Stone Age, Brass Age...this is the Lost Age. ;) and will become - TopicsExpress


Stone Age, Brass Age...this is the Lost Age. ;) and will become the Sense Age! Do you feel like you are getting wiser, or do you just feel older? My mother remained in the consciousness development of a child. She was like a devious toddler, who made her way through life putting her energy and creativity into ways to get everyone to think she was a different way, into believing she was who she would want to appear to be. Rather than achieving for her self, that which we wished to appear to be.... Instructing me : it doesnt matter what IS, only what you have people believe IS. She was devious and conniving with eyes that grew more detached from reality with floating irises, and her secret sideways smiles when she thought no one was looking... If only she had known something about self-development and healing, but she had become so entrenched in her own false reality, I had to keep away from her as I was committed to live in truth, and our realities just did not meet. She relied upon achieving a certain discipline through an approved vocational education, training or course, to be given authority to speak or to order another below her. Not to achieve life wisdom and training, but vocation - WORK - to build the economy. As a political ruling, it was declared by Victorian England a waste of time to focus on anything other than economy building. And this is why on the biggest global scale, we as a species are so lost in our sense of priorities. We can refer back to these years as the Lost Age. ;) Traditionally there were rights of passage training and ceremonies, undertaken with respect and honor, to see us through to the various stages of our life. We knew where we were and what stage of life we were at. Boys become men, girls become women. Teachings of moving on, and letting go to see us on to the next step. Any of these such things you have in your own language/beliefs/country FAR EXCEEDS the lost-ness and day-to-day ambling through life in fear, that was the way of Victorian England, as She* historically made it lawful for her to steal and invade the lands and lives of everyone else, so she was in a better position. And what a mess we are all in world wide as the result. We are meant to change and allow for change. The point of life is the attainment of wisdom. I see my English relatives do their education for a great job, work, go on as many holidays to other countries as they can to get a break from England, retire with as good a pension as they can, to behave as a silly child. They do not become wise. They have not grown in wisdom. They remain in the consciousness of a child. Our Olders do not necessarily become our Elders these days at all. I can remember my mother ordering Do as you are told. then Respect your Elders which really got me thinking...she did not instil respect, why? Sure they are older, but ..... ? Integrity of the word is something I was born with, and another thing that set me apart from my mothers reality. ;) Becoming wise requires our own committed, personal intention, desire and work to achieve self change and personal development. There is a movement now, helped by the internet, that is seeing these areas grow in awareness, as more of us are participating in this extra life altering personal work. :-) * Yes I decided to keep the she reference for countries. It is not often found in the English language to have m/f words of any kind, and as I feel English is vastly inferior to other languages I kept it for this reason also. I hesitated at first but I like it, and I think England can learn from it, for the future healing it needs to achieve... ;)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 06:34:08 +0000

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