Syria Appeal - Been a while since I posted here.. But passionate - TopicsExpress


Syria Appeal - Been a while since I posted here.. But passionate enough to share these TRUTHS with you.. For those of you who feel helpless in the Syria conflict. Invocations are a most powerful, tangible way to help.. The Children of the Sun have put together a very powerful Invocation/Meditation to help. In fact every New Moon.. (5th Sept) and Full Moon,, (19th Sept) they perform powerful Unity Transmissions to help raise our collective consciousness.. I highly recommend doing this Syria Invocation. I have started already... Last night, I sent Mighty Legions of Angels to descend into the conflict outpouring LOVE to all the souls there.. I saw them radiating the most prolific, radiant, lluminous Light that is not from this Dimension! There was no judgement, no discrimination about who received this Light. In fact, I felt JOY in the midst of this suffering & chaos.. I felt the tangible presence of God who only knows LOVE and this is what is sent forth via our Calls (Invocations).. We must BEcome the Channel of LIGHT by Power of Intention & Power of Belief. The Mighty Realms can then use our physical vessels to send forth Light to transmute ALL suffering from our planet. And So It Is! Just think what can BE achieved when we recognise how truly POWERful we are.. Not helpless in any way, shape or form! (please go to and on their home page you will read about supporting Syria with link to audio section) Thank you, Dear Ones.. Together we are making a profound difference.. AUrola xxx
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 08:57:55 +0000

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