Sunday, November 30: The last 6 days have been all about - TopicsExpress


Sunday, November 30: The last 6 days have been all about “preparing” for some thing at our house. Preparing for the relatives to come, preparing the food, preparing to take down all the fall decorations, preparing to put up the Christmas decorations, preparing to go to the Rising Star Roping, preparing for our friends to visit from Kansas, preparing to get out the door early on Monday, preparing to leave for the NFR………..well, you get the picture. We all do it, I know I am guilty of it – we spend so much time in the preparing that we could miss the point. Not that anything we have done is bad or wrong, but I have had to remind myself that it is the people, not the event that matters. I am drawn to the story of Mary and Martha and how Martha worked so diligently while Mary sat at the feet of the Savior. Although Martha’s intention was good, she missed the blessing of time with Jesus because she was “preparing”. Now, let me clarify that I feel that there is purpose in preparing and planning, Lord willing, but I don’t want to lose sight of why I prepare…….. So over the last few days, Dane has really talked about how much he misses roping, rodeo, the whole thing. So his daddy has been talking with him about preparing…. How each step of his recovery is preparing him to return to what he loves. They talk about why one legged squats are important to strengthen his glut medius so he can have the stability to flank a calf. They talk about why jumping rope will help with roping, why all these exercises that he and his daddy do have benefit to help him get where he wants to be but he has to prepare, all the while keeping his eye on why he is preparing…. So as we embark on the Christmas season, may we all prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Savior. “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,..” 1 Peter 3:15 Glory to God….Sunday’s coming…..
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:09:36 +0000

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