Stop Smart Meters! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Skip - TopicsExpress


Stop Smart Meters! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Skip to content Home About Donate Store FAQ Why Stop Smart Meters? Take Action Take Direct Action The Science Defend Your Analog Meter Bulletins Press Releases Find a Local Group Links Brochures 57 CA Govts Opposed Wireless Warning Sample Letters to Utility How YOU Can Stop ‘Smart’ Meters SmartMeters are really StupidMeters. Why? Because they overcharge you, broadcast your personal info and detailed energy use habits, emit electromagnetic radiation that can cause cancer, damage your DNA, and harm wildlife, catch fire, and disable your shock prevention devices. Need any more reasons? Go to our Why Stop Smart Meters page. New to this issue and have questions? Check our FAQ page. Now, what can YOU do to stop them? 1. REFUSE SMART METERS (on your home, business and in your community). If you still have an analog meter: • Do not allow smart meter installers on your property. Call police if they trespass. Form a neighborhood watch. • Send a certified letter to your utility refusing consent to install • Secure analog meters behind lock and key • Refuse to pay opt out fees. Hundreds of thousands are refusing to pay fees to keep their analogs in California and elsewhere, and while PG&E in CA has threatened disconnects, they have yet to carry out this threat, simply for refusal to pay “opt out fees” currently in dispute. If you have a “smart” meter: • Revoke consent via certified letter to the utility and set a deadline for removal of existing smart meter. • Demand that the meter be removed. Do not take no for an answer. It is your home and your authority- not theirs. Assume everything the utility says is a lie. • Do not be fooled by a digital “radio off” meter or an analog meter with transmitting equipment in it. Ask them to confirm in writing that the meter is a “non-electronic electromechanical analog meter.” • If a utility continues to insist on their illegal trespass, people have had their smart meters removed by a qualified professional and replaced with purely electromechanical analog meters. (Note that this may result in a disconnect depending on the sanity of your utility) • Keep your distance (pets and plants too!) from all transmitters. Find out about shielding methods as a last resort. Avoidance is best. Be aware that cell phones, cordless phones, wi-fi routers, microwaves, and baby monitors also emit carcinogenic radiation and their use should be curtailed and eliminated. Get wired! • Refuse to pay opt out fees. California Utility Contact Numbers: • Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E): 1-866 743 0263 • Southern California Edison (SCE): 1-800-810-2369. • San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E): 1-800-411-7343 • Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD): 1-888-742-7683 • San Francisco PUC Water Meter Opt Out at: 415-554-3204 (For info on areas outside of California click here.) 2. DEFEND your analog meter! Unfortunately utility companies cannot be trusted to respect your wishes so we also strongly recommend locking up your analog meter. There are examples of how to do this. In addition, staying at home, or having someone appointed by you to do this during the installation period (typically 2-3 weeks), is an assurance against trespassing. Property owners and renters can ask anyone at any time to leave their property, for any reason. 3. WARN your neighbors that smart meters are coming and pass out brochures and “Smart Meter Free Zone” signs. You can download brochures in pdf format here. Spanish flyer (en espanol) here. Here is a page to help you create your own flyer. 4. POST a “Smart” Meter Free Zone sign on both your electric and your gas meter, and throughout your neighborhood on utility poles and in front yards etc. Click here to download pdf and then print it out: StopSmartMetersSign 5. WRITE the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), 505 Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102, or call them at 866-849-8390. Outside of CA, check for what governmental body regulates your utilities. Visit this webpage to file a complaint: Tell them that you oppose the installation of smart meters on your home or business because of health, safety, and privacy concerns, and insist that they enforce the “opt-out” option for individuals, cities, and counties. If you have a smart meter and have been suffering health impacts, go to your doctor and get written documentation, submit a complaint the to CPUC at the above webpage and submit a complaint to info[at]stopsmartmeters[dot]org You can also tell your story on EMF Safety Network. If the utility company or their agents come around to install, ask them to leave and if they don’t comply call the police and report a trespasser. You have the right to get anyone (apart from a cop with a warrant) off your property (regardless of whether you rent or own). You have a right to a radiation-free home! 6. CONTACT your elected officials and demand a safety recall! It’s easy and quick to contact them all at once. Or click here to find and connect to your CA legislators. 7. SIT IN. Start a blockade protest at your local meter installation yard or utility commission. In Santa Cruz County, protests were successful at stopping county-wide installation for a year. Direct action gets the goods. 8. VOLUNTEER with Stop Smart Meters! Contact us at info[at]stopsmartmeters[dot]org if you want to volunteer or get more involved. This is a grassroots effort, and we could use all the help we can get to carry on fighting for your health and safety. 9. DONATE to our ongoing campaign Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted and will contribute to our work to put a halt to the ‘smart’ meter program. Please help keep us going with even a small donation today! See our Donate Page. 10. REDUCE your EMF exposure by changing or eliminating your cell phone usage, and curtailing the use of cordless phones, wifi, microwave ovens, baby monitors, compact fluorescent lightbulbs etc. If you already have a ‘smart’ meter you have the right to have it removed. You can also shop for EMF Meters and Shielding at LessEMF 11. DEMAND that your city/ county pass an ordinance banning ‘smart’ meters More than 57 local governments throughout California have demanded a halt to smart meter installation, and more are considering taking action. The full, current list is provided here. Inform your local government about the rights it has over the utility- the following was sent to us by former seven-time Mayor of Fairfax CA Frank Egger: The law is on our side and its time to give PG&E the facts: * California cities (480) and counties (58) have the right to protect the health, safety and welfare of their residents, period. PG&E touts this pre-emption line but cities and counties are legal jurisdictions with constitutional rights. * Every city and county has an approved Franchise Agreement with PG&E. Fairfax’s first franchise agreement with PG&E allowing them to operate in Town was 1938 and it was amended in 1954. Check with your city or county and ask for a copy of their PG&E Franchise Agreement. This is just one of supporting documents that gives your city or county some control over PG&E separate from the California Public Utilities Commission. * If your city or county has a Telecommunications Ordinance that governs antennae and either wireless or wired transmitters in your community, they have another legal means of authority over PG&E.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:27:12 +0000

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