Surat-Surat Kepada Pimpinan Gereja Letter to His Holiness To - TopicsExpress


Surat-Surat Kepada Pimpinan Gereja Letter to His Holiness To His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI The Apostolic Palace Vatican City, 00120 Rome. ITALY Your Holiness, We are the Community of Charity Services of the Blessed Mother, a community founded by Mother Mary, our Lord’s Mother, on May 23, 1995. The aim of this community is to work together with Agnes Sawarno, an Indonesian visionary, to convey the messages of our Lord Jesus and our Mother Mary to their children in Indonesia, and after the death of Sister Lucia dos Santos de Jesus OCD, also to their children in all over the world, in connection with the nearing purification of the world and the mankind. On behalf of the Community, we are conveying our witnesses and experiences on the spiritual journey to Fatima on May 13, 2005. Before we start with our letter we would like to confess our faith and our conviction as follows: 1. We believe in all the contents of the Apostles’ Creed. 2. We believe that the Christian Economy, since it is the new and definitive covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ (DV 4). 3. Yet even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries (Catechism of the Catholic Church 66). 4. To understand the full significance of the Holy Bible, based on the public Revelation that is already complete, we are convinced that we will be helped by our Lord Jesus, who is always with us according to His promise: ”Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them“ (Matt 18:20), and “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt 28:20) and by our Mother Mary, who had been given as Mother by Jesus to His followers (cf John 19:26-27), to help them, and who after taken up to heaven did not lay aside her salvific duty, but by her constant intercession continued to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. By her maternal charity, she cares for the brethren of her Son, who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and difficulties, until they are led into the happiness of their true home” (LG 62). 5. We believe that the help of our Lord Jesus and our Mother Mary is given among other things in the form of private revelations. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it (private revelation) in a certain period of history. Guided by the Magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the church (Catechism of the Catholic Church 67). This is to introduce our community and our faith and convictions. Your Holiness, As is mentioned above we are asked by our Lord Jesus and our Mother Mary to spread their messages related to the purification of the world and the mankind, in order that her children will be ready to face it by wholly returning themselves to God. Repeatedly, Lord Jesus and Mother Mary, conveyed through Agnes Sawarno, asked the Bishops and the Priests to prepare their children, but it had been ignored by many of them, because the spirit of the world influences them. Many Bishops and Priests seem to have left behind the Catholic values for the sake of integration into modern culture. There is no more firmness in teaching; they stress no more holiness in life and no more professional in guiding God’s children. Therefore we were asked to write a letter to the Indonesian Hierarchy, and we had done it five times. The last two were written on May 10, 2005 and September 12, 2005. In our letter on May 10, 2005, we wrote that, as assigned by our Lord Jesus and our Mother Mary, Agnes Sawarno and 20 members of the Community of Charity Services of the Blessed Mother had left Jakarta for Fatima. Agnes Sawarno had to continue the mission of Sister Lucia, namely to convey the messages given by Mother Mary in 1917 in connection with the purification of the world, that is still kept hidden, in order that the Catholic Church can prepare her children facing the mentioned purification, which will reach its climax in the form of Three Days of Darkness covering the whole world. To that letter we attached our first booklet entitled “THE MIRACLE OF THE SUN IS PERFORMED AGAIN AND THE PURIFICATION IS NEAR”. We had prepared and multiplied this booklet to be distributed in Fatima. In that booklet we informed the assignment we received from our Lord Jesus and our Mother Mary, namely to become delegates and witnesses in resounding the Fatima Messages of 1917, that there were still a part of it, which is still hidden and have to be opened promptly to the world, so the European people can receive the “sign” for their conversion upon approaching the purification of the world. If Agnes and the Community did not go there, they would not receive the sign to prepare themselves, and would directly face the climax of the purification of the world through the “three days of darkness”. We had brought about that assignment according to our capability. To the letter of September 12, 2005 to all Bishops in Indonesia, we attached also a book entitled “MUJIZAT KEMBALI TERJADI DAN PUNCAK PEMURNIAN DUNIA SUDAH SEMAKIN DEKAT” (in Indonesian language, 1st edition). This is the second book, expressing our witnesses and experiences, as they were, with full awareness that this pilgrimage had been a spiritual mission, and we had done it in our faith, although sometimes we did not fully understand. Your Holiness, To this letter we would also like to attach our book about our witnesses and experiences to Fatima entitled “THE MIRACLE HAPPENS AGAIN AND THE CLIMAX OF THE PURIFICATION OF THE WORLD IS EXTREMELY NEARING” (translated into English from the second edition of the Indonesian language – which will be published in March 2006) Through this letter we would like to convey to Your Holiness concerning the following matters: (1) The miracle happens again and the climax of the purification of the world is extremely nearing; (2) Jesus Christ is the only Truth and Salvation. • The Miracle Happens Again and the Climax of the Purification of the World is Extremely Nearing. Your Holiness, There is still a hidden message, conveyed to Lucia in 1917, which should be opened to the public, but because it had not been opened yet after Sister Lucia passed away, Mother Mary asked Agnes Sawarno to continue Sister Lucia’s assignment. This would be a new mission for her and the Community of Charity Services of the Blessed Mother in Indonesia, given by Lord Jesus and Mother Mary. Then, on May 10, 2005 Agnes Sawarno and 20 members of the Community of Charity Services of the Blessed Mother left Jakarta for Fatima to perform this new mission. In this letter we witness, that in truth, all what Lucia, Francesco and Jacinta had experienced during the apparition of Mother Mary in 1917, were repeated again at the moment we were present at Fatima on May 13, 2005. Mother Mary appeared again accompanied by the signs of miracles: of the sun, rain, cold wind, heat, and thunderbolts, even double rainbows. All those signs were repeated for echoing again the messages of Mother Mary to Lucia, especially the message about the purification of the world, which is now already going on and will reach its climax in the “three days of darkness”. All those signs were the fulfillment of Mother Mary’s promise to us and also that to Lucia about the seventh time of apparition in Fatima as conveyed by Mother Mary at the first apparition in Fatima on May 13, 1917 (but we ourselves did not understand about it until Mother Mary told it to us during our recollection in Ungaran, Central Java, Archdiocese of Semarang, on August 28, 2005). We were also asked to be witnesses and to resound the Fatima messages in 1917. Your Holiness, On the occasion of another recollection on December 4, 2005 in Ambarawa, once more Mother Mary spoke about the purification. She said: “And I am asking you, to tell to them, especially the Priests… And tell also to your Highest Priest (Your Holiness) in order that the part of the message which is still hidden until now, be opened and be declared to the whole world about the purification of the world”. Therefore with humbleness in heart we hope that Your Holiness would accept our testimonies and at the very least examine it carefully. We would also appreciate, as required by Lord Jesus and Mother Mary, if Your Holiness would be so kind enough to open and declare to the whole world about the purification, as it is publicly understood as ‘the third secret of Fatima’, so that all of the children of God would be well prepared to face the purification of the world. It would be much clearer if Your Holiness read our books attached. We offer again these whole testimonies of ours to Jesus, our Lord and God and to our Mother Mary, the Blessed Mother, who assigned and accompanied us during this spiritual journey, united in one heart and one soul. • Jesus Christ is The Only Goodness, Truth and Salvation Your Holiness, For the Christians, Jesus Christ is the only Goodness, Truth and Salvation. About Himself Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). And the moment before ascending to heaven He said to His disciples: “Go into the entire world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16). In deep concerned we experienced the fact that now there are many among the Priests and Church-officials, who are of opinion that outside Christ, there is also goodness, truth and salvation (their opinion is based on some of Church Documents). The attitude of such Priests and Church-officials can weaken, and in fact, it has already weakened the faith of our Catholic people. This fact is very clearly pictured in the happenings of how easily they change their religion; they leave their Catholic religion, which we believe comes from God. On June 25, 2005 Mother Mary gave the following short message: “All right! This is it that has become a very deep concern in heaven. God has been ignored, because the world looks big to their eyes whose faiths are weakening. My children and you, too, my priests, tell them their weaknesses so far, where they have made their decisions and ignored God to human beings. And tell them to introspect again whatsoever has been said and decided by them, to My children all over the world. And I would say no other salvation has been sent down after God the Lord has returned to heaven. The salvation has been left among you. It has been such a long time that salvation has been among you until God The Lord will return to the earth, that time your God will receive the Truth done by each human beings who believe in Him, and whatever has not been done by the non-believers, the Lord will try and judge all of them. Whoever believes will enter into His Love and Affection; a fair trial will be given to those who believe in Him.” On the occasion of our recollection on November 13, 2005 at Klender, Jakarta, Mother Mary asked us to convey this message to Your Holiness while mentioning Your Holiness’ name “Benedict”: “My beloved priests and all my children who accompanied Agnes, to the places that I have sent you, I have brought you to the other countries, I would have told you that in those countries there were a lot of my children who have left God in their lives, that was the reason that I have brought you. I have made you my witnesses, when you will convey this truth to your Highest Leader. I mention his name here: Benedict. Convey these messages to him these last moments. I am telling you my priests, do it! Do not be afraid, for heaven has seen that what they have reached as a decision is wrong. Victory is in God’s hand. Everything is in God and the salvation is in the hand of God, and they have been afraid of the world”. “That statement, that decision that have shaken the faith of my children as well as their trust to my priests. I, your Mother...., this last moment this truth ought to be revealed, whoever believes will be saved, and whoever does not believe will be lost with the world. These are the last moments for the world”. Because we still do not write a letter yet to Your Holiness, then Lord Jesus urged us once more to convey it to Your Holiness on the occasion of our recollection at Ambarawa, Central Java, Archdiocese of Semarang on December 4, 2005. He said: “No! All their decisions are wrong! They dared to deny My Word because of the world, afraid of the world.” “Tell them, I Am the Way of the Truth and Salvation. You who believe will be saved, but who does not believe will die uselessly. I no longer send down any other salvation to this earth until I come back to be Judge of the mankind. Do not you believe such a thing, as it is the decision men made, but deceived the people”. “Convey My Will, soon! Convey to Your Highest Priest (Your Holiness, red.) that I Am the Way of Salvation! There is no other way”! Your Holiness, For that purpose, with our whole humble heart, we hope that Your Holiness will be disposed to evaluate again some documents of the Church about the Truth and the Salvation in order to be re formulated so that no difference of interpretation can occur in their realization. We would be happy to tell Your Holiness that we praised the Lord that The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had published the declaration of Dominus Iesus (2000), and we also appreciate that Your Holiness has released the first encyclical, namely ‘Deus Caritas Est’. For more clarity concerning the messages of our Lord Jesus and Mother Mary about,“Jesus Christ is The Only way of Salvation”, we would appreciate if Your Holiness read our books attached. Your Holiness, These are the matters we would like to convey to Your Holiness, as stressed by our Lord Jesus and our Mother Mary, especially in the last few months. We hope that this letter and the attached books can be used as materials for the reflection in preparing ourselves and our Catholic community waiting for the purification of the world and its climax, namely the Three Days of Darkness, so that we can face it with joy and happiness as promised repeatedly by Mother Mary to us. It would indeed be much clearer for Your Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, concerning the messages by Lord Jesus as well as by Mother Mary, if Your Holiness would read our website (Indonesian language). All the messages and the contents of the heart of Lord Jesus and Mother Mary from 1995 up to now are readable in the website mentioned, or (English language), which is still incomplete yet. If there is anything that is not pleasing Your Holiness, with our whole humble heart we apologize, we did all that in faith and we testified it as they were, we are only as ‘instruments’ to convey them to Your Holiness. We hope that this letter will come to Your Holiness attention and cooperation appropriately, with our sincere gratitude. We also pray that Your Holiness will always be in good health and that the Holy Spirit will always enlighten Your Holiness with truthful wisdom. In the name of our Lord Jesus and our Mother Mary, we are certainly ready to face the climax of the nearing purification of the world. Jakarta, February 6, 2006. Yours sincerely in Jesus Christ and Mother Mary, On behalf of the COMMUNITY OF CHARITY SERVICES OF THE BLESSED MOTHER INDONESIA Copies to: • Their Eminences the Cardinals of the Catholic Church (by email) • His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Indonesia, • His Eminence the President of The Bishops Conference of Indonesia, • His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Lisbon, Portugal, • His Excellencies Archbishops and Bishops of the Catholic Church (by email & mail) • His Excellency Bishop of Leiria - Fatima, Portugal, • Madre Superior of the Carmelite Convent of St. Teresa, Coimbra, Portugal, • Members of the Community of Charity Services of the Blessed Mother, Indonesia.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 14:02:48 +0000

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