Surgery day arrived. I felt numb. Pastor King, as well as several - TopicsExpress


Surgery day arrived. I felt numb. Pastor King, as well as several of Js childrens pastors from Riverside Community Church, came and prayed with him before he went back, which comforted us. My friend, Leslie (an RN:)), had also come up to dress one of Js stuffed bears in surgery attire. She explained what surgery would be like and Josiah seemed comfortable with it. He loves Dr. Leslie (what he calls her). Seeing him laugh with her put my heart at ease...temporarily. We were called down to surgery and my heart started racing. Seth and I, along with our families, went down to pre-op to see him before surgery. I tried to hold back tears as I spoke to my brave six-year-old. And he was brave. He had tears welling up in his eyes, but he seemed more concerned about my feelings than his own. You see, Josiah has a special gift of being able to comfort others even when he is sad or upset. Did I mention how blessed I am to be his mother? :):):). The nurse came in to wheel him back to surgery and as he turned the corner, I lost it. I was broken. I couldnt understand why an innocent six -year-old had to endure this pain. I pleaded with God, asking Him why it wasnt me going through this. It should have been me. Surgery lasted over two hours. By the time we got to the waiting room, I felt a peace. It seemed as if we had a million people praying for our family and we felt it. After J had been in surgery for an hour or so, I received a call from one of my respiratory co-workers, asking us to come back to the room. Seth and I went to the room and were amazed at what we found. My work family had made baskets of things for our entire family. It was exactly what I needed at that time. It was beautifully orchestrated:). I will never forget that moment. What a blessing! Seth and I went back to the waiting room and waited for the surgeons to come talk to us. When they came out, they told us they were able to remove the softball sized tumor, kidney, and lymph nodes in the area. Seth and I were not sure how to read their faces, but we were concerned. After what seemed like an eternity, I was told I could go to recovery to finally see my babe. He looked beautiful even with an NG tube down his nose. He was fast asleep and the nurses asked me to try to wake him up. I called his name and tapped him and he looked angry and yelled, STOP IT!!! I cant tell you how great it was to see him awake and feisty!!! He went back to sleep and I started telling one of the nurses about his story. I told her we found it on Js sixth birthday and was sure it would be the birthday that he will want to forget. She looked at me and said, or he will remember it as the birthday that his mom saved his life. Wow. I needed those words more than she knew. I kept thinking I should have caught this sooner, but had been told so many times that it grew so fast that it was hard to catch. I was ever so thankful for that comforting moment.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 06:34:44 +0000

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