I have nothing, but I find nothing, those curls bulbs D66. (Source: Interview with De Volkskrant, February 9, 2002) Purple has plundered the greenhouse. Melkert leaves unpaid bills (ESF fraud)., We do not promise tax cuts, but we want a fairer tax system that keeps the actual purchasing power of different population groups in the eye. (Source: The Telegraph, May 4, 2002, comparison of election) Marijnissen in the recent past also become a significant factor., He has been a part of the electorate a voice in a brilliant way. I admire the man very much. Cook is afraid of me. Not only because of my intellectual violence, but because he has a bad conscience. For Cook employs only the BV Cook ahead. Cook would never decide to go have taken if he had no idea of the outlines road a next career. in Brussels or elsewhere. The deployment of Purple was the breaking of the ruling classes. We just received new regents now than the Labour Party. Lubbers is another reason why the era never ended. That person may fail in such a post as Mrs Borst eight years is an unprecedented cynicism. It adorns Bolkestein that he has placed the issue of Islam on the agenda but otherwise he did not come. Bolkestein is not conceptualist. He did not know what empowerment is, and therefore he is overrated as a politician. (Source: Interview with Elsevier, September 1, 2001) About nature and the environment The greenhouse chats make me sick Of the environmental movement have had little Fortuyn (Source: AD-Time Document) An environmental problem? That does not exist in the Netherlands (Source: AD-Time Document) We live here in town and not in a country. You do have a couple of well-maintained parks hear, but thats it. Fortuyn did not need nature and even had to really laugh at the idea (Source: AD-Time Document) The people in the streets throwing crap I find a major social problem (...). Must you here in Rotterdam even see the city as there once a party has been. Onfatsoenljke what a people and what an indecent government that not enough baking drop, then I think Fortuyn on an environmental matter who occupied it. (Source: AD-Time Document) about themselves Its a Dutch habit of going out. Instead of the feasible I hand it must be conceivable, and then see if it is feasible. With equality, I have nothing. Well with equality, but I really think something else. As humans, we all stand together. But not everyone is equal and that I find beautiful. It is precisely the differences are interesting. I do not consider myself higher than others, but different. It is often worn for vanity and arrogance, but that feeling is not there when I did. I am an angry man: my emotions, I must of course be able to control, but that does not always work. (Source: The Telegraph, February 19, 2002) What I want is a Kennedy-like appearance. Reception, stylish and energetic. (Source: book, Lord of Fortuyn) If you want to be immortal, you have to die on time. (Source: Jan t Hooft, in retrospect Fortuyn, May 10, 2002) I will, in principle, that they tell me the truth and so come sometimes disappointed. Thats just the price you pay for trust. This is not so bad., It is at least better than life suspicion. (Source: Interview Trouw newspaper, The Ten Commandments, 1998) Can not, does not exist Naive? Perhaps, but I do hope that the rest of my life to remain so. I do not want a life in which suspicion and intrigue reigns. (source: foreword former site LPF) Can not is the cemetery, and Will is not right A social institution? ,, Im not for the people behind the geraniums. For couch potatoes, Those are for Melkert and Rosenmöller. I am here for the people who want to make something. Their lives Who say we only live once. Who say can not not exist. Those people we want to help. We let the people at the bottom do not crack, were going to encourage them. (Source from Indomitable medium by Jutta Chorus) Our proposal is to split into two insurance disability insurance:. Existing disability for diseases caused by work and a new, preferably private vezekering for other diseases In this way, the flow limit and prevent employers only take perfectly healthy people . (Source, The Telegraph, May 4, 2002, compared election) about war As much as I would like it too: absolute pacifism in this century - has become something that was hard - after the extermination of six million Jews. I can see the reasons given to justify or understand the bombing but I wonder if it will help in the long run. (about the war in the former Yugoslavia) Whatever choice you make, it is in all cases horrible. That is the dilemma. (Source: Interview with Trouw, 1998)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 21:19:31 +0000

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