Success in life is equevalent to attendance of a - TopicsExpress


Success in life is equevalent to attendance of a meeting. November 19, 2013 Leave a comment 1 Vote There is no doubt that everybody would want to be successful in life. Though there might be no standard measure of success or riches, we assume that one will be successful if he/she has reached a point of content, is happy and has achieved what he/she would want in life. To get at the above point in life, time will tell. It is equated to attendance of any meeting. Whenever a meeting is called, the time to start that meeting is given in advance depending on its nature. However, not all people will attend that meeting (with or without apologies). Others will attend earlier than the agreed time, others will be there on time while others will come late, late or very late. Among our many goals in life is to stay in a comfortable place and have enough money with extra to dish out to friends or relatives whenever they are in need. To achieve this goal, we’re advised to go to school (Primary level, Secondary and Universities or Colleges) after which one will get a nice job and get good salary. This requirement is standard despite the diverse backgrounds. In this case, we’re forced to use all possible means to ensure that we reach the destination. There’re many constraints though! Financial backgrounds and the level of cleverness play a major role in determining how long and whether or not we’ll get the end. Genius kids get good marks, go to good schools and universities then land on lucrative jobs. Also, those who come from well off families take advantage by paying out to nice schools and universities, then they too get nice jobs. There is a group that is so disadvantaged in all these and have to pass through a long, long route unsure of the end! The advantageous kids complete their education at a very early age and get jobs while they’re still young. This group is equivalent to people who attend a scheduled meeting early i.e minutes or hours just before time. There are people who were neither genius nor too wealthy, they completed their education at the right time and age, hustled kidogo kidogo then got jobs. They had to perhaps come and start assisting their parents before starting their own. This is a group equivalent to attendance who arrived at the meeting at exact time. There is another group of people who in life, they were not genius enough to beat odds in school and coupled with home background being VERY poor. They didn’t see the door to access secondary education leave alone colleges or universities. They end up doing odd jobs and ultimately, due to their age got married and had children. By God’s grace, they bore clever children and by chance, got sponsorships then prospered. Afterwards, these children came back after getting good jobs then assisted their parents build nice houses na mahitaji mengine kama kulipa madeni nka. This group is equivalent to those people who attended the meeting late, late or very late. Lastly, is a group who’s equated to members who failed to attend a meeting. These are people who lost hope in life and died before achieving their goals. Their children too didn’t get a decent environment and end up devastated. They are regarded as “waliolaaniwa” Moral of the story: We all have equal opportunities under the sun, it’s only a matter of time. Never lose hope.Image Filed under Blog Never boast as long as you’re still an employee. November 5, 2013 Leave a comment 1 Vote There is a common saying from the people of Rift Valley, Kenya that goes, “Cheluk beet”. It means that, when you possess somebody’s property say a cow (since they practice small scale livestock keeping), don’t ever rely on it fully. This is because you might look after it, feed very well and by the time it calves, the owner comes without any notice, goes with his possession at a broad daylight! In stead, you better have one that is yours such that when the owner takes his, you can console yourself with yours which perhaps might have been lesser than the other one. This saying applies very well to our daily and most coveted jobs with lucrative salaries and allowances either in government or private institutions whether you’re on permanent or non-permanent basis. Inevitably, one day, you’ll go. However, though going is a must and we all know, the most humiliating part is how you’ll exit the job. In our country Kenya, we’ve experienced high ranking and most popular people removed out of office they’ve worked in for sometime. There’s always NO thank you on this! We all remember how humiliating it was when our former 2nd President of Kenya Rtd. President Moi exited from the highest office in the land. He was thrown with mud at the Uhuru Park by the public as Rtd. President Kibaki came into office. So painful! Having served in office for 24 years, there was NO thank you at all! The former MD of the Kenya Pipeline Company was shown the door and his very junior staff (Security guards at the gate) were used to chap chap him out of office without any minute delay! The former Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Gladys Boss Sholei was forced out of office while on official duty abroad ‘with shoddy investigation into the matter’! Her office including the office of staff serving in her office were shut immediately. Ah, these jobs, bure kabisa saa zingine. It doesn’t matter if you committed an offense or not, that is not the case at least until somebody’s name is tarnished in a hot thief-pursuit style. Investigations later! These are cases of some well known individuals. What about those whom we don’t know for now! It means that if you’re still employed, still an employee of whoever it is, you should not rely wholly on it because it’s not yours! (Don’t carry all eggs in one basket) You’ll go at a time you least expected. You better keep watch ”Kaa Rada” On the other hand, you should know that as you climb up the ladder in employment, don’t boast about it. Mind your juniors (very important) because, one day you’ll require their help when you’ll be in problems. Treat all people well. (Luke 6:31 The Golden Rule. Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.)
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 11:33:21 +0000

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