Sunday October 20, 2013 Gospel according to St. Luke 18: - TopicsExpress


Sunday October 20, 2013 Gospel according to St. Luke 18: 1;-8 The Lord. said, Pay attention to what the dishonest judge says. Will not God then secure the rights of her chosen ones who call out to Him day and night? Will He be sloe to answer them?. I tell you, He will see to it that justice is done for them speedily. But when the Son of man comes, will He find faith on earth. Isnt this what we shared last Sunday? An understanding of faith and belief? But today , the meaning of faith is not based on cumulative tradition, id.est. ( scripture, narratives and oral tradition, song and dance and music...) but a faith that show the persistence of those who cry day and night in prayer as a petition to receivve the justice they deserve in an expeditious manner. Like the beginning and ending of last Sundays reflection and I quote Stand up and go, your faith has saved you.. Jesus means the attitude of trust and commitment by which a person depends completely on the mercy of God. As we profess our faith at every celebration of the Eucharist, have faith that saves. the faith by which we turn our lives over to the Lord with complete trust, praying without ceasing, praying without proof, that we may receive and see the justice to our petitions.and hope that we keep that kind of faith till He comes again. Our prayers without ceasing day and night for the victims of the big earthquake in Central Visayas Philippines especially Bohol and Cebu, that God secure the the rights of His people, that they may receive the grace of a new humanity with a faith that saves, and this we ask in your Holy Name Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.....Mother Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us..Amen. Commentary from the writings of Abbot Jerome Kodell
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 06:10:59 +0000

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