Stop existing in FEAR . It takes courage to LIVE. Stop being - TopicsExpress


Stop existing in FEAR . It takes courage to LIVE. Stop being AFRAID of what will happen tomorrow. By no means am I telling you to be foolish and not prepare yourself to survive hard times or misfortune. But you MUST stop living your life like an INSURANCE POLICY- in case this or that happens. Just LIVE . And while you are living , LOVE and laugh. I need this status today because the corporation that I work for is concerned about their bottom line and will be ELIMINATING JOBS that they deem NON- ESSENTIAL . In just a few hours , I will know if mine is one of them ! If not , I will continue in this season of my life until my change comes and work diligently to be prepared when it comes. IF this current season ends because my job is one of those to be eliminated , the I must accept that SOME FORM OF CHANGE HAS COME and be grateful for a choosing a profession where my skill set is in demand and savings to tide me over until I given my next assignment. In the meantime, I refuse to cower in fear and drown in doubt or worry. Oddly enough , I received the acceptance letter and a scholarship to pursue a degree in health care administration on, July 7 , the SAME day I learned about the possibility of my current position being eliminated. As the old folks used to say , As one door closes another is opening. So while I am in the hallway , I will take a seat an draft my plan for living and SUBMIT IT TO THE MASTER FOR EDITING AND REVISION. I leave these two passages of scripture to encourage you to take charge of YOUR LIFE while trusting God to guide you to and through the BEST choices. FIRST , have a plan for your life and put it in writing so that when the time comes to present it to others WHO WILL HELP BRING YOUR VISION TO FRUITION you will be READY: Habakuk 2:2 Then the LORD said to me, Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. And UNTIL YOUR CHANGE COMES , no matter what comes your way TAKE HEART IN KNOWING THIS: Jeremiah 29:11-13 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart Have a great day and dont be SKURRED! Peace and Love, Redd Velvet
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 13:32:12 +0000

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