String.StartsWith Purpose: In programming world input value - TopicsExpress


String.StartsWith Purpose: In programming world input value validation is most important task for developers and sometimes some input string must contain some special character at the beginning like if input string is a web address it must have http as a starting text or word. In String class we can use StartsWith method to check that. StartsWith method is overloaded, the following is the overloaded methods: 1) StartsWith(string) Takes string as an argument and return a Boolean value if this matches with the specified string Ex:1) Check that http is the starting text of the following text: usedotnet class MyString { static void Main() { string strUrl=usedotnet; bool b = strUrl.StartsWith(http); Console.WriteLine(b); } } Output: True Step by step analysis: 1) Within Main() method, we have declared a string variable and assigned the target string. 2) Next line we have called StartsWith method where we have passed http as a parameter to check whether http is the beginning word or not. 3) Since the word matches so it has returned a Boolean value-True 2) String.StartsWith(string, StringComparison) The above overloaded method takes two arguments: a) String object, which will be checked in the target string whether it does exist in beginning of the string or not. b) StringComparion, an enum, the value of enum can change the searching condition, like during searching will it consider string case or not. It has six value: i) CurrentCulture: By setting this value .NET framework will consider your current culture or system installed culture for case sensibility. ii) CurrentCultureIgnoreCase : If we set this value, then it will work in reverse of your current installed culture, so if your current culture is case sensitive then by setting this value it will not consider the case sensibility. iii) InvariantCulture: The invariant culture is culture-insensitive iv) InvariantCultureIgnoreCase: Reverse condition of InvariantCulture v) Ordinal:By setting this value again we consider the case sensibility vi) OrdinalIgnoreCase: Reverse of Ordinal class MyString { static void Main() { string strUrl=usedotnet; bool b = strUrl.StartsWith(HTTP,StringComparison.CurrentCulture); Console.WriteLine(Value for CurrentCulture Setting-->{0},b); b = strUrl.StartsWith(HTTP, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); Console.WriteLine(Value for CurrentCultureIgnoreCase-->{0},b); b = strUrl.StartsWith(HTTP, StringComparison.InvariantCulture); Console.WriteLine(Value for InvariantCulture-->{0},b); b = strUrl.StartsWith(HTTP, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); Console.WriteLine(Value for InvariantCultureIgnoreCase-->{0},b); b = strUrl.StartsWith(HTTP, StringComparison.Ordinal); Console.WriteLine(Value for Ordinal-->{0}, b); b = strUrl.StartsWith(HTTP, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); Console.WriteLine(Value for OrdinalIgnoreCase-->{0}, b); } } Output: Value for CurrentCulture Setting-->False Value for CurrentCultureIgnoreCase-->True Value for InvariantCulture-->False Value for InvariantCultureIgnoreCase-->True Value for Ordinal-->False Value for OrdinalIgnoreCase-->True In the above example we have passed HTTP to check whether it is the starting word or phase of usedotnet or not, since HTTP is in upper case so we have passed StringComparison enum value to test all the possibility. 3) String.StartsWith(string,Boolean,CultureInfo) The above overloaded method takes three arguments: c) String object, which will be checked in the target string whether it does exist in beginning of the string or not. a) Boolean: By passing Boolean value we can set the case sensibility type, if it is true then case sensibility will not considered else checking will be done on the basis of case. b) CultureInfo: Here we can mention the CultureInfo code by which .NET framework can set the culture setting which will be considered during the method performance. If we pass null then CurrentCulture will be considered, given below is the list of cultureinfo code CULTURE SPEC.CULTURE ENGLISH NAME -------------------------------------------------------------- Invariant Language (Invariant Country) af af-ZA Afrikaans af-ZA af-ZA Afrikaans (South Africa) ar ar-SA Arabic ar-AE ar-AE Arabic (U.A.E.) ar-BH ar-BH Arabic (Bahrain) ar-DZ ar-DZ Arabic (Algeria) ar-EG ar-EG Arabic (Egypt) ar-IQ ar-IQ Arabic (Iraq) ar-JO ar-JO Arabic (Jordan) ar-KW ar-KW Arabic (Kuwait) ar-LB ar-LB Arabic (Lebanon) ar-LY ar-LY Arabic (Libya) ar-MA ar-MA Arabic (Morocco) ar-OM ar-OM Arabic (Oman) ar-QA ar-QA Arabic (Qatar) ar-SA ar-SA Arabic (Saudi Arabia) ar-SY ar-SY Arabic (Syria) ar-TN ar-TN Arabic (Tunisia) ar-YE ar-YE Arabic (Yemen) az az-Latn-AZ Azeri az-Cyrl-AZ az-Cyrl-AZ Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan) az-Latn-AZ az-Latn-AZ Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan) be be-BY Belarusian be-BY be-BY Belarusian (Belarus) bg bg-BG Bulgarian bg-BG bg-BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria) bs-Latn-BA bs-Latn-BA Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) ca ca-ES Catalan ca-ES ca-ES Catalan (Catalan) cs cs-CZ Czech cs-CZ cs-CZ Czech (Czech Republic) cy-GB cy-GB Welsh (United Kingdom) da da-DK Danish da-DK da-DK Danish (Denmark) de de-DE German de-AT de-AT German (Austria) de-DE de-DE German (Germany) de-CH de-CH German (Switzerland) de-LI de-LI German (Liechtenstein) de-LU de-LU German (Luxembourg) dv dv-MV Divehi dv-MV dv-MV Divehi (Maldives) el el-GR Greek el-GR el-GR Greek (Greece) en en-US English en-029 en-029 English (Caribbean) en-AU en-AU English (Australia) en-BZ en-BZ English (Belize) en-CA en-CA English (Canada) en-GB en-GB English (United Kingdom) en-IE en-IE English (Ireland) en-JM en-JM English (Jamaica) en-NZ en-NZ English (New Zealand) en-PH en-PH English (Republic of the Philippines) en-TT en-TT English (Trinidad and Tobago) en-US en-US English (United States) en-ZA en-ZA English (South Africa) en-ZW en-ZW English (Zimbabwe) es es-ES Spanish es-AR es-AR Spanish (Argentina) es-BO es-BO Spanish (Bolivia) es-CL es-CL Spanish (Chile) es-CO es-CO Spanish (Colombia) es-CR es-CR Spanish (Costa Rica) es-DO es-DO Spanish (Dominican Republic) es-EC es-EC Spanish (Ecuador) es-ES es-ES Spanish (Spain) es-GT es-GT Spanish (Guatemala) es-HN es-HN Spanish (Honduras) es-MX es-MX Spanish (Mexico) es-NI es-NI Spanish (Nicaragua) es-PA es-PA Spanish (Panama) es-PE es-PE Spanish (Peru) es-PR es-PR Spanish (Puerto Rico) es-PY es-PY Spanish (Paraguay) es-SV es-SV Spanish (El Salvador) es-UY es-UY Spanish (Uruguay) es-VE es-VE Spanish (Venezuela) et et-EE Estonian et-EE et-EE Estonian (Estonia) eu eu-ES Basque eu-ES eu-ES Basque (Basque) fa fa-IR Persian fa-IR fa-IR Persian (Iran) fi fi-FI Finnish fi-FI fi-FI Finnish (Finland) fo fo-FO Faroese fo-FO fo-FO Faroese (Faroe Islands) fr fr-FR French fr-BE fr-BE French (Belgium) fr-CA fr-CA French (Canada) fr-FR fr-FR French (France) fr-CH fr-CH French (Switzerland) fr-LU fr-LU French (Luxembourg) fr-MC fr-MC French (Principality of Monaco) gl gl-ES Galician gl-ES gl-ES Galician (Galician) gu gu-IN Gujarati gu-IN gu-IN Gujarati (India) he he-IL Hebrew he-IL he-IL Hebrew (Israel) hi hi-IN Hindi hi-IN hi-IN Hindi (India) hr hr-HR Croatian hr-BA hr-BA Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) hr-HR hr-HR Croatian (Croatia) hu hu-HU Hungarian hu-HU hu-HU Hungarian (Hungary) hy hy-AM Armenian hy-AM hy-AM Armenian (Armenia) id id-ID Indonesian id-ID id-ID Indonesian (Indonesia) is is-IS Icelandic is-IS is-IS Icelandic (Iceland) it it-IT Italian it-CH it-CH Italian (Switzerland) it-IT it-IT Italian (Italy) ja ja-JP Japanese ja-JP ja-JP Japanese (Japan) ka ka-GE Georgian ka-GE ka-GE Georgian (Georgia) kk kk-KZ Kazakh kk-KZ kk-KZ Kazakh (Kazakhstan) kn kn-IN Kannada kn-IN kn-IN Kannada (India) ko ko-KR Korean kok kok-IN Konkani kok-IN kok-IN Konkani (India) ko-KR ko-KR Korean (Korea) ky ky-KG Kyrgyz ky-KG ky-KG Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) lt lt-LT Lithuanian lt-LT lt-LT Lithuanian (Lithuania) lv lv-LV Latvian lv-LV lv-LV Latvian (Latvia) mi-NZ mi-NZ Maori (New Zealand) mk mk-MK Macedonian mk-MK mk-MK Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) mn mn-MN Mongolian mn-MN mn-MN Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia) mr mr-IN Marathi mr-IN mr-IN Marathi (India) ms ms-MY Malay ms-BN ms-BN Malay (Brunei Darussalam) ms-MY ms-MY Malay (Malaysia) mt-MT mt-MT Maltese (Malta) nb-NO nb-NO Norwegian, Bokmal (Norway) nl nl-NL Dutch nl-BE nl-BE Dutch (Belgium) nl-NL nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) nn-NO nn-NO Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway) no nb-NO Norwegian ns-ZA ns-ZA Northern Sotho (South Africa) pa pa-IN Punjabi pa-IN pa-IN Punjabi (India) pl pl-PL Polish pl-PL pl-PL Polish (Poland) pt pt-BR Portuguese pt-BR pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) pt-PT pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal) quz-BO quz-BO Quechua (Bolivia) quz-EC quz-EC Quechua (Ecuador) quz-PE quz-PE Quechua (Peru) ro ro-RO Romanian ro-RO ro-RO Romanian (Romania) ru ru-RU Russian ru-RU ru-RU Russian (Russia) sa sa-IN Sanskrit sa-IN sa-IN Sanskrit (India) se-FI se-FI Sami (Northern) (Finland) se-NO se-NO Sami (Northern) (Norway) se-SE se-SE Sami (Northern) (Sweden) sk sk-SK Slovak sk-SK sk-SK Slovak (Slovakia) sl sl-SI Slovenian sl-SI sl-SI Slovenian (Slovenia) sma-NO sma-NO Sami (Southern) (Norway) sma-SE sma-SE Sami (Southern) (Sweden) smj-NO smj-NO Sami (Lule) (Norway) smj-SE smj-SE Sami (Lule) (Sweden) smn-FI smn-FI Sami (Inari) (Finland) sms-FI sms-FI Sami (Skolt) (Finland) sq sq-AL Albanian sq-AL sq-AL Albanian (Albania) sr sr-Latn-CS Serbian sr-Cyrl-BA sr-Cyrl-BA Serbian (Cyrillic) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) sr-Cyrl-CS sr-Cyrl-CS Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia) sr-Latn-BA sr-Latn-BA Serbian (Latin) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) sr-Latn-CS sr-Latn-CS Serbian (Latin, Serbia) sv sv-SE Swedish sv-FI sv-FI Swedish (Finland) sv-SE sv-SE Swedish (Sweden) sw sw-KE Kiswahili sw-KE sw-KE Kiswahili (Kenya) syr syr-SY Syriac syr-SY syr-SY Syriac (Syria) ta ta-IN Tamil ta-IN ta-IN Tamil (India) te te-IN Telugu te-IN te-IN Telugu (India) th th-TH Thai th-TH th-TH Thai (Thailand) tn-ZA tn-ZA Tswana (South Africa) tr tr-TR Turkish tr-TR tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) tt tt-RU Tatar tt-RU tt-RU Tatar (Russia) uk uk-UA Ukrainian uk-UA uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) ur ur-PK Urdu ur-PK ur-PK Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) uz uz-Latn-UZ Uzbek uz-Cyrl-UZ uz-Cyrl-UZ Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan) uz-Latn-UZ uz-Latn-UZ Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan) vi vi-VN Vietnamese vi-VN vi-VN Vietnamese (Vietnam) xh-ZA xh-ZA Xhosa (South Africa) zh-CN zh-CN Chinese (Peoples Republic of China) zh-HK zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) zh-CHS (none) Chinese (Simplified) zh-CHT (none) Chinese (Traditional) zh-MO zh-MO Chinese (Macao S.A.R.) zh-SG zh-SG Chinese (Singapore) zh-TW zh-TW Chinese (Taiwan) zu-ZA zu-ZA Zulu (South Africa) Ex: class MyString { static void Main() { string strUrl=usedotnet; bool b = strUrl.StartsWith(HTTP,false, new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(en-us)); Console.WriteLine(b); } } Output: False In the above example en-us has been passed which English United States. We can pass some other code to check the same
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 16:47:51 +0000

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