Sunday Morning Blog Time, boys and girls. Go and grab your tea - TopicsExpress


Sunday Morning Blog Time, boys and girls. Go and grab your tea and/or coffee and have a lookie loo. With a cup of my usual Orange Pekoe tea with the anticipated two sugar and milk splashed into it, I am going to converse with you today on the topic of...Approval. Yup...this will hit home for a number of you sensitive ones out there. For those of you with those tough exteriors, even. So, keep reading if this topic piques your interest. From the time we are quite young we are perceived by an audience.... You know, as I am writing this, I am getting bored. Lets go on a journey together and shake things up a bit. I will give you a synopsis of where the Approval blog was going to go... ...blah blah blah...everyone will judge...blah blah do your own thing anyway....blah blah were designed to be unique so go offer the world a piece of you. There. We got that off my chest. I was asked yesterday by a client of mine whom I respect on a great scale why is it that I have chosen to blog every Sunday? I replied that there was something gratifying within writing for me that thinks that I am speaking to an individual instead of the 1800 or so friends I have on Facebook. As I write every status or blog, I feel as though I am writing intimately to you. Some of you may even feel and resonate with that. Good. I am glad. I want you to feel that way. This is my intention. I am contemplative to day. There is a twinge of melancholy within my mood. I am going to blame it on the November rain. Do you know that I sometimes feel guilty when I am not happy or living in a state of gratefulness? Let me divulge. Here in Canada we have so much. It is not an everyday worry for us to leave our homes in fear of being killed by the military or genocide. We have many crops and running water and an economic system that has potential to thrive. Women and men are generally equated with each other and, overall, we have a decent system going on. I am living in a 33 year (young) body where I possess all my senses, limbs, digits and awareness. Love is a part of my every day. And I just ate a homemade chocolate chip cookie. So, in my opinion, I am well fed. Cumulatively, all of the said above should make me happy on the grandest scale. Just as is. And it does, my friends. I AM grateful. But how on Earth does one stay in the constant state of gratitude without: A) Annoying the Hell out of others B) Annoying the Hell out of yourself and the experience of being human C) Feeling the old nudge of guilt if you feel anything less than that. Lets get real for a moment. *Pause as I take a sip from my tea*(its cold...bleh) Its IMPOSSIBLE to be in a state of anything for a pre-meditated period of time. And it is also unrealistic to expect to have any emotion/feeling stay constant. As human beings, we are receptive to what comes our way and through our life. We have our key components of our general intelligence, IQ,upbringing, nature vs.nurture, etc... We are vessels designed to feel things as they come, process it and then release. Often in life, we do not do that. We feel things as they come, oh yes. We process it (in my case...OVERprocess it) and then when it comes to the release, we somehow miss that step. What are we? Pack rats? What does holding on to an emotion really serve us or others? I am currently working on actively trying to just be. Take things in as they come. Feel it. And then onto the next. I do not want to live my life in the past or try to project too much into the future because I seriously dont want to miss out on this experience. Its just too much fun. I am learning that expectation is not a good thing. Its a perceived safety mechanism. Life is not supposed to be safe. You know that saying...A ship is safe in the harbour. But that is not the purpose of a ship. Its true. If you feel sad, so be it. If you feel happy, let it be. If you feel angry, express it(in the healthiest way possible,please....dont punch anybody and blame it on Lindsays blog made me do this) I challenge you to feel whatever comes your way this week. I challenge you to process it authentically and allow yourself to feel exactly how it makes you feel. No apologies. Dissect it and get to the core of it if you must. Then, I challenge you to release it. Let it go. You need not to hold onto it. On to the next, please. Back to my client who asked why I blog....I enjoy sharing insight with you. I am grateful that you take the time to read this and I am humbled that I may provoke something within you that may help you in this little journey of ours. But, in all honesty, I write for my sanity. There is so much within me that if I dont get it out, I may just expand and explode. I release. Blessings, smooches and all that good stuff, Lindsay Maxwell.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 16:42:40 +0000

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