Survival and Resistance: How to Easily Face it All! - TopicsExpress


Survival and Resistance: How to Easily Face it All! There are times in everyone’s lives when things happen beyond our control and we end up in a struggle just to make it home or …sometimes, just to stay alive! Natural disasters, house fires… Breaking down… Getting lost on day hikes are all situations that put us out into the elements where the climate and our surroundings make us vulnerable. As modern transportation takes us further and further away from our homes, the likelihood and intensity of such events gets magnified. Economic instability, sanctions, and warfare can further displace us and—adding insult to injury—is the ever present danger of being victimized by the criminals, predators, and gangs who look for every opportunity to take advantage of us. Thus, in true survival, unlike casual weekend camping, avoiding and perhaps even escaping others can be critical. Getting caught up unsuspectingly in even minor criminal activity, which can place our entire economic futures at risk and cascade for decades, or even things like trespassing as a homeless person similarly necessitates being as discrete as possible. Not only is our ability to survive occasionally tested, just the inner peace that can be derived from having complete confidence in our safety (which the rest of our happiness and psyche hinges) can have resounding effects on our daily lives also! Too often, people marry not because of love, but because of financial reasons… We endure the hardships of abusive spouses, parents, and jobs thinking we’ve no alternatives, and are all but forced to go along with the prevailing mindset of our societies so as not to be outcast. If we truly felt comfortable and stable, with certainty of our own survival, the inner freedom and confidence it would impart could help us refocus on our true paths and the life Allah calls us all to! Thus, as travelers on the often uncertain roads of life, a total overhaul in how we think about and what we use for survival is paramount! Given all that we’ve learned in some four thousand years of advancement, shouldn’t basic survival be easier? Have we only grown staggeringly more complex and vulnerable without an equal and balancing degree of superhuman-like abilities to survive? Should it really take years of para-military-like training and gear or ‘excessive hording’ to simply stay warm, unseen and protected??? In order to sink back into who we were meant to be and have the personal freedom to pursue our passions and standup for what we believe, we need to maintain a constant personal readiness to face any and all challenges life may bring us at the moment of their calling! We need to realize that true survival and possible homelessness are diametric opposites to casual trail hiking (on pruned/authorized trials) or weekend camping (on flat/open campsites few and far between) where looking good and traveling light seem to be the only pre-set standards. When all is at stake and our lives are on the line for potentially indefinite periods of time, we need to tap into the true art of high-performance design to even out the odds. What follows may likely be the most high-performance and versatile field jacket in the world: boasting 18 potential functions—all from A SINGLE pattern piece—that is infinitely variable/one-size-fits-all in most modes! It can replace five of the top ten most required survival items at a third the weight, and has 20 TIMES the durability of ultra-thin/next-to-nothing contemporary outdoor gear and apparel. Being reversible and inside-outable with five-layered construction allows this field jacket to incorporate four complete camouflage colors: white, desert tan… forest green etc.. When combined with its partial IR (infra-red) suppression and Gilly-suit-like options, it may well be the most camouflaged field jacket anywhere! When unfolded and used as a full-body rain poncho, it breaks up the outline of the human form, convers all multi-colored gear bags, straps, and shoes, and conceals internal hand movements as one checks their pockets and prepares their gear. As a five-layered/full-body cover, it not only protects us from the wind, rain, cold and the likes of insects, snakes, barbwire and briars, it funnels all internal body heat up to the hood, which warms the breath. Conversely, the breath… or the heat of a single candle can warm the entire inner space of this poncho. Although only partially insulated around the core of the body, some 40 patch- and tube-style pockets (over nearly every square centimeter of this garb) allow the user to add insulation as needed: using dried field grasses and down or their extra clothing and gear. Darker colors can be used to absorb sunlight and winter white to reflect it. When folded into a vest, jacket or lengthened overcoat, this garb offers five to 20 layers of protection and has additional padding/protection over the temple, ears, jaw, collar bone, and shoulders. It can be armored as needed using anything from extra gear, field guides, license plates, and even interwoven with cables or guitar strings to offer knife fighting protection. Two 68cm-long hunting or fighting sticks can be stowed down either side of the chest offering unprecedented groin, stomach and floating rib protection as well. Two internal down tubes in the back provide for two 1.2m-long hunting bows, walking/climbing sticks, short staffs, or swords. Internal channels in both shoulders are available to protect and conceal water and emergency air supply tubes that pass from bladders in the central backpack pocket into the hood. Two of its larger pockets can also hold 15m of climbing rope each to repel off a six-story building with point-blank/zero preparation speed. As can be seen—even just as a jacket that can be folded or unfolded form a short vest to a full-body rain poncho—this field jacket offers unique and unprecedented survival abilities few might consider doing without. Yet, as the photos attached will document, these three functions only account for a small fraction of this garbs eighteen total functions! The astonishing list that follows truly makes this garb the most versatile survival uniform in the world! 1) Rugged/Protective/Ventilated Summer Vest/Field Jacket 2) Insulated/Lengthened/Sleeved Overcoat 3) Full-Body/Pack Rain Poncho 4) Compact Book/Carry-On Bag 5) Infinitely Variable Mid- to Over-sized Backpack or Duffle Bag 6) Mummy Sleeping Bag 7) 2- to 4-Person Low-Profile/4-Camo/Insulated/Blackout Tent 8) Hammock/Tree House 9) Streamlined/Unsinkable Kayak 10) Wide/Stable Cargo/Life Raft 11) Emergency Fire Suit (When Constructed of Fire-Resist. Materials) 12) Rolled Fighting Shield 100+ Layers Thick 13) Climbing Harness 14) Cargo Sled/Stretcher 15) Bike/Motorcycle panniers 16) Partial Wingsuit 17) Life Preserver 18) Tarp/Lean-To-Type Shelter All this in only 2.4kg with no zippers to jam, break, or emit noise and—unlike a backpack—can be worn under common street clothes. Unlike a backpack or gear bags that are useless once emptied, the option of wearing this as a jacket allows it to remain useful 100% of the time and does not restrict your movements as you climb, crawl through dense brush, or bike. As a tent, there are no poles to break, no light is emitted, and sound is dampened. It is rugged enough to be stuffed with forest debris, run under and through a dense briar patch that would rip apart any other tent or sleeping bag, and its flexible shape can wind around obstacles and stretched out along narrow trails. It can be as small and concealable as possible and simply unrolled as needed! With it you can camp in a 100 times more locations than you can with a wide/inflexible tent and it can even be strung up in trees to avoid dog packs and other animals on the ground. As a kayak filled with any manner of floating grasses or empty containers, its ability to cross water—such as in flooding conditions and winter waters—and to travel long distances at speed, has been considered to be in the top five most essential survival abilities one might need. Overall, this field jacket can be considered to have 200 times the raw survival performance of modern camping gear and apparel for the realistic demands of TRUE SURVIVAL and is presented here for the resistance protesters, the suppressed and struggling all across the world! Created from the power of love, the needs of our time, and the spiritual guidance for those open to it, may Allah bless its wearers and keep them safe wherever they may roam! XO!!!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 06:10:13 +0000

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