Suspense story-by paarth sawant THE horror house It was 28th - TopicsExpress


Suspense story-by paarth sawant THE horror house It was 28th December 1927 where a family lived in an abandoned mansion .They were very fond of reading thrilling stories and read books through out the day and night. The kids were so much into books that they started living, eating ,sleeping stories. One day they found a old book in the attic of the old house. They started reading the book eventually they realized that it was a autobiography of the person who built the mansion in which they lived . As they proceeded reading the book they realized that the writer had hid many secrets in his stories. One of the secrets of the mansion was hair raising and scary the book said that the stairs of the mansion held many secrets of the mansion . the last stair opened into a long dungy tunnel. Now the boys very keen to unravel the secret So they set out without informing the parents All plans were made to dig the last stair of the house when the parents went off to bed. The elder brother was the leader of the team and requested the rest of the team to follow his instructions without any questions. The youngest one was very scared but didn’t want to miss the thrill so he was asked to stand last in the line with the book in his hand. The mystery started as soon they started digging the last stair. They found a wooden door facing toward them. They were scared to open it but gathered courage and opened it. All they could see was a Filthy shallow drain. They stopped for a while and decided to go back in the mean time the youngest boy who was holding the book got inquisitive and started reading the last pages of the book. He shrieked with excitement and said ‘no do not close the door! the book says that the mystery lies ten steps from the drain lets take ten step brother!’ .The brother’s hope raised again and so he decided that two of them will walk ten steps in the drain and the others will watch them from a distance and would call for help if needed. With their heart thumping like a tornado and sweat dripping like a river they took the brave ten steps. As soon as they were about to step on the tenth step a bright light flashed from beneath and they were blinded by the light ,they caught hold of each others hands and started praying frantically. In the mean time the voice of their younger brother echoed into their ears” brother hope you found something there” even before they could reply a strong gush of wind pushed them and they were gone. the younger brother kept calling for them . When there was no answer he started shouting for help and started running towards the wooden door but before he could cross the door the door closed on its own. Now the younger brother started crying and wailing but there was no help from anywhere, so he decided to walk towards his brothers on the tenth step.When he reached the tenth step he was also pushed to nowhere. After a while when all the three of them opened their eyes they found themselves in a big cave with many ancient things kept in wooden boxes. They were very tired and scared and just wanted to get out of there. They looked around for a way but couldn’t find one. The youngest boy started getting nervous and started shouting for his parents and started hitting the book in his hand against his head, while doing this a big golden key fell from the book. The falling of the key created a very strange atmosphere in the cave .White figures from the closed boxes started appearing one after other and then a old man in a white robe with a white beard appeared in front of the boys. He bowed down and thanked them for coming with the golden key. The boys were too shocked and scared to understand anything . All they wanted was to get back to their parents, they pleaded to go back home but the old man said that you can go back to home only if you help me finding the treasure hidden in the 5th step of the same stair or else you will have to survive her with me. When the old man said this to the boys, the boys shock their head’s with happiness, but the younger one doubted that how could the free soul give us such a offer.the free soul just claped his hands and all the boys and soul straight away went into the house but unknowingly a sound came wake up rahul or else u will get late for school. It was a long dream dreamt by the elder son and he woke up sacredly and started shouting help and hugged hi mother gripping his hands as tight as he could and cried in tear Paarth sawant
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 08:51:30 +0000

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