Static* We interrupt this program to bring you the following - TopicsExpress


Static* We interrupt this program to bring you the following message I appear on the screen where I have a black eye, and an angry expression* ...NoDQ, ...For the last month, I have been on a mission, to restore peace and end all the anarchy in this division. And I intend to stand by that word. But now, its personal! Allow me to fill done of you in. This past Wednesday, I was screwed out of my match with MiC, by one Tyler LeT, whom for now on will be referred to as; Cartman. And as result, I was falsely suspended for speaking my mind and filing a complaint. But really, in everyones defense, the rules that Williams came up with were never clearly specified, and lead to even more problems! Tyler Williams thinks hes fixing this problem, but really, hes just making this worse. Every, decision he makes, makes the problem worse! And if that wasnt enough, just yesterday, I was savagely attacked by Cartman, while Williams just sat back and allowed him to do it! As a result, I now have 3 broken ribs, and a slight concussion. ...Its events and decisions like that, that I want to stop! This isnt me complaining that I lost, this is me complaining that I was falsely claimed the loser, and was the victim of a savage attack by someone who should be kept in a Pokeball! ...But I guess it doesnt matter, because he doesnt want to hear me speak, and make the argument that he can run a nation as good as Kim Jong Un! This is injustice, and I will not allow it to happen anymore! I am already a victim, but I wont let the same happen to anybody else! We have never had a stable match this far, and thats no exaggeration! He feeds off of chaos, and doesnt want to see people like me, who made sacrifice after sacrifice for this industry, to make everything better. Instead hed rather continue to inspire the Alliance to think that everybody is below them! ...Since day one, I have been screwed, and criticized, and hated, but thats only because people do not know, what is best for them! Theyre in denial, and theyre blinded by their pride for glory, not realizing that there is no glory to be found in all of this! ...I never wanted to do this, but youve all left me no choice! I now realize, that as long as I continue to compete, it will only inspire Williams to continue his own personal Hell, that he has forced upon all of us! Which is why I am announcing, that starting this Monday, regardless of what the result of the tournament is, you will not see me compete here in NoDQ for the time being, because I, will be going on strike! .....Dont be afraid though, youll still see me, but I will not be participating in any tournaments, or matches, or trivia, or shoots, or anything, because I refuse to take anymore orders from now on! I live by my own rules, and I will not take anymore crap, from the people of NoDQ! Now you may be asking yourself what kind of resolution that will come too, but rest a sure I have an agenda. No matter what happens to me, I will always have a back up plan, and I will never give up my intentions, no matter who says what, and no matter what obstacle or Alliances forms, because I walk alone, and I dont care what happens, because Ill fight it willingly. I will continue to take a stand, only this time, there are no restrictions! As far as being crowned the Best in NoDQ in concerned, with the current state of this division, that wouldnt seem like much of an honor. So as far as Im concerned, I dont want to be considered the best by these people, especially if I have to face somebody who did absolutely nothing to make the finals! Dont get me wrong, I will compete tomorrow. My doctors said I shouldnt, but frankly I dont care, because nothing is holding me back, and I refuse to have The Lost Soul receive the satisfaction of being crowned the Best of NoDQ by doing absolutely nothing! I have made a lot of sacrifices for this industry, and even if I lose, I wont allow somebody who jerks off to candles be awarded anything else just like that! And the fact that Darrick received a NoDQ Championship match and I didnt makes me sick, and I want him to prove to me that he deserves it, because I am not convinced yet! .....Besides, either way, I am still The Best Till The Day I Die, and no tournament outcome will change that! ...This is a bold decision I didnt want to follow up on, but I now have no choice, and have to go to my lowest common denominator in order to achieve what I intend. Its the least I can do for the greater good. ...Im the Crushing C, & I hope youre happy Williams. Because as of now, the C-Nation and NoDQ, are at War!!! ....... Message ends* Paid for by the C-Nation
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:56:05 +0000

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