Sybil of The Yard. Pt 1 Woman Police Constable Sybil Dibble has - TopicsExpress


Sybil of The Yard. Pt 1 Woman Police Constable Sybil Dibble has been selected by Scotland Yard to carry out a pilot scheme to root out bad behaviour by young girls and also mothers who fail to correct their offspring. She has been consigned to an area known for young girls causing trouble especially at night. Sybil has been instructed to prosecute as many people as possible but she has her own ideas about justice as will be seen later. Sybil had been provided with a van and on her first morning she parked it in a side road and began patrolling the town centre in plain clothes. It wasn’t long before she found something. Walking down a side street she passed a café and looking through the window saw two girls of school age drinking coffee. She went into the café and went up to the girls. ‘Shouldn’t you two be at school?’ The two girls looked at each other. ‘What’s it got to do with you?’ Asked one. ‘It’s my business to check on truants from school.’ Said Sybil. ‘Well, we’re not truants, so piss off.’ Said the other girl. ‘Would you care to tell me which school you go to?’ Asked Sybil. ‘None of your business.’ Replied one. ‘She told you to piss off.’ Said the other. ‘I think you need to change your attitude.’ Said Sybil producing her warrant card. Both girls looked at it open mouthed. ‘Oh, sorry.’ Said one after a pause. ‘We didn’t realise.’ ‘So I’ll ask you again. Which school do you go to?’ said Sybil. ‘Greenacres Comprehensive.’ Replied one. ‘So how would you girls like a ride back to school?’ The two girls looked at one another. ‘We’ll walk.’ Said one. ‘I don’t think you understand.’ Said Sybil. ‘Come on, this way.’ Sybil waited while the girls got up and then lead them to her police van. On arrival at school she took them in and went straight to the Headmistress, who was extremely grateful and Sybil explained about her new role. Then she took the girls names and addresses and went round to see the parents. Of course nobody was at home as they were both out at work. After taking the afternoon off Sybil went round to see if anyone was at home. At the first house the girl answered the door. ‘Oh, its’ you.’ ‘Yes, it’s me. May I come in?’ ‘I suppose so. Muuuum. Someone to see you.’ She called. As Sybil stood in the hall a young woman in her early thirties came through. ‘It’s that policewoman I told you about.’ Said the girl. ‘Oh yes. I thought you’d finished with her.’ Said the mother looking at daughter. ‘On the contrary. I have to pursue cases of truancy and misbehaviour. I think I should come in and discuss this further.’ Said Sybil. ‘It’s not convenient at the moment; I’m getting the meal ready.’ Said the mother. Sybil smiled. ‘When would it be convenient then?’ The mother blustered and tried to make an excuse not to see Sybil. ‘I think we had better sort this out now.’ Said Sybil. ‘It’s my duty to prosecute you for allowing your daughter to truant and to put her in front of a juvenile court.’ ‘Oh.’ Said the mother. ‘Yes, I suppose you had better come through. Come on Molly.’ The mother led her daughter and Sybil through to the back room. ‘You’d better sit down.’ Said the mother. Once they were all seated Sybil explained the situation. ‘So what you’re saying is we are going to be taken to court and have a criminal record?’ said the mother. ‘If you are convicted, yes.’ Replied Sybil. ‘You stupid girl Molly, now look what you’ve done. I don’t know how many times I’ve told you about bunking off school.’ Said her mother angrily. Molly made no reply. ‘What steps have you taken to stop her?’ asked Sybil. Her mother blushed. ‘Well, none actually.’ ‘Don’t you think you should have done?’ asked Sybil. ‘I suppose so.’ Replied mother. ‘Have you ever considered using corporal punishment?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Put her over your lap and given her a good spanking.’ Said Sybil. ‘What! I wouldn’t lay a finger on my Mol.’ ‘In that case I think it might be a good idea if I did.’ Suggested Sybil. ‘What! You must be joking.’ Retorted her mother. ‘It’s an alternative to going to court.’ Said Sybil. ‘Eh, what are you saying?’ asked mum. ‘I’m saying that if you accept corporal punishment from me then you’ll hear no more about it.’ Said Sybil. ‘Hang on a minute. Let me get this straight. You’re saying if I let you spank my daughter then you won’t take any more action?’ ‘You as well.’ replied Sybil. ‘What!!!’ ‘You have the same option.’ Said Sybil. ‘You want me to lie across your lap and let you smack my bottom, you must be joking. This is getting ridiculous. I’ve a good mind to report you.’ Said mum indignantly. ‘Your choice, just think about the fine and criminal record.’ Stressed Sybil. Mum paused for a minute. Then turned to her daughter. ‘What do you think Mol?’ ‘Dunno. I suppose it gets it over with and nobody knows anything about it.’ ‘Hmm. I suppose you’re right. I don’t fancy having a record.’ Said mum. Turning to Sybil ‘So what exactly happens now?’ ‘I shall cane both of you and that’s all there is to it.’ Said Sybil. ‘Cane us!!’ said mother and daughter together. ‘That’s right. I have a cane in the van.’ That’s a bit different to a spanking.’ Said mum. ‘Take it or leave it.’ Said Sybil. ‘We’ve got no choice I suppose.’ Said mum looking at Molly. Molly nodded in agreement. ‘Alright go and fetch it.’ Sybil left the house and fetched the cane from the van. It was a thin and swishy looking cane capable of imparting a good sting. Once back inside Sybil made a start. ‘I’ll take you first Molly, come here.’ Molly took two paces to where Sybil was standing flexing the cane. ‘Bend over.’ Molly cautiously bent over.’ ‘Right over please.’ Said Sybil. Molly went right down holding her ankles. Sybil quickly whipped her skirt over her back to reveal a pair of woollen tights over knickers. ‘I think we’ll have those tights down.’ Said Sybil pulling them down to Molly’s knees. Mum was watching this anxiously; after all it was her turn next. ‘I’m going to give you three strokes.’ Said Sybil tapping Molly’s bottom. Swish Thwaaacckk!! ‘Ooooowwww’ screamed Molly. Her mother winced in sympathy. Thwaaacckk!! ‘Yeeeoooowww’ Molly jumped up and grabbed her bottom. Wearing only a skimpy pair of briefs the cane was landing virtually on bare flesh. Sybil waited until Molly was ready and delivered the final stroke. Swish Thwwaaacckk!! ‘Ooooowwwwch’ Poor Molly leapt up again and tried to walk round the room but found it somewhat difficult with tights round her knees. ‘Pull you tights up when you’re ready.’ Said Sybil. Molly slowly pulled them up and went back to stand where she had come from, still rubbing her bottom. Sybil then waved the cane to indicate to mum to take Molly’s place. She stepped forward biting her lip wondering if she could take it as well as her daughter who was now wiping her watery eyes. Mum bent over. ‘Just a minute.’ Said Sybil.’ Those jeans are coming down.’ Mum stood up and unbuttoned and then pushed them down to her ankles. She stayed down to wait for that awful looking cane. She had already worked out that her caning was going to be bare as she was only wearing a thong. Sybil looked at the beautifully rounded cheeks as she drew back the cane. Swish Thwacckkk!!! ‘Oooooch’ as mum bent her knees to keep down. She was determined that she was not going to be outdone by her daughter who was now sufficiently calm to watch her mother suffering with morbid interest. Swish Thwaccckkk!! ‘Oooooowwwww’ Again much bending of knees and ooh and ows. Swish Thwaacckk!! ‘Oooooowwwwch.’ To her credit mum managed to stay halfway down. ‘You can pull your jeans up now.’ Announced Sybil. Mum eased her jeans slowly over her beautifully striped bottom. ‘That was just a taster. If I catch you truanting again young lady it’ll be six next time and they’ll be proper ones. Is that clear?’ Molly nodded. ‘And the same goes for you.’ Sais Sybil to mum. ‘Don’t worry, she won’t be doing anything like that again. She’ll answer to me next time as well.’ said mum. Sybil then took her leave, satisfied that her form of justice had saved the taxpayer a lot of time and money.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 06:39:45 +0000

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