Swear By The Gods III Not to sound like a gossiping little - TopicsExpress


Swear By The Gods III Not to sound like a gossiping little girl, but have you people heard the latest? Chikes gang has struck again! And you know what they did this time? Come one, arent any of you two in this village again? Things are happening right under your noses and you dont know about it. Okay, Chikes group stormed into the seminary, raped almost all the nuns there and beat up the priests. I even heard that they made away with the offerings and tithes that parishioners had given--the ones that hadnt been transported to the larger convent in town. Amadi! I know this is the kind of news that only you can bring. I keep wondering why the gods didnt make you a woman... Hey, dont insult me. Is it a crime to tell my friends whats happening in the village over a game of Draft? Amadi, dont mind Mathias. He doesnt know how to appreciate people. Look, gimme more details. I want to hear more about the rape. How did they do it? Like humans or dogs? Talk now! Ezenna, by the gods! I knew you were a filthy perv, but didnt know it was to this extent o. Are you going to start getting excited over other peoples misfortune? Mathias, he just wants to know now. Come on, dont act like a kid! If you look under his shirt now, youll see where his trouser is swollen just hearing the word rape. Amadi, tell me. Dont mind this pious dog, thats been castrated by his dead gods. How dare you!... Gentlemen, gentlemen...calm down. See how youre exchanging words like jobless teenagers. Anyway, that was what happened. Those guys are getting bolder by the day. They started with goats and yams, now theyve advanced into attacking the christians and their gods establishments. Mathias will start getting angry again if I dare say theyll soon go after the Dibias shrine....eh, but, we all know that place is poorer than the graveyard and deader than the gods worshipped there. Ezenna, watch you tongue, will you?! Ive always wondered how come you men are still friends; you argue almost everytime I see you together. Me, I enjoy stepping on his toes. Mathias is so touchy, anything said against his Alusi--and even the christians god, which I dont understand why--gets him upset. Yet you keep talking bad of what I hold dear. Respect the traditions of your people, as Amadi and I do. I do respect it, like you said, but Im no fanatic. Isnt that why half of your crops were burnt alongside Ichie Nnemekas in that mysterious fire? I and my family still have enough to live by and to sell. But that aside, what can be done about the Chikes growing insolence? Itd appear that even more youths are joining him. After that rape, my teenage son was praising them; he said those nuns were like angels--pure, beautiful virgins, and they didnt put up much of a fight. Im considering even partaking in their next raids. Those virgin-nuns have been looking for some action, thats why they didnt put up much of a fight when being raped by the nice-looking young men of our village. Haha! Both of you! How did you come about that knowledge? Your son just happened to know that they didnt put up much of a fight? Was he there, watching nuns get raped by lowlives who dont know how to articulately compose a straight sentence in English? I dont know. What I heard is exactly what Ive told you people. Come on, lets continue our Draft. You know Im winning, eh, Mathias. You wish you were winning. While you old perverts were busy drooling about the rape of christian nuns, I was busy calculating my strategy. Are you ready to get beaten? Amadi, even if Mathias wins you; dont worry, when I come in, I will avenge you. Hahaha! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Christianity could not protect their own young priests and nuns; look now, our daughter has been raped and put to the mothers way. Isim, why did you allow her join that seminary? Our innocent Adaobi will have a child for a useless radical she cannot even identify! Why would Ala permit the entrance of such a seed into the world? Couldnt Ani have protected my childs innocence? Woman, neither blame the gods nor me; blame yourself for allowing your daughter go with strange men who came with strange gospels. We will visit the Dibia to know what well do when the child is born. But first, someone really has to do something about the Chike scum. Rumour has it that they carry about guns and knives now. That young man, Chike, wasnt this messed up o; he started losing his way when his parents chose to join the christian evangelists to other villages and abandoned their only son. What kind of mother can leave the child of her own loins to fend for himself while hes yet an oblivious teenager and go off on some arrogant pursuit--the destruction of more cultures by the Jewish gospels? Ekwensu, the deceptive one himself, has surely possessed them all! Now see how its all boomeranged? And my own sweet child is affected... My dear wife, take heart, Chukwu Okike knows best and will bring us to good fortunes eventually. The lost farmland and our daughters rape might be something bad thatll lead to many goods, according to the plan of the invisible one that sees all.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:58:53 +0000

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