Straight talk by Sid Akbar... As you all know I am here to dig - TopicsExpress


Straight talk by Sid Akbar... As you all know I am here to dig out the truth, cos the crazies in the world really worry me and I need to make sense of all the madness in this world, guess the inner child in me that always asked why is still alive and still asking why??? I have spent the last 10 years researching, studying, using the internet and also spending time with learned people, going to the library and simply studying history to get down to the bottom line, a wise person once told me to discover the route of any evil in this world…..follow the money trail, so terrorism where does it come from when we talk about islamic terrorism? I have the answer as I followed the money trail. Islam was never heard of untill 9/11 so what changed? After the Russians invaded Afghanistan, the Americans drew up a plan to give the Russians their own Vietnam… The CIA recruited a billionaire Saudi called Osama Bin Laden (codename Tim Osman) who would recruit the taliban to create Al Queda or if you’re sarcastic like me Al CIAda. The CIA also published and printed the books and literature for these uneducated taliban to make them extremists, its easy you cut and paste a few verses out of context and boom all of a sudden the Quran does say its cool to fly planes into buildings, here’s where it gets juicy…..the Saudi (wahabis) funded the whole operation and have since funded many other terror groups cos after the 50’s and the discovery of oil etc the Saudi wahabis as a tiny sect of islam found they had more power and money than the 1.6 other peaceful muslims around the world combined. There is your money trail right there and I do not need to tell you all how much the Americans and Saudis are in love with each other, they are practically in bed doing the 69 they love oil, power and money so much. But the other issue I had was these lunatic muslim groups in the UK who burned poppies and insulted the troops and generally caused mischief and mayhem which led to the EDL being created who then went to attack all muslims and Islam as a whole, now I still cannot figure out if the EDL simply wanted to create mischief and were hoping that the general public would attack and kill all muslims or if they are simply just too stupid to know about different sects within islam like wahabis, sunni or shia but what they missed a golden opportunity was to target their true enemy…..the wahabis and educate the british and global public to the fact that all terror netwroks point back to the saudi wahabis. Look back to 9/11 a Saudi man, Bin Laden with the help of other saudi nationals attacked America and caused 9/11, what was Americas reaction? First they flew out all the other Bin Laden clan out of America when all aircraft were grounded……check it out only one plane flew out of America after 9/11 and then when it was time to get revenge who did America attack? Saudi Arabia? Nope…….they decided to bomb Iraq cos Saddam Hussain had a dodgy moustache or something, the oil cartels feared Saddam as he had invaded Kuwait already and simply wanted him taken out……so if you have money who do you hire to do your dirty work…….the CIA of course and the rest is history, we bombed the shit out of Iraq and Afghanistan killing millions of civilians and did we end the terror threat? NO! We are sadly friends with the same people who are friends with the terrorists, its such an interwoven web of deceit that it will fry your mind as to who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. But back to the issues affecting us in the UK and I do hope that the people of Britain take note of this information cos we should all know who the real enemy is, the wahabis are also the same sect that say the Niqab (ninja suit) is required in Islam, they twist the verses of the Quran as they do with justifying terrorist acts etc, the Niqab is a cultural thing that predates Islam, Jewish and Christian women wore it too before Islam even flourished and by right any woman could wear it as it is not solely an islamic tradition or I should have said culturally connected to these bedouin peoples. Now it’s the same Wahabi groups here in the UK that are brainwashing and recruiting other young muslims to join them and go off on global jihads and to become terrorists etc, I know they have tried with me too, sadly for them I am too well versed in the quran and too educated to fall for bullshit, I simply asked them where does it say in the quran that we should do this or that and they gave up on me and now target me as a fake muslim who preaches hippy love bullshit, okay say what you want but my brand of islam promotes peace, love and tolerance…..not hate, terror and murder of innocent civilians. The wahabis have turned their sect of islam into a political machine to justify the ends and worse, they are in bed with our leaders who will do just about anything for oil and money, so I ask my friend to now start calling them wahabis and not muslims, do not tarnish islam cos of one sect and also if more people learn to distinguish wahabis and see that it is only wahabis that insist on full face covering etc then we can also work out what and where they are planning more mischief, I do not think its coincidence that in the UK the whole muslims against crusade and edl started in Luton there are many groups funded by the saudis in Luton……………so people of the UK………..know your enemy and write to your MP’s too for if wahabis do not wish to coexist and they insist on forcing the Niqab in OUR faces then maybe they should all go live in Saudi Arabia and live in their utopia of heaven and not be surrounded by us heathens who do wish to coexist and not blow each other up!!!!!! I also worry that too many people have become politically correct and scared to even speak whats on their minds or know enough to begin, so here it is for you all a place to begin, now you do not have to feel you are attacking ALL muslims or islam and come across as a fascist, your enemy is the wahabi sect of islam, its our country and the majority of people of all nations have intrigated and coexist here, but the wahabis want sharia law, they want women covered up like Ninjas and worse they recruit our young to go kill other people, and if our young are not educated enough do not know the quran chapter and verse............they will get sucked in and recruited and sent on suicide missions cause the common link with wahabis from 9/11 to 7/7 to poppy burners and the Niqab justifiers is that they cause mayhem and then let other muslims take the flak while they sit back, so just as Saudi Arabia will use America to bomb the shit out of the muslim world, homegrown Wahabis whos loyalty is to their sect and Allah over you anyday......they also stir the pot and then let groups like edl attack and kill innocent muslims here and across Europe........while they sit back and far up this government and wahabi connections go I do not know yet but I do know that mosques funded by wahabi money from Saudi Arabia operate outside of the law and promote radicalisation of our young!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 08:19:00 +0000

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