Sufi Qawwali. - How strange is that in Lahore they play and enjoy - TopicsExpress


Sufi Qawwali. - How strange is that in Lahore they play and enjoy Sufi Qqwwali, but Islamic leaders declared sufis outcast and even brutally killed hundreds of sufis- some like Mansoor in public by throwing stones. But all that is beautiful and divine in Islamic culture is gift of Sufis. I hope new generation of Islamic people recognize and bring back glory of sufism. Sufis were the people who understood real message of Mohammed-the message beyond words. But Mohammed was pained to see social condition of constant fighting in name of different gods in those days Arabia that it was almost impossible for true seekers of truth, to take up peacefully journey into higher plane. He prayed for 40 days and this social rule book descended upon him, whereby he wanted transform society and make it right place for few daring seekers to go deep into higher truths. He had even to use sword to protect himself and stop fanatic. But those masses got stuck with Koran so much that they declared it only book of Islam. They also took up sword to force this book upon all people around it. That killed all possibility of evolution. In India religion grew, because there are thousands of spiritual books and thousands of enlightened masters respected and recognized, which help to keep religion live, growing and fresh. Koran was meant to be only social rule book, meant for people with little interest,, or capacity to go for higher realms of spirituality, so that people like Sufis can realize ultimate essence of Allah. But this same book became cause of destruction of Sufi cult. The unintelligent fanatic rulers were clinging to koran so much that they burnt out great literature of Sufis and even stoned to death great sufis like Mansoor, whom many regard to have reached even plane higher than Mohammed.. How can an enlightened master have only one book for all life message? Osho has 700 books, still he felt that message was yet to be conveyed. India also has rule book like Vedas, but that is not considered ultimate. There have been hundreds of Upanishads and thousands of commentary. Truth is so vast and ways to reach it are so diverse, that one master or one book can never contain whole truth. Many friends ask me that if I liked Islam or what level I would place it compared to all religions. My answer is I like it and would place it at high pedestal only if it recognizes and understand sufis and opens it doors for fair criticism and has courage to remove false and cruel unholy paragraphs from their so called fundamental book. In fact, one book and one savior formula seems to me suffocating and limiting all potential of inner and outer growth.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 10:08:34 +0000

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