Steve at Eco-cool came out and got our air condition working. - TopicsExpress


Steve at Eco-cool came out and got our air condition working. Thanks so much. Josie’s ability to handle the heat is zero. We got the girls matching sister’s ring yesterday. Josie’s was available immediately but the other two had to be ordered and sized. The girls are excited to have these rings as a symbol of their bond. We had a good day. Josie is not able to put weight on her one leg since she fell 2 days ago. This is making it difficult getting her in and out of bed and moving around. Her speech coming back along with her full smile has been great. It was very stressful trying to determine what she needed. She was not able to write or type it on her tablet. Bottom line is we can deal with leg issues if we have speech. She was not able to go to the Raven game tonight. We had tickets from Believe in Tomorrow. The rest of the family went. Everyone needed to get out of the house; it was a great opportunity for Dad and the girls. I stayed home and had a nice evening with Josie. Josie had visitors tonight Ms. Robin, Brittany and Sam. She was able to stay awake and visit. We got her cleaned up and her bed changed so she is good for the night. Katie is preparing to go off the college. Katie got her roommate assignment. She was placed with another softball player. The roommate has a boyfriend going to the same school as Jeremy (Katie’s Boyfriend) and they both are playing baseball. This seems like fate is involved. The girls can ride the train together to go and visit. Things are falling in place. The decision to go off to college with Josie so sick has been difficult. Katie is going to University of the Sciences- This is the old pharmacy school in Philadelphia. Jeremy is going to Delaware Valley in Doylestown PA about 45 minutes away. Her school is about 1 hour and 15 minutes away. It is within 3 miles of the hospital that we took Josie to for her proton radiation treatment. Laura is preparing for cheer leader tryouts. The cheer team has been such a good support for Laura over the last year. This will provide her with focus and purpose. These activities will help the girls to continue on with their life even with Josie sick. The dog has adjusted to our home like it has always been here. She is doing great and demands attention like all the girls in the house. She can pin Lauren down in his chair with kisses. It is hysterical to watch. I will try to get video the next time she does it. She is house trained and listens very well except when she decides she needs attention then all bets are off. She has also decided that she likes Lauren’s recliner best. It is a regular event watching them fight over which one of them can get to it first. Thanks again for everyone’s support and help, we really appreciate knowing we are not in this alone. Love Jody Mom
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 02:23:08 +0000

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