Susan Davis 4 hrs · Indianapolis, IN · Letter from the LORD - TopicsExpress


Susan Davis 4 hrs · Indianapolis, IN · Letter from the LORD released September 20, 2012: Daughter, write down these Words: Children, your LORD is returning soon. So many do not subscribe to this belief. There will be very many left behind—so many left to face destruction and disaster. Many will go straight to hell without any hope of reprisal. They will reject ME to the point of no return. This is a picture of the unwise and lost: those who refuse to believe MY Book, MY Words, MY messengers, MY Truth, and WHO I, GOD stand for. These people will find themselves in the Lake of Fire for all eternity because of their disbelief and their refusal to repent and to seek MY Salvation. MY Salvation is readily available now, but many will miss their window of opportunity, their chance to seize salvation before it is too late. I pine in grief over those lost children, to see MY children throw their lives away and trade life and beauty for death and torment for eternity is not easy for ME to look upon. I will uphold MY Truth and no man can alter the Truth of GOD: it is unchanging. If you do not seek MY Blood Covering and the salvation I make available to you then I cannot bring you into the Kingdom. Tears flow down MY Face over MY lost children—those who are stubborn, stiff-necked, and refuse to surrender their lives over to ME for the Salvation I give that is readily available. Wholeness and heart-healing is available for the asking, yet MY children flee into the enemy’s arms and find death and destruction. This is where they go if they don’t come to ME. Follow ME and I will give you the love you have been missing: I long to bring you into MY Wholeness and Reparation. This is MY greatest desire to save MY children and bring them home with ME when I come to save MY bride from the darkness that is riding over the earth. Children, I WANT TO BE VOCAL AND EXPRESSIVE: YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED! You can either come with ME out to safety or stay behind and see sudden destruction or the worst tribulation ever known to mankind. Why do you want to buy so much trouble for yourself when I offer you a passageway to safety? I am strong to deliver. Those who are coming with ME will find joy and happiness. Don’t deny yourself this great Treasure. I paid the price for this gift. I died in a way that men don’t comprehend: I was brutalized for your freedom… I was struck for your salvation… I was spit on for your redemption… I was scourged for your healing… I was scorned for your sanctification… All this was MY Gift to mankind. It was thorough and complete. There is no other salvation available to mankind—only MY Blood can bring you deliverance. MY Blood alone will point you to the narrow path—the thin vein that flows into heaven: MY Eternal Rest for those who believe and surrender. Come quickly to the end of yourself. Let ME Purify your soul by the filling of MY SPIRIT. You must turn and follow ME. I am your ONLY HOPE! I am THE SOLUTION to all that troubles mankind. I AM THE ANSWER: THE WAY…THE TRUTH…THE LIFE Coordinating Scripture: Luke 17:34 (KJV): I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. Revelation 20:15 (KJV): And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Luke 21:33 (KJV): Heaven and earth shall pass away: but MY Words shall not pass away. John 11:35 (KJV): JESUS wept. Luke 19:41-44 (KJV): And when HE was come near, HE beheld the city, and wept over it, Luke 22:64 (KJV): And when they had blindfolded HIM, they struck HIM on the face, and asked HIM, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote THEE? John 18:22 (KJV): And when HE had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck JESUS with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest THOU the high priest so? Matthew 26:67-68 (KJV): 67Then did they spit in HIS Face, and buffeted HIM; and others smote HIM with the palms of their hands, 68Saying, Prophesy unto us, THOU CHRIST, Who is he that smote THEE? John 19:1 (KJV): Then Pilate therefore took JESUS, and scourged HIM. Luke 23:35 (KJV): And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided HIM, saying, HE saved others; let HIM save HIMSELF, if HE be CHRIST, the CHOSEN of GOD. (Letter received by Susan Davis, September 2012) https://youtube/watch?v=bO2-kMO5z4M&
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:02:27 +0000

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