*Storming from the training room, Four heard the doors slamming - TopicsExpress


*Storming from the training room, Four heard the doors slamming loudly behind him but he paid the noise no heed. Damaging doors was hardly his priority right now. What he was focused on however, was putting as much distance as he could between the training session and himself. The only sounds in his ears as he stalked through the halls was the rushing of blood in his veins and the thudding of his footsteps against the cold stone floor. His hand came up to run through his dark hair and he found, with mild disgust, that his palms were covered in sweat. Lowering his hands again, he simply allowed his feet to carry him where they pleased while he attempted to slow his heart rate and quell the irrational anger inside of him at this point. What was wrong with him?! He knew exactly what was wrong with him if he could simply be honest with himself for moment. Her. But this was not him, he didnt react like this, he couldnt allow himself to. Reaching the end of the hallway and turning the corner, Four had found himself walking the familiar path towards the chasm but that was the last place he wanted to visit right now. Heading somewhere public would do him no good so he swung around resolutely and took a sharp right down another corridor. The light was far dimmer here and the temperature a lot lower as he headed down, down, deeper into the compound. His anger had not abated in any way and he found himself fighting the urge to swing his fist at something or maybe someone in particular. Who was he supposed to be angry at? The Dauntless-Leader who knew exactly what he was doing when he paired those two together, or the arrogant Transfer who had the audacity to ENJOY that fight. Four enjoyed the release that combat brought as much as any Dauntless but the Candor had seemed to get a sick delight out of beating her to a pulp. And Tris, she had done next to nothing to stem the constant barrage of strikes except maybe lay on the floor and bite her tongue to stop herself crying out. Hed seen the pain in her eyes and had to shake his head to rid himself of the recollection. He was trying to calm himself down, not rile himself up further and this would do him more harm than anything. Stopping abruptly in the middle of the dark hallway, Tobias turned towards the wall and slammed his hand into the hard surface. The flat of his palm connected painfully with the solid stone and he inhaled sharply at the feel of the pain the movement brought. The skin of his hand ached and the small bones near the surface had already begun to throb as he slid down the wall and sat with his back flush against the stone. Groaning for only a moment as he inspected his hand, he allowed his head to fall backwards with a small thud and he closed his eyes. He had to try harder than that. His attempt at keeping his anger in check had been a disaster to say the very least and he had to get a grip. Breathing through his nose, Four attempted to clear his head and he began to empty his thoughts one by one. Instead of a temporary respite from the drama of the day, the very unwelcome image of his own father was brought to the surface in his mind and swum before his eyes. The memories of his fists against his body, the crack of the belt that haunted his dreams at night and made him shiv-* Enough. *He growled aloud before clenching the fingers of his injured hand into a fist. He would not allow himself to dwell on such things, not today. He had left that behind him. Four, Tobias, Four, Tobias. Tobias Eaton. He was a different person now. He had left that life behind him and refused to be taunted by the memories more than he had to be.*
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 06:09:23 +0000

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