Supplementary Election is Illegal and Unconstitutional, By Jiti - TopicsExpress


Supplementary Election is Illegal and Unconstitutional, By Jiti Ogunye In attempting to manage the deliberately contrived inconclusive election crisis in Anambra State Governorship Election held on Saturday, 16th of November, 2013, INEC has, after “releasing the results ” of the inconclusive election, stated that a ” supplementary election” will be conducted in 15 Local Government Areas of the State to enable over 113,000 disenfranchised voters to join those who have “successfully voted”. This intervention is to inform Nigerians that INEC has chosen a path of illegality, as there is no room or provision in the Electoral Act or in the Constitution of Nigeria for a so-called supplementary election. Broadly, under the Electoral Act, there are four types of election: a general election, a bye election, a fresh election or rerun election, and a run-off ( second ballot or third ballot) election, as the case may be. A general election is the regular election that is conducted under the Electoral Act and the Constitution. It may be a presidential, governorship or a legislative house ( senate, house of representatives, or a state house of assembly) election or election into a local government council or area council. A bye election is one conducted to fill a legislative seat, which became vacant by the death, resignation, incapacity or recall of an incumbent. A rerun election or a fresh election is one conducted, pursuant to an order of an Election Tribunal or Election Appeal Tribunal nullifying the result of a particular election, and directing that a fresh election be conducted in place of the nullified or voided election; a run-off election is one conducted between two leading candidates vying for a particular office, after the initial election amongst the many candidates contesting for that office has failed to produce a clear winner, who has won not only the majority of the votes cast in the election, but who also has fulfilled the requirements of the Electoral Act to be declared a winner and given a certificate of return. Now, under Section 47 of the Electoral Act, 2010, ” voting in any particular election under the Act shall take place on the same day and time throughout the Federation.”. Section 46(1)(a) of the Act provides that “The Commission shall, not later than 14 days before the day of election, caused to be published, in such manner as it may deem fit, a notice specifying the day and hour fixed for the poll” Section 26(1) of the Electoral Act provides that ” where a date has been appointed for the holding of an election, and there is reason to believe that a serious breach of the peace is likely to occur if the election is proceeded with on that date or it is impossible to conduct the elections as a result of natural disasters or other emergencies, the Commission may postpone the election and shall in respect of the area, or areas concerned, appoint another date for the holding of the postponed election, provided that such reason for the postponement is cogent and verifiable” Section 26 (3, 4 &5) then provides that ” where the Commission appoints a substituted date in accordance with subsections (1) and (2) of this Section, there shall be no return for the election until polling has taken place in the area or areas affected”; ” notwithstanding the provision of subsection (3) of this section, the Commission may, if satisfied that the result of the election will not be affected by voting in the area or areas in respect of which substituted dates have been appointed, direct that a return of the election be made”; and that ” the decision of the Commission under subsection (4) may be challenged by any of the contestants at a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction and on such challenge, the decision shall be suspended until the matter is determined”. It is our considered submission that Section 26 of the Electoral Act, 2010, as amended, only contemplates the postponement of a scheduled election before the “arrival” of the date appointed for the conduct of the election on any of the three grounds (reasons) therein contained. The postponement must be before or ahead of the date earlier appointed, not during or after. Further, the postponement of an election date and the appointment of a new date for the postponed election must be done pari passu. Under the Section, an indefinite postponement is not envisaged or permissible. This Section is, therefore, not a statutory authority for the now familiar absurdity in Nigeria’s electoral system, called ” supplementary election“. There is no legal backing, in the Electoral Act or in the Constitution, for this travesty of electoral practice. As the Nigerian people witnessed in the 2011 General Elections, and in particular during the Imo State Governorship Election, and as they have seen in the Edo State Governorship Election, the Ondo State Governorship Election, and now in the AnaMbra State Governorship Election, INEC has been “misconducting” and mismanaging our elections. Fortunately, the presumed integrity of the INEC’s leadership has made many to give INEC the benefit of the doubt. We may recall that in late 2012 during the Edo State Governorship Election, even when election materials did not arrive in polling stations across Benin City, Edo State, the centre from which the election materials and electoral officers were supposedly deployed, until in the afternoon, after the scheduled time for the closure of voters accreditation, preparatory to voting, the problem of logistics, and not act of deliberate sabotage, was blamed. In the light of this recurring inconclusive and consequential supplementary elections, a charge of deliberate sabotage of the electoral process and manipulation of the sovereign will of the electorate, and not mere incompetence, justifiably can be laid at the doorstep of INEC. The contemporaneousness of voting during an election is central to the freeness and fairness of an election. It is at the core of the credibility and integrity of the election. It is not a light matter. This is why Sections 125 and 148 of the Electoral Act provide for ” requirement of secrecy in voting” and “secrecy of ballot“. Section 125( 1,2 &3) provides that ” any person in attendance at a polling unit including every officer charged with the conduct of an election and his or her assistants and every polling agent and candidate in attendance at a polling station or at the collation centre, as the case may be, shall maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting; no person in attendance at a polling booth under this section shall, except for some purpose authorized by law, communicate to any person information as to the name or number on the register of any voter who has or has not voted at the place of voting; and no person shall (a) interfere with a voter casting his vote, or by any other means obtain or attempt to obtain in a polling unit information as to the candidate for whom a voter in that place is about to vote for or has voted for; or (b) communicate at any time to any other person information obtained in a polling unit as to the candidate to whom a voter is about to vote or has voted for”. Section 148 says that ” no person who has voted in any election under this Act shall, in any legal proceedings arising out of the election, be required to say for whom he voted” Voting in an election that ought to be conducted on the same day and at the same time is no longer secret or credible, free and fair when the election is deliberately, mischievously, corruptly or incompetently bifurcated and conducted partially or inconclusively, and the results of the part that is conducted is released, to guide, manipulate, confuse, or discourage the segment of the voting population or electorate yet to cast their votes; or the result of the partly conducted election is released to foist a feeling of hopelessness, helplessness or fait accompli on the electorate that is yet to be allowed to vote. To be specific, in the unfolding Anambra State Governorship Election charade, while over 113,000 voters, scattered over 15 Local Government Areas of the State, were prevented from voting and told that they would vote in a supplementary election, at a future date that is yet to be announced, INEC has gone ahead to release the results of the election that is conducted in all the Local Government Areas, showing that the APGA Candidate was not only leading with a vote score of 174, 710, to PDP’s Candidate’s 94,956, and APC’s Candidate 92, 300, but also showing that the APGA Candidate has won a majority of the votes cast in 16 Local Government Areas out of the 21 Local Government Areas. Thus, INEC has, while the election is yet to be concluded, disclosed the candidate who is leading and who has won majority of the votes in more than two-thirds of the Local Government Areas of the State. That is why APGA has declared victory, claiming that “a victory delayed is not a victory denied” The conduct or if you will the misconduct of INEC in the Anambra State Governorship Election is a gross violation of the provisions of the Electoral Act. It is a terrifying foretaste of what is likely to happen in 2015, and it is one good reason why the political power addicts who are angling for the attainment of unitary and despotic power in Abuja, and therefore shunning a credible National Conference, the outcome of which will be subject to a national referendum, must have a rethink now. With INEC’s supplementary election system, there is no prospect of peaceful transfer of power in Aso Rock. Jiti Ogunye, is a Lagos based constitutional lawyer and legal analyst for Premium Times This intervention is inspired by the questions that were asked by Shola Soyele, Channels Television Senior Judiciary Correspondent, during an interview session on the legality of supplementary elections.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 19:22:43 +0000

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