Stopping bickering and backstabbing in the SCA would be like - TopicsExpress


Stopping bickering and backstabbing in the SCA would be like trying to turn back a tidal wave, but I keep paddling away anyway. I have seen in my life how one person can make a difference. I think the majority of people in the SCA want it to be drama free. There are always those loud obnoxious few though that stomp all over everybodys dreams, hopes, and the vision others have of what the SCA is about. There are also people with inflated egos that need to have reality come and knock on their door and bring them back down to earth with rest of us mere mortals. I finally have worked up enough nerve to tell people, very politely, when they are hurting the feelings of others. I am a people watcher and so often I can see disaster coming like an oncoming car crash. Both parties have pure motives, but different goals and motivations and then tempers flare. I have gotten very good at seeing these crashes coming and jumping in with as much silliness and humor as I can to defuse the situation. Generally it works. But I cant be everywhere at once. Thus the idea of creating a core group that could use this same tactic was born, and I added in a cause I deeply support, which is remembering those of our friends who have passed away. So I blow bubbles as a salute to my deceased friends, who all knew how much I loved bubbles. I blow bubbles to underline the fact we need to remain silly, and I blow bubbles to try and recapture that magic stardust that occurs every now and again for those lucky enough to look for and find it. I have already been deeply moved by the outpouring of love and friendship I have found as the SCA Fairy Godmother. It has touched my heart and renewed my strength and belief that the SCA can be the Dream we want it to be. The numbers of deeply chivalrous, honorable, and kind people in the SCA totally overwhelm the few rotten apples. We all just just need to be nudged a bit and have the Dream made a little easier to see, which must be done by example. You need to help set that example. So the next time you see someone getting stomping mad try to take them aside and tell them a joke, show them your stupid human trick (What! You dont have one? You must find one soon!). Ask the person who is steamed up about something like why he joined the SCA, what was he looking for? Who are their heros in the SCA? In my case I get a silly smile and blow bubbles. If it is a really desperate situation I will snort the bubble. If that does not make a person laugh, then their funny bone is dead. They should be declared a zombie and appropriate measures should be taken (I have my zombie plan. Do you?). So here are your instructions: 1) Blow more bubbles (take pictures too!). 2) Learn and practice a stupid human trick, a period joke will do nicely too. 3) When you see someone starting to lose their temper try to distract them like you would a feral cat with some catnip, by giving them something to laugh at. 4)Smile and talk to people you dont know, this leads to new and incredible friendships 5)Savor those magic moments in the SCA, the ones that make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, and you say to yourself Hey just for this moment, this looks like it would have centuries ago. 6) Learn how to create those stardust moments for people around you and pass along the magic. 7) Blow a lot more bubbles! 8) Invite your fun friends to join me in my madness on my Facebook page! Let me know how things go! Your SCA Fairy Godmother
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 18:37:05 +0000

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