Story time ^) A King for One Day (beautiful story with a deep - TopicsExpress


Story time ^) A King for One Day (beautiful story with a deep meaning) ^__^ (Note: this story is probably not true, but the meaning is extremely powerful and important for everyone.) Once upon a time, there live a king that ruled a huge and prosperous kingdom. That king lived in a lofty and beautiful palace. Everything that he desires is there in his palace. One day, the king had a discussion with his personal minister. In that discussion, the king presented his idea: O my minister, how about if theres a peasant from our kingdom - who is very poor - we make him as king for one day. What do you think he will do? Asked the king. His minister said, My king, if we do that, perhaps that peasant will be so shocked, he will drop down and die. If we choose a young man, perhaps he will be strong enough to face such a shock, said the king. But if he knows that he will be a king only for one day, surely he will only do things that profit himself, as long as hes able to do it, said the minister. The king answered, We will keep this as a secret from him. But why should we do this? Besides, how do we go about doing it? Asked the minister. Like I said, I want to know what will that peasant do when he suddenly become a king. And this is how were going to do it, and then the king whispers his instructions to the ministers ears, and the minister nods in approval. Send out our palace guards to find the fitting peasant for my plan! commanded the king. It was immediately carried out by the palace guards. Several days later, the minister said to the king that theyve found the right person for him; a young man named Imran. Imran is a very poor young man. He lived in a small house with his mother. He is quite lazy, and only do very little work for the family. And because of that, they often have insufficient food everyday. As planned, one night several professional guards infiltrated Imrans house, put in some strong sleeping pills in his food, and right after dinner Imran fell into deep sleep. They then abducted him in the midnight. No one realized it, including Imrans mother. After arriving in the palace, Imrans ragged clothes is changed to the kings beautiful clothes, and then he was laid down on the kings bed. The king himself disguised as one of the palace guards, and hide in one of the sides of the palace. All the maids and guards are prepared to serve Imran as the new king. All of them are prepared to act in this little drama. When Imran wakes up the following day, he was stunned to find himself in a very beautiful place, sleeps in a luxurious bed, and wearing the clothes of a king. In his amazed state, he also realized the maids that are standing around him. Am I dreaming? Or am I crazy? He asked himself. His head feels a bit dazed. He feels a bit nervous to do anything, and just sits quietly in his bed. What can we do for you, my king? the maid started the conversation. King? You called me a king? Did I hear you correctly? Asked Imran in astonishment. Yes, answered the maid. You are our king. Im sure Im dreaming right now, said him again while slapping his cheek a couple of times to make sure if hes dreaming or not. Your highness is not dreaming. This is not a dream. Everything that you see here belongs only to you. Ask us anything you want, and we will prepared it immediately, said the maid. Well, Im feeling quite hungry actually, replied Imran. Very well, we will immediately prepare your breakfast, said the maid while giving the signal to other maids. In just a short time, a large variety of very delicious foods are presented in front of Imran. Hes very astonished to see it, because he never saw such great looking meals in his entire life. He immediately started to eat joyfully. After hes done eating, the maids clean up whats left of the meal. They serve Imran as best as they could. Anything that he asked is immediately prepared. Imran started to get comfortable with this new life of his. Everything that he requested is fulfilled. His feeling of doubts started to washed away, and he begins to ask this and that from the maids. He also walks around his palace to enjoy the view, and then comes back to his room to relax and lazying around. So this is how it feels to be a king. Im so very lucky. I no longer need to work, and I can relax all day long and enjoy all this luxury and richness. That is what Imran thought to himself. Minutes and hours goes by, and everything is being reported to the real king. While at Imrans home, his mother is very worried about the disappearance of his son. She dont know where he could have gone from early morning until now. She doubt that Imran has been kidnapped, because what can his kidnapper do with such a poor and lazy boy? Imrans mother asked her neighbors about his whereabouts, but none of her neighbors saw him. After half a day searching for him, she finally decided to seek the help from the king. When she reached the palace, the guards prevented her from entering. She explained her plight to the guards and asked them to bring this matter to the king. The guards agreed and went to the king, while she waited outside. The guards informed Imran that theres an old woman outside, and shes searching for her missing son. After knowing that that woman is his mother, Imran started to worry. He was afraid to meet his mother. He was afraid that he would lose all the luxury and comfort that he enjoyed, when the guards learned what his background really is. He does not want that secret to be exposed. But he also do not want to disappoint his mother. Imran finally instructed the guards to give his mother one sack of rice. The guards then bought the rice to his mother. Im sorry mam, the king is very busy and does not wish to be disturbed at the moment. But he is generous enough to provide you this one sack of rice, should be enough for several days, said the guard. Imrans mother felt really sad because the king refused to help in the search of her son. She went home with the rice, while Imran continue to enjoy himself and lazying around in the palace. Time went on, from noon to evening, to night. When its midnight, Imran finally fell asleep. When hes asleep, the guards proceed with their plans; they changed his clothes back to the original, and bought him back to his small house without anyone noticing. Everything went smoothly, as if the previous day never happened. The next day, when Imran woke up from his sleep, he again was very shocked to see that he was now back at his old and filthy house. Now he really thought that everything he felt yesterday was just a dream, yet it felt extremely real. His mother then told him about what happened, and how she got a sack of rice from the king. Alhamdulillah, now that youve returned, and we also got a sack of rice enough for several days, said his mother happily. But Imran acted differently. After finish listening to his mothers story, Imran was soaked in tears. His mother was surprised at his reaction, and cannot understand why he cried so hard. Imran continued to cry - crying at his own foolishness. Why didnt I give more to my mother? How stupid of me! Ya Allah, if only Ive been given another chance, I will give the very best to my mother and for myself. And thats how Imran deeply regretted his actions. In the palace, the king also felt bad at the actions of Imran. Imran O Imran, you have became the king for one day, and every power and wealth is in your hands. Yet at the end, the only thing you gain is one sack of rice. How sad. LESSONS FROM THE STORY The one day as a king represents the life of this world, and the whole years after that represents the life of the hereafter. How many of us are acting just like what Imran did? Right now were the king of our lives, but how much do we send forward as our provisions for the hereafter? We will think that Imran has done something so foolish. What he should do is to send as much wealth and provision as possible to his mother, so that both of them will enjoy the rest of their lives in comfort and luxury. Yet Imran decided to enjoy it all for just 1 day, and live the rest of his life in poverty. All because of his greed and ignorance. We all agree to this, but what is the reality? Have we tried to send as much as possible for our lives ahead? Or are we impatient and want to enjoy it all here? If were following the latter, were no different than Imran. What we want is the other way around; our small houses in this world, and our castles of wealth and luxury in the hereafter. This is because the 50-70 years of our lives are nothing when compared to the eternal life of the hereafter. And we want the very best for our eternal life there. Are we satisfied living for an eternity in the lower parts of Paradise? Are we satisfied living in the lower level, far from Allah, far from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam)? And are we satisfied with having less in Paradise when we can gain more? Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The people of Paradise do not regret anything more than regretting an hour they spent (in this life) without mentioning Allah.” [At-Tabaraani] Have we optimized our daily lives for the best reward of the hereafter, or are more of our days lost in building the life of this world; the life which well be leaving very soon? The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, What is there between myself and this world? This world and I are just like a rider who stops to rest beneath the shade of a tree, then goes and leaves it.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah] And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [real] life, if only they knew. (Quran 29:64) O mankind, indeed the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you, and be not deceived about Allah by the Deceiver. (Quran 35:5) Our future, the never-ending life, as compared to our life in this world, is like an ocean compared to a drop. So let us avoid all comfortable things and luxuries, with the intention of spending the money to earn Allah’s pleasure. Remember this lesson everyday. Right now were the king of this life. So much wealth and blessings are there in our hands. Use it wisely, dont waste it on this worldly life, and spend it for the pleasure of Allah. But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter (Quran 28:77)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:52:58 +0000

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