Sunday Sermon: Good Samaritan: A Lesson on Loving Your - TopicsExpress


Sunday Sermon: Good Samaritan: A Lesson on Loving Your Neighbor A Jewish man was traveling down the road on his way to Jericho. It was a town where he was going to do some business so he could earn some money for his family. Along the way, robbers were lurking behind some bushes. When they saw that the man was alone, they jumped out of the bushes, beat the man up and robbed him of all he had! They left the man lying there to die all by himself. He was bleeding and could not even move. Sometime later, a Jewish priest came along. The priest stopped for just a moment to look at the hurt man and, surprisingly, moved quickly to the other side of the road. Then a Levite came along. He almost didnt notice the man who was lying by the side of the road bleeding. When he did see him, the Levite just kept going, ignoring the dying man. A long time went by and the traveler moaned and groaned with pain. Then a Samaritan, a man who was not considered to be a friend of the Jewish people, came along. The Jewish people and the Samaritan people were not friendly to each other. This Samaritan, however, loved God. When he saw the traveler lying by the side of the road, hurt and bleeding, he immediately stopped and started to look after his wounds. He poured oil on his cuts and made bandages to cover the wounds. He gave the man a drink and covered him with a blanket. Then he put him on his donkey. He led his donkey, with the injured man on top, back to town and took him to an inn. An inn is like a hotel. He gave the owner of the inn enough money to take care of the injured man for a whole month! He even told the innkeeper that if it was not enough money, he would give him more when he came back through town again. Who do you think was the good friend to the hurt man? Was it the Jewish priest? Was it the Levite? No, it was the Samaritan man! The one that we would expect to ignore the hurt man! The Good Samaritan went out of his way to help the injured man and he did it with gladness and love. The third character in the story is a Samaritan. The Samaritan was just an ordinary person. Not too religious. Not too holy. Not too good. But when he saw the man in need, he stopped to help. He exhibited God’s love through his actions. What the Samaritan did was not necessarily easy for him. He went out of his way to help. He probably had other things he needed to do. Maybe he was even late for a meeting. And moreover, Jewish people did not generally treat Samaritan’s well. But, still the Samaritan stopped and helped. How did he help? We read that: 1. He saw the man 2. He had compassion 3. He went to the man 4. He bandaged his wounds 5. He poured oil and wine on the wounds 6. He set the man on his own animal 7. He took him to an inn and took care of him all night 8. He paid the inn keeper 9. And he promised to return and pay more if needed And from each of these acts, we can learn more about walking in love as God has called us to. 1. Love calls for keeping our eyes open and seeing people and their needs. 2. Love calls for compassion not judgment 3. Love calls for getting involved. 4. Love calls for action. 5. Love calls for giving your best. 6. Love calls for setting others needs before our own. 7. Love calls for seeing the job through. 8. Love calls for helping in all ways possible, not just doing what is easiest. 9. Love calls for follow-up. #goodsamaritan #hindi #biblestudy #sermon #love #loveyourneighhbor #parable #truelove #hindisermon
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 02:09:45 +0000

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