(Stefanie) DANKIE VIR DIE ENGELE TUSSEN ONS. BOKSBURG- SOUTH AFRICA Another sad tale is playing itself down in the streets of Boksburg- South Africa. The tale is like so many other similar tales we see now emerging since the communist ANC hi-jacked the country in 1994. The tale is all about more poor white people that were left destitute on the streets of Boksburg- a once dominantly white town close to Johannesburg in the East Rand. In the olden days whites that worked on the mines in the area mainly resided in Boksburg. Boksburg was a normal middle class town- with a very down-to-earth atmosphere. That was the good old days when everybody had a work and families were not rich- but food always was on the table and you did not see homeless people on the street…..but things have changed drastically. Today Boksburg typically is like all the South African middle class towns- neglected and with homeless people on about every street corner and traffic light as the economy keeps on plunging due to unruly strikes, government corruption, alien infestation and disinvestment. Everywhere you will see these poor white people nowadays- begging for hand-outs. Such were the burden that befell many whites in South Africa since 1994 when the ANC introduced their evil Affirmative Action racist law. Since then- more and more anti-white laws were created to push whites out of the labor market….laws such as BEE, Equity laws- and the newest BEEEE. The source behind the latest evil BEEEE law to ensure no whites are allowed in any job market- is none other than Rob Davis- hard line British-born communist who acts as ANC Minister of Trade and Industry. Many white squatter camps suddenly started to mushroom across the South African landscape since 1994 – as more and more whites were pushed out of their jobs – only to be replaced with mostly black ANC incompetent cadres. White squatter camps now are becoming a common phenomenon in South Africa. You can simply Google “ White squatter camps South Africa“- and see the multitude of squatter camps and white poverty now in progress. The estimation is that there are roundabout 60 white squatter camps across South Africa- but factual figures are not really available. Nobody keeps record anyhow. The ANC government rather dubbed them ” informal settlements” than ” squatter camps” as to try to hide the truth and save face in the eyes of the world .The most prominent one of these white squatter camps exposed in the media is Coronation Park white squatter camp near Krugersdorp – but in reality there are many more that the public do not even know about- like the Pretoria North squatter camp, the Bloekombos squatter camp in Cape Town, The Ruiterwacht squatter camp in Cape Town and the Estoire squatter camp in Bloemfontein to name just a very few. In each town and city in South Africa you will find a white squatter camp nowadays….too many to name. These are only the visible proof of the impoverishment the ANC bestowed upon a once productive race that drove the South African economy to prosperity through all the years of the Azkenazi Jewish sanctions and UN resolutions - which made South Africa a independent first world power to be reckoned with. These were the people that defied the New World Order and broke the chains of the Wall Street’s captors. Today those same talented people are wasting their days in these squatter camps- having nowhere to work- and slowly becoming part of the ANC’s dark and devious history. Now- a rough count brings the number of those neglected whites to be approximately between 600 and 800 000 (some schooled and trained artisans ) whites that now are forced to languish in squatter camps – due to the black communist ANC’s vindictive zest to eliminate the white race from African soil. Now- to reason that there are” just as many blacks in squatter camps” - is totally illogical reasoning- as most blacks in squatter camps mainly are illegal aliens that does not belong to South Africa in the first instance, furthermore does blacks total around 60 million in South Africa compared to the 4 million whites- and lastly- most of these black squatters also qualify for and are on state grants and get free water , electricity, food coupons and sanitation services. In some cases many illegal blacks also get government subsidized HOP houses and stands for free. This unfortunately is not the case with whites that in contrast- does not qualify for any state grant, assistance or housing – and do not get any. Neither is there not ONE white squatter camp that have any free service or food coupon from the ruling regime- but have to pay for every service they want- jobless or not. Take that total of 600 000 from a total population of around 4 million- and you have nearly a quarter of a whole population impoverished! This all forms part of a very devious plan of a slow white genocide in progress in South Africa. This is yet another Legacy the Azkinazi controlled puppet Mandela left behind- to impoverish all whites and to deliberately withhold all state and private donations from these whites. …in other words banish them into the wilderness – and then bluntly refuse them access to any sustainable source of food or water. This all was neatly written in the communist ANC manifesto- and they are executing this dreadful instructions to the “T.” This way the communists will force whites into a slow extinction. Not even private organizations and corporate companies are allowed to donate to any white organization- whether welfare or childcare. .Although millions of dollars are received from international and local corporate aid and welfare organizations by the ANC regime- none of it ever finds it’s way to any white impoverished community- but all are directed to the pockets of scrupulous” administrators ” and black “upliftment” programs….i.o.w “blacks only.” The ANC communists made sure through their inhumanly racist “laws” that NO white will receive ANY financial assistance or free service bar national medical services – which in any case is very dilapidated. The ANC openly are practicing white race hatred and oppression against any Afrikaner community and even push laws through their parliament to support their naked racism against the Afrikaner whites. They even advocate a white genocide from their highest positions….yet not one politician, media outlet- or international human rights movement utter a single word of damnation? Yet they bitterly complained when Verwoerd apparently pinned “Apartheid” on the books? . Can someone please be so kind as to explain the difference between the Verwoerd “Apartheid” system- and the Mandela “Democratic” system to us? THIS dear reader- is your so-called new “democracy”- the evil counterpart of the ANC and the world’s “Evil Apartheid.” Can someone explain the difference between the so-called white “apartheid” and the present Israeli war genocide against Palestinians to us? Yet the very deranged political fraternity damned Afrikaners for “Apartheid” – but throw in their support behind Israel for the Palestinian human rights violations and also Israel that refuse to accept African immegrants onto their soil as to keep Israel a pure Zionist state. Is that not what these same political ghouls across the world and their media ALSO was blaming whites for?? Yet we hear no cry of “sanctions” and “Free Palestinia” from the Jewish controlled media? Any logic in this? What is happening against whites in South Africa today- is the ANC’s /Communists way of retribution and one of their evil ways- bar the horrendous murders on whites- to “clear Africa from colonials.” This dear reader- is the big hoax from the ANC and the mad hipocracy of the international banking fraternity to rape South Africa of her resources through their henchmen in the ANC. The whites were deemed as merely “expendable losses.’ Unfortunately the obvious known squatter camps we see is not where the head count stops- that only is the “visible” reality. The “invisible” reality is that thousands more of impoverished whites ALSO resides in back-yards, small holdings, on the streets and in little corridors, bus stops, parks and any place that could give them a bit of shelter against the elements. These are the poor whites that does not even come into the equation when the ” head count” is done. These are the whites that forms part of the “lost generation”. These are the whites nobody knows about- and nobody cares about. You see them everyday begging at shops, standing on street corners- standing on busy intersections and camping out next to the road for they have no-where else to go. They have no future, no more dreams- no more hope other than survival from one day to the other…..they are part of South Africa’s dark side which the world do not see. The media NEVER will report any of this. Their focus is to draw the attention of the world only on “black poverty “ in order to obtain more international funding for the communist “elite” under the pretense of “black economic upliftment programs.” The world now steadily are beginning to cut their funding to South Africa. The world decided South Africa now must stand on her own feet. This leads to lesser funding for the communist vaults. In order to counter the loss of this funding- the communists now are going to grab white pensions to support their ” black economic upliftment” programs- starting in 2015. Thus- the whites in South Africa was sacrificed on the altar to enhance the Zionist agenda to control South Africa and her mineral resources through their Illuminati front-man …..Mandela. He was just the key to open the door to let the real vipers into South Africa and execute their ” final plan” to at first disarm and exterminate whites- institute a black rule- and hi-jack the country’s mineral wealth for the Wall Street vampires. This brings us then back to Boksburg and the poor whites in the streets….the people that now also form part of the majority ever growing number of white “ expendables.” Most of these whites had a little job to do to be able to pay the rent of their meager dwellings where they had to pay up to R 3000.00 per month for a single room. Up to 9 people shared this room in order to pay the exuberant rent from the heartless landlord. – and many resided on the streets. Suddenly a new menace faced them when NUMSA also started to strike. This meant that many businesses that employed some of these poor whites had to close their doors- which again meant that these whites lost the only income they had. Like earlier with the Rustenburg Lonmin/’Marikana strikes- where many whites ALSO lost everything they had- Boksburg followed suit. Suddenly these poor whites that had a home- found themselves on the streets as well as hard-boiled landlords quickly evicted them unceremoniously. With their meager possessions they also now landed in the street together with the other poor whites already living there. Being thrown into the street- these poor hapless people had no-where to go- but seek shelter in the street against a wall- and erected their tiny tents (these that are lucky enough to have)- in the street to at least have a bit of a shelter against the rain and wind. Others were not so lucky- and concocted make-shift tents of blankets to protect their families against the elements. In total a amount of 40 souls now found themselves cast out and alienated from the world they know. They now have no future- no hope- and no solstice in what the day of tomorrow might bring. To make matters worse- does the Boksburg Metro Police also add to their dilemma. The Metro Police want them off the streets. They Metro want them to move to an open field adjacent to a black settlement- out of the sight of preying eyes. The Metro suggested they move to a derelict building that once served as a Detention Barrack in the olden days- but this is highly dangerous as they are vulnerable to attacks. Furthermore are there also women and small kids in the group. James Plumber- a good hearted Samaritan that also helped many poor whites in Rustenburg- heeded their call for help and took them some food and blankets. Sez James: “ It is a heartbroken sight. Some of these people already reside more than two years on the street. Some old people used to stay in that room- but they recently moved to the street as well. They just could not afford to pay the rent anymore as the strikes killed their job opportunities. One man even burst out in tears when we gave them some food and blankets. Everywhere they go- the mainly black Metro Police are hunting and harassing them- threatening they are going to torch their tents if they do not move. They now are totally without a livelihood. “ Boksburg does not stand alone in this respect- many other towns and cities have the same phenomena- and not always is it whites in squatter camps that suffer under this black communist omen- but Rustenburg is an example of how quickly and close normal working whites are exposed to become squatters themselves through these never-ending union strikes that is busy crippling our economy. Whites- unfortunately- are one of the first group of victims that are influenced by the economic melt-down. They are the race that has been targeted by the communist regime of Jacob Zuma to be side-lined and ignored from the labor market. It is a heartbroken story- but it becomes more and more the reality for many whites in South Africa. The ANC government so dearly want this reality hidden from the world. They want the world to believe there are no white squatters as that may damage the distorted image they propagate to the world that “ all whites are rich”- and only blacks are poor. The stark reality is that percentage-wise per capita- there are MORE whites impoverished and in a state of misery that blacks. Because whites only forms the “minority” and could easily be hidden from the public eye through mainstream media silence- the truth never are being told to the world. It is only through the alternative media that the real ugly reality is exposed. Sadly- there are some fortunate whites – especially in our cities- but due to the constant propaganda about the “poor blacks” – , selfishness and media silence- these “fortunate” whites do not know there is a silent war waged against them- or do not care about the ever increasing white implosion that is happening around them. The time is closing in fast that white people in South Africa seize their arrogance and careless attitude towards their kinsfolk- and start to reach out to these that- not by their own will- but due to racist legislation- found themselves in a state of impoverishment. Maybe the mind-set of whites in South Africa still got stuck in the pre-1994 era where whites had a certain amount of security. Maybe whites believe in the illusion that they will never be in this predicament- but whatever the white in South Africa believes- the horrific reality is that being a white in South Africa today does not secure your current status anymore- whites are fair game for the communist rulers. The reality is that there is a very fine line between being a rich white resident- and a poor white squatter. That line could easily be broken if the economy keeps on heading downwards in it’s spiral to the bottom of the slime-pit- and heartless anti-Afrikaner communists like Rob Davis keep on putting the screws onto whites in South Africa through evil legislation. Maybe we that still are the lucky ” privileged” whites that still could cling to that invisible fragile thread that keeps us from falling into the abyss of poverty as well - also could meet each other on a street corner one-day….who knows? In South Africa every passing day is a blessing and not a privilege anymore for the already alienated white man that once also used to call this country his “home.” Like James- there now are many other white organizations that reach out for these poor destitute- mainly organized on the social sites- but as whites are being pushed out of the job-market at a staggering pace- these angels of mercy also will be getting lesser and lesser as work and funding from white donators start to dwindle. To turn around and reason “ O well- luckily THAT will NEVER happen to me..”- also is very short-sighted and utterly naive. I bet between those 600 -800 000 whites now residing in that squatter camps some ALSO reasoned that way some or the other time in their lives. The difference between them and us is merely that they met up with reality. We “fortunate” whites still lives in a illusion that it could only happen to the “neighbor” – or the ” middle class.” Problem is our ” neighbor” ALSO thinks the same way we do! We as whites- rich and “middle class”- now must stop to ignore the factual evident reality that we are all deemed ” expendable” by the communist regime….your skin color alone already qualifies you for a place in a squatter camp. We must stop living in this bogus “ Rainbow Nation” pipe-dream the communists kept on shoving down our throats. Reality dictates a TOTAL different picture than this the leftist media and communist government want you to believe. If you loose YOUR job tomorrow- and the bank start to foreclose….you will be the next applicant for a place in that realm you thought not to exist for people with our “stature.” Never say “never”- especially with the communist regime we have in control. Between them and their controlled media they merely are hypnotizing you in order to steal your baby’s lollipop without you even noticing it. It now becomes the responsibility of ALL whites that could afford it to start looking out for each other- otherwise there will not be a white race left in this old country by the turn of the next century. ( Picture courtesy: James Plumber) PEOPLE THAT WANT TO DONATE TO THESE POOR PEOPLE CAN CONTACT JAMES AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBER: 072 496 8916 / https://facebook/jimmy.cronje?fref=ts
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 12:45:37 +0000

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