T.Nazmi Writes On Gaza Massacre Amman , Feb. 4th. 2009 Not - TopicsExpress


T.Nazmi Writes On Gaza Massacre Amman , Feb. 4th. 2009 Not shocked by the Israeli invasion to Gaza , though I got desperate of the Israeli writers whom I read and expected them to act, respond, or write something to stop the massacre. I remained, throughout the period of war, semi-silent, since I dedicated my day and nights to read, hear, and publish others writings and views as if I were an archive employee whose job was restricted only to document the massacre for another generation to come and study the whole circumstances of the event, historically and politically. I said I was not shocked because the invasion was expected with Gaza controlled by Hamas ( a religious faction created by the same regimes who were working against it with the Bush administration). Hamas was only Muslim Brothers who served to help the former Soviet Union collapse. They were and still against the P.L.O. They were not banned in Jordan since the foundation of the Hashmite Kingdom . They were and still funded by Saudi Arabia serving to attack all left factions and parties especially any communist party in the world. Their acts and beliefs do revive right wings in Israel . Even liberal factions are, and were, attacked by them in the region. They are the heavens present to the Israeli religious basis on which it was established. Hamas became a Palestinian national movement only after the first Intifada in 1987.Its members want to gain both paradise in heaven and on earth whatever will come out of the Palestinian National Liberation Project which was served with blood by other Palestinian movements like Fateh and other left wing minor factions. Israelis were and still aware of these facts, acted to let Hamas come to the surface and control Gaza . On the eve of the Israeli invasion a Palestinian writer argued that Israel revived Hamas. Corruption in the PA helped Hamas to win the elections in 2005. The Palestinians, getting desperate of the Oslo accords after 12 years of elaborated prolonged talks without a real Israeli intention to make peace, searched the untried Hamas (to give it a try )* in 2005. Morally speaking, Israel is condemned of the act. Not only by a world witnessing the massacre on the modern media of the 21 century but by the new Israeli historians like Illan Pape , and by a philosopher like Noam Chomsky, or by the sincere writer like Israel Shahak. Such names, not to mention others, were not mentioned in the Arab media or in the Islamic media. I know exactly why ? The regimes who created Hamas as an alternative to the P.L.O. did not expect it to behave the way they did not like. The political changes in the middle east helped Hamas to go the wrong way. The way that serves a military leadership in Israel to compete before their elections without considering the blood of the Gazans victims, mostly children , civilians, young and women. And now you can hear some Israelis calling in Haaretz for negotiating Hamas as a Palestinian negotiator forgetting 15 years of negotiating with Yaser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. Not only Noam Chomsky says that Israel is not willing to make peace, but Gary Sussman wrote four years before about the Jordan Option. The same article that I translated into Arabic and somebody dared publishing in a weekly limited distributed Jordanian paper resulting in banning our website where the article is published in full beside Chomskys views on both Iraq and Palestine . Nazmi.org was classified as a political activist and banned in all governmental computers in the democratic Jordan . Even , pro-Hamas media consider us danger to their ideology though we are concerned mostly in fiction, theatre and literature beside arts. Other Palestinian institutions are not willing to pay one dollar for our activities if they are not hostile to us as if we were hidden jews. I was not shocked, nor motivated by the invasion but really sickened by the size of deception on both sides. This is not the same Israel that we imagined to lead the region to a new era. On the other hand we are suffering from the same regimes who use Islam as a device to mislead its peoples and double trick for their own benefits and interests. These regimes had to be stopped to function as Israel allies and negotiators. They are rarely suit to be real peace makers nor do they suit to be given a multiple try. -------------- T.Nazmi is hinting Thomas Friedmans column in New York Times about educating Hamas. Received on 6 Feb. 2009 Mohammed sent a message in reply to a thread. Re: T.Nazmi Writes On Gaza Massacre يقوم على هذا التحليل على أخطاء منطقية أولها أن حماس هي التي أحيت ما يسميه صاحب التحليل باليمين الاسرائيلي، وثانيها أنها حركة تنتمي للإخوان المسلمين المعادين للشيوعية وثالثها أنها مدعومة من دول عربية .. إلخ . كل هذا هراء لاصلة له بوقائع الصراع على أرض فلسطين، ولا في الصراعات الداخلية العربية، يسعى في النهاية لتبرير جريمة استعمار فلسطين. الأكثر سخفا في هذا التحليل أن كاتبه كان ينتظر من إسرائيل أن تقود المنطقة لاأن ترتكب هذه الجرائم .تنتمي نغمة هذا التحليل إلى عصر المعارك الدموية بين الاتجاهات الاسلامية والقومية واليسارية التي حطمت المنطقة العربية طيلة الخمسين عاما الماضية ، حين كانت هذه الحركات تخوض حرب إبادة وإفناء ضد بعضها البعض. إلى عقلية الإقصاء والإبعاد للآخر في الحلبة السياسية والاستبداد بذرائع الإختلاف. أما آن لاصحاب هذه التحليلات السخيفة أن يؤمنوا أن الإختلاف بين الاتجاهات الاسلامية والقومية واليسارية لايجب أن يصل إلى حروب الإفناء؟ أن يعرفوا أن جوهر الصراع هو ضد احتلال استعماري بدأ في العام 1917 وليس بهذه الأرقام السحرية ن 30 سنة أو 40 سنة أو 15 سنة؟ وإن ما يتواجه في هذا الصراع تحالف غربي استعماري حطم امكانيات الوطن العربي على الرد على الغزو والتتبيع والإضعاف والقوى المحلية بمختلف ألوانها؟ لهذا الصراع تاريخ طويل ، ولكن أدواته ما زالت هي ذاتها : الحصار والغزو والتجزئة والتتبيع أي ( التطبيع) بلغة الصحافة التافهة ، والرد الاستراتيجي هو بالضبط في كسر الحصار والمقاومة والتحرير. في هذا الصراع ليس المهم لون ودين واتجاه من يقاوم ، بل موقفه من هذا الغرب المتوحش ، الغرب المتمدد ، هل يقاوم أم يستسلم.يعنيني موقف الحركة والأفراد ولا تهمني الأقوال . فماذا يعني أن يكون الأنسان شيوعيا أو يساريا وأنا أراه يبصبص بذيله وراء أموال السفارات الغربية؟ وماذا يعني أن أراه يمد لحيته ويتمسح بأذيال المستعمرين الصهاينة؟ أو يمنح نفسه صفة القومي وهو يتمرغ في وحل التبعية لعصابات المخابرات االأمريكية؟ المعيار هو من يعي طبيعة الصراع ويحتل مكانه في مواجهة هذا الاستعمار الغربي بوجوه ممثليه من صهاينة وأتباع صغار اختلفت الوانهم ولكنهم جوقة كلاب في عربات واحدة هي عربة المستعمرين الغربيين. And published here on 6 Feb. 2006 Get well soon Mohammed You will not care if another writer differs with your point of view, objectively, and honestly. He would have got a point and that is it. We do not write in order to dictate our points, but to communicate and argue. So when any honest writer writes, his point leads his language if not his culture or even multiculture. But to meet an old friend, whose language is still leading his ideas and points, if really there is a point, is a hurting issue to both your culture and your friendship. Mr. Writer of the first comment on our essay T. Nazmi Writes On Gaza Massacre had already chosen Arabic to write his comment on an essay written in English. This choice by him leads to a Palestinian scandal this time and not a Jordanian one as I had been used to face. Our mentioned article was addressing a great majority of Arabs and none Arabs, since it was dealing with multicultural topic, like Gaza Massacre, on which many writers wrote all over the world including Thomas Friedman. Mr. Writer did not give an honest background to the reader of his comment in Arabic and ignored names like Noam Chomsky, Illan Pape, Israel Shahak, and Gary Sussman. On whose efforts our article is based, or interacting and co-operating with the results they had reached. One may ask WHY this happens? The answer will be very shameful to an old friend and to us, since we are both Palestinians. To let the reader be aware, Mr. Writer did not name the author by name, though he knows that he is me ( An old friend ) then went on classifying me as an anti-Hamas while I was defending the Palestinian National Liberation Project and the history of the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinians (P.L.O.). Moreover ha did not mention any Arab regime I dared to name from Amman . Mr. Writer lives in Kuwait and he has the full time and the luxurious means of underlining the so called mistakes of logic in our article. He resorted to rhetoric but with a sense of impolite words that no stupid writer uses in a public website like Facebook. Mr. Writer thinks that he is the only writer that reads in English, but well qualified to respond in Arabic. Mr. Mohammed forgot that his friend belongs to another way of thinking and another political and cultural trend. He distorted our article and his image by himself in his first participation in our community of friends who some of them had not the time to be online nor can afford that 21st. century means of struggle. I hope he is not sick to write what he had committed, and commented. Get well soon Mr. Writer since we have lots of Walter Mittys papers and bigmouthed speakers in Arabia . Omedia-Originality Movement 6/2/2009
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:32:10 +0000

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