Supercharge your body today with nutrients it can use. Moringa - TopicsExpress


Supercharge your body today with nutrients it can use. Moringa provides 90+ all-natural vitamins, phyto-functional minerals (such as zinc and iron), trace elements and every essential protein required for muscle growth. In addition, pound for pound moringa has 7x the Vitamin C found in oranges, 4x the Vitamin A of carrots, 4x the calcium of milk and 3x potassium of bananas 3x iron of spinach and 2x protein of yogurt. Moringa oleifera is nature’s whole-food complex, which makes it easy for your body to recognize, absorb and assimilate. Zija Is The Moringa Company chadwickhaley.myzija 910-470-9178
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 04:10:17 +0000

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