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Support NumbersUSA... https://numbersusa/content/ Conservative Christian view of comprehensive immigration reform….my view….(Gene Ellefson). First, I have come up with the word “illegrants” to mean “illegal immigrant”. By combining the words it shows that they are not “undocumented immigrants”, or other politically correct term. I have heard Christians and particularly liberal Christians (an oxymoron if ever there was one) take things from the Bible, out of context and use that for justifying their positions on immigration….many of these people have financial or other reasons to do this. This includes the American Catholic bishops who I believe think that adding more “Catholic” parishioners will increase the size of their coffers and increase income for the Church or increase the political clout of the Catholic church. Of course, this ignores the fact that most illegals who are supposed to be getting amnesty supposedly are already in this country and already supposedly attend services…it also ignores that these same immigrants if given the right to vote would overwhelming support Democrat politics, who in the long run seek the destruction of the Church through the implementation of their liberal policies. Regardless, I have seen Leviticus Ch 19 used as justification….wherein they interpret the word for sojourner as “foreigner”….First, the word sojourner implies someone who comes into the land temporarily and not with the intent of taking up residence and using resources (welfare, healthcare, education, etc.). The Old Testament had several words to differentiate between “aliens” in their culture….one of those refers to someone who comes to the country legally and wants to become a part of the culture, i.e. Becomes an Israelite….circumcision, and follows the law of the Bible….those new people are to be treated like natives and not charged interest, etc. They are to be incorporated into Israel society fully…Another word for an alien who may be traveling through the country on business or are not part of the Israel culture is used for people like our “illegrants” of today….and in Israel they were not treated like native born….they could be charged interest and they did not have the same legal rights as Israelites. By ignoring the history and the Bible in the different classes of aliens the proponents of amnesty falsely claim that all aliens were treated the same in ancient Israel…there are many references that show this is not the case….it is a false argument which relies on false interpretation of the Hebrew language. Second, these same people also attempt to use the New Testament to justify amnesty for illegrants. They do so in a couple of ways, one being the general question “what would Jesus do?” Jesus would treat the illegrant as an individual who deserves forgiveness of sin if he repents, just like he treats all people who seek him with a repentant heart….that treatment of the person, is completely separate from their political or personal standing in society. It is in stark contrast to how reformists would have us believe, that somehow Jesus would have a teaching towards a perceived “class” or group of people whether they are legal or illegally in a country….When does Jesus ever grant favor or salvation to a group or class of people in the New Testament? Only one group is treated as a “group” in a positive manner, and that is those people who accept the Good News and who seek God, “Believers”. There are no cases I know of where because someone was a Jew, a Roman, a Samaritan, a Pharisee, a Saducee, man, or woman, master or slave or a migrant or a native, or any other group that deserves special treatment toward salvation. All people are to be treated as individuals. That means you treat them with respect and you provide them with food and water if they have none. You care for the sick and injured. Jesus never talks about what government should do in their legal systems, nor how governments should treat their citizens or non-citizens. It is how we, as Christians should treat others, as our neighbors….not as citizens…Jesus never decried slavery or capital punishment. Jesus purposely stayed out of Roman politics. It is my view that Jesus would see the attempts by these people to use His name to give rights or privileges to people from a government as very hypocritical….and we know what Jesus thought about hypocrites very clearly. We have a personal savior whose focus was on telling us the means to salvation. It is my view that people who try to invoke the name of Jesus to justify governmental action on the illegal status of people are doing so out of regard for their own political and financial gain, or out of ego. That makes them hypocrites. Paul, on the other hand had plenty to say about the amnesty situation. Paul in Romans and other places told us that we are to respect the laws of the government because governments were instilled by God. Paul also did not decry slavery or capital punishment. Paul also did not focus on changing the laws of the government around him……Paul also had the mission of bringing people to salvation through Christ. In June, 2013, 170 evangelical Christian leaders signed a letter which did NOT endorse a specific piece of legislation regarding immigration. They did sign a letter which was a general statement that lists 6 areas that any immigration policy should have from their perspective….they are: • Respects the God-given dignity of every person • Protects the unity of the immediate family • Respects the rule of law • Guarantees secure national borders • Ensures fairness to taxpayers • Establishes a path toward legal status and/or citizenship for those who qualify and who wish to become permanent residents. This list is one that most Christians can agree on….most conservatives including myself would take out citizenship because as mentioned below, supplying the liberal Democrats with 25 million more voters almost ensures that our entire future and the future of our children will be enslaved to liberal ideologies of socialism and the eventual loss of our sovereignty to the UN. Look at the groups supporting amnesty… La Raza, a bigoted, hateful group whose mission statement includes language that calls for the retaking of ¼ of the US land through mass immigration or violent means as necessary. The NEA: Who sees illegal immigrants and their follow-on family members as a source of jobs for more teachers. George Soros: Who is a multi-billionaire, who has committed his life and fortune to the destruction of the sovereignty of the United States and formation of a New World Order with one currency (not the dollar) and one government body, like the UN. George Soros even falsely claimed in ads that he purchased that the aforementioned letter signed by evangelical preachers was done to support S 744…which was a total fabrication. The list of liberal groups who are supporting this legislation include unions and the Chamber of Commerce who seemingly would not agree on such legislation….but unions want more dues paying members and the Chamber of Commerce wants to ensure low wage (below minimum), low skill workforce for their members. A long list of Christian organizations supports amnesty because, like the American Catholic bishops they see new members as a source of income and political clout. A host of advocacy groups other than Hispanic groups like La Raza (whose very name is bigoted and means “the race”) support amnesty so that they can gain political clout…groups like the ACLU, the Anti-Defamation League, and “People for the American Way”. All of these liberal groups support amnesty for various reasons, but mostly because it ensures Democratic voting wins for local, state, and federal elections virtually forever. We no longer will have a country of Democrats and Republicans and Independents….we will only have liberal politicians and liberal policies voted in. Comprehensive immigration reform is going to further destroy the middle class in this country. Our education, our taxes, our healthcare, the futures of our children will all be negatively impacted by this legislation. The middle class and the poor in this country are being sold out again by groups that only have their memberships and their finances in mind and in their hearts, or like many of the groups and George Soros who have the liberal, one world government agenda to promote. A fallacy of the entire immigration reform debate is that by solving this problem it will be done and over. That is an obvious lie. The Democrats would not even allow an amendment put forth by Sen Cornyn of Texas that would require enough border security so that there would be a 90% stoppage of illegal immigration along the border for 6 months before amnesty would start to be in effect…not 100%, just 90% and that was not acceptable. The Democrats know that they intend to do virtually nothing to stop illegal immigration even if “comprehensive reform” is implemented. Once the “illegrants” have been legalized, they will have the legal standing to get higher wages. This makes them less useful for the jobs they do now (cleaning, picking fruit, etc). This means that they will eventually replaced by the next set of “illegrants” who will also be guaranteed citizenship as a form of bribe for voting with the Democrats. The Democrats are calling all Americans, and in particular middle class, tax paying citizens stupid….I am not stupid. I am not a sheep that they can control by their unfair and unjust legislation. What it comes down to is this…in my view. Do we repeat the mistake of 1986 and legalize 15 million more people who have broken our laws? Do we allow those 15 million people to then bring another 25 million more people (generally poor) into our country? Do we increase tax burdens on the middle class even more to pay for education, welfare, imprisonment, healthcare, and general services of people who came here illegally? Do we increase our national debt and destroy state and federal budgets in the process of paying more unemployment benefits and the aforementioned expenses? Do we take jobs away from low income people already in this country, who are citizens of this country, who are here legally? Do we further damage our education system by incorporating more and more poor people who don’t know English? Do we legalize and eventually make citizens of 15 to 40 million people who in the future will overwhelmingly vote Democratic thereby ensuring more liberal policies will be implemented and even more illegal immigration will be guaranteed? In the end, do we turn our sovereignty over to the United Nations through these same liberal policies? If you are a concerned citizen like myself I encourage you, I implore you to stand up and be counted…you can do this by calling and faxing and e-mailing. You can do this by showing up at your elected official’s offices and discussing it with them….or simply by showing them a copy of this letter. Or you can join a group like NumbersUSA (https://numbersusa/content/).
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:04:06 +0000

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