Subject: Penial Gland, responsible for several things that the - TopicsExpress


Subject: Penial Gland, responsible for several things that the human needs for eternal survival. The most important, the production of Melanin. The Egyptians(Ancient KMT) they referred to this supposedly useless gland as the EYE OF HORUS. The Penial Gland is also called, the "Black Dot", a small pine cone shaped gland that rests in the middle of the left and right hemispheres of the Brain. Egyptians, being the intellectuals that they were, knew definitively that the eye of horus was the conduet that connected humans to the Cosmos(spirituality). The connecting component that allowed the elevating of thought from conscious, subconscious, superconscious, Magic conscious, to the ultimate, INFINITE CONSCIOUS(God). They could elevate their thoughts and tap into that Infinite wisdom. Somewhat like the phenomenon of illiterate prisoners, with nothing but time, and their thoughts, come up with ingenious ways to overcoming obstacles. Example: By concentrating so intensly on a subject, you elevate your mind to a higher state of consciousness to take something like a paperclip tip and scribe and fabricate a deadly weapon, from a slab of steel? The infamous "Shank"! Or the act of mental telepathy. Scientist have long since revealed to the world that we only utilize 10% of the brain, and that mental telepathy was as known capability of the trained mind.The Egyptians trained the mind aggressively, this is why they were able to construct great monuments, like the Shpinx and Pyramids. Designed mathematical equations to solve difficult problems. Combine herbs/plants and Concoct medicines that would cure illnesses. Perform successful surgeries without the assumed, technologically advanced tools without infection. The awareness that connects you to your Ancient past. Your awareness that the Triune=father, son, and holy spirit(What Christians commonly refer to as Holy Trinity) is the realization that Man, Spirit, and GOD are One. The ALMIGHTY SPIRIT OF GOD HE manifested(made being) in the physical human form and likeness of Himself. We were created in his image. The Original Man was formed from the dust of the ground. Humus soil(BLACK SOIL). The shade of the mothers and fathers of the human race was that of Malanin(which by definition means black). The wise Egyptians refered to themselves as Black Gods because they possesed knowledge of all sciences use to create the world, and everything in it. A Cyclical sense of time, always reproducing, to continue the course of nature, "LIFE". The Original Man and Woman and their continuous reproduction of that human seed will live forever. So as it has been written, carved in stone(hieroglyphics) on structures that were designed to last, Like Man, spirit, and God. As long as The spirit of God exist, so will Man. We are God. In the physical material world. European scholars know this. Look at the back of a dollar bill and you will see for yourself. The EYE OF HORUS(The All Seeing, All knowing) eye. They know the truth.......
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:15:39 +0000

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