Strictly for SINGLES...... :-P It amazes me how many women never - TopicsExpress


Strictly for SINGLES...... :-P It amazes me how many women never stop and think about this last point. Love equals happiness. Period. If you don’t feel juiced and joyful about your most important relationship, what is missing? Q: Does he really love me? Is this FINALLY going to be the “one”? How can I tell if this is the man… and the relationship I’ve been waiting for, or is just going to end in disappointment, heartbreak or a dubious dumping I didn’t see coming? Is there any REAL way to tell if a man is right for me, and truly feels the same way that I do, BEFORE I commit with the mind, my body and my soul? And if so… HOW so? (and where do I get it?) Any of these questions sound familiar? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how to tell if he REALLY loves you, using a very simple “checklist” that most emotional intuitive, empathy and heart based relationship coaches use to identify karmic connection, true love and life partners that last forever. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below. 1 – Do we share the same long term values? This is critical for ANY relationship to work long term… and unfortunately, it’s the easiest thing to overlook in the beginning. The truth is, it’s cliche to say… but people don’t really change, no matter how much you think they can, or will, if just given the right opportunity. If he’s NOT “built” from the same “stuff” as you are, and doesn’t feel the way YOU do about the things that are most important, he may fake it for a while, but in the end, it’s doomed to fail. 2 – Is there an intuitive energy and understanding between us? I know this is controversial, and confusing to women who HAVEN’T experienced it, but the truth is, you can FEEL true love, in a way that makes you come alive on the inside. There is an indescribable feeling that comes with being loved and accepted unconditionally, and when it happens, you KNOW it. It may not be obvious right away of course, and takes a little time to develop, but when you KNOW you are loved, 100%… there is an energy and intuition that develops between two people that is impossible to break. Whether you call it a KARMIC connection like I do, or some sort of “quantum energy” that connect people in emotionally intense relationships, it’s a great feeling each of us deserves to find. 3 – Does the relationship feel effortless? All relationships are work, but when you find your spiritual soulmate… it should feel like EASY work. How does yours feel? Effortless, easy and intense? Or like heavy lifting and needs nurturing to survive? It it requires too much effort… the bad news is, it’s probably NOT the one. 4 – Do you feel EMPOWERED to be your best, boldest and BRIGHTEST self? A true spiritual partnership doesn’t diminish you, or force you to settle, or make sacrifices that make you SMALLER. Your light should burn equally as bright as his… and any relationship, or love affair that makes you squeeze a smaller version of yourself into the world, is NOT one that empowers you to live a life of passion and purpose. (which each one of us is BORN to build) 5 – Are you HAPPY… deep down where it counts? It amazes me how many women never stop and think about this last point. Love equals happiness. Period. If you don’t feel juiced and joyful about your most important relationship, what is missing? The truth is, if you don’t feel alive, awake and ecstatically in love with the man you’re with right now, the chances are, he’s NOT the man for you. And the sooner you wake up to that reality, the sooner you’ll find yourself in the arms of the one who is.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 22:11:29 +0000

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