SubhaanAllah THIS IS WHAT A MUSLIM IS look at his bravery he is - TopicsExpress


SubhaanAllah THIS IS WHAT A MUSLIM IS look at his bravery he is TELLING the Israeli to shoot him because he knws that the place and time he is going to die is determined BY ALLAH and look at the soldier with his guns and fellow soldiers standing their like brainwashed idiotic robots with no mental capacity of their own to think for themselves! Take the gun away from ANY ONE of these soldiers and u will see in 5 seconds flat whether they fight or run away. This is their nature Allah CLEARLY tells us is the Quraan they will no fight u except from behind their walls... Because thats their cowardly nature from the time of the Prophet saw, to 1400 years later...they will NEVER stand one on one without weapns facing a Muslim because cowardice runs through them like blood runs through their veins! Its engrained in evry single part of their being from head to toe, THEY WILL NEVER stand without a weapon but tale that weapon away from them And let them stand on an equal playing groud with a Palestinian and u will see in 5 seconds who is the lion and who is the filthy rat who runs and hides
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:09:15 +0000

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