TEMPLE CONSTRUCTION AT KHARGHAR - NAVI MUMBAI - INDIA Hare Krishna Prabhu ji and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan Ji. Radhashtami day is the most auspicious day of appearance of Goddess of fortune, Sri Radha, who is the feminine counterpart of Lord Sri Krishna. Srimati Radha Rani appeared on Bhadra Shukla Ashtami. Srimati Radha Rani, being the Queen of Vraja, Her appearance day is celebrated on a large scale in the whole of Vrajmandal with more fervor compared to Janmashtami. Raas Raaseshwari Shri Radhey appeared in Brij Mandal as the lovely daughter of Shri Vrishbhanuji in Barsana on Bhadrapad Shukla Ashtami i.e. eighth day of bright fortnight of the Bhadrapad month. Her village Barsana is located between Goverdhan and Nandgaon. The entire area is agricultural in nature and land beyond fields is densely forested. These forests are inhabited by large colonies of monkeys and peacocks apart from other wild animals. Peacocks entering inside the populated area and dancing on the rooftops is a common site here. Similarly monkeys entering into houses and running away with food items or anything that they may fancy about are a frequent occurrence. Brijvasi, as the residents of these areas are known, are a kind hearted lot. They do not get angered and hurt the monkeys rather they just scare them away. The area is dotted with a large numbers of natural springs and ponds which are called as Kunds. So this beautiful land has the distinction of being the playground of Radha and Krishna.The scriptures extol her glories as the Supreme mother of the whole universe and the one who mercifully escorts and engages all the jivas in the loving devotional service to Sri Krishna. Srimati Radha Rani’s love for Lord Sri Krishna is so great and beyond description that she is considered the greatest of devotees. She bound Him by Her great love. It is said that even the enchanter of cupids becomes enchanted by Her. Srimati Radha Rani is so merciful that if She recommends Lord Krishna, “O’ Krishna! Here is a nice devotee of you and you must accept him” Lord Krishna immediately obeys Her request. Therefore, let us take shelter of the Lotus Feet of Srimati Radha Rani. She always holds a lotus in one of her hands and bestows her blessings out of vaatsalya or motherly affection for the jivas. She is the Supreme shakti of Krishna. Just as sun and sunlight are inseparable, Radha and Krishna are one, but they have separated for the sake of exhibiting unlimited pastimes of love and to expand the bliss of all the jivas who engage in their eternal service. When we approach shakti, with the desire to become shaktimaan and to exploit the material resources, she manifests her anger as Durga with a trident representing threefold miseries (arising from body and mind, other living beings and natural calamities). But when we approach Shakti with the desire to serve Krishna, the shakti appears as Sri Radha and engages us in the service of the Supreme Lord.Thus in Bhagavad gita Lord Krishna tells us that we should approach Sri Radha or Lakshmi and take her shelter to learn how to offer devotional service to Supreme Lord. Srila Prabhupada says that one should pray like this: “O Radha! Supreme goddess of fortune! Please accept this flower and offer it to your Krishna”. When one prays so, chanting the holy names of Hare Krishna mantra, one is sure to become free from all impurities of heart and attain the spiritual world to join the eternal service to divine couple. That world is our real home and this world is a temporary jail meant to reform us. Let us prepare ourselves to return to our eternal home on this auspicious day of Radhashtami! Hare Krishna. On the occasion of Radhasthami, I would like to request to donate for the temple construction For donations pl contact HG Sura Das Prabhu – Mobile - 9820039911 HG Shyamaveda Das Prabhu – Mobile - 9769235022 HG Haresh Hari Das Prabhu – Mobile - 7738161113 HG Akinchan Madhav Das Prabhu – Mobile 932253377 Your Humble Servant Bhakta Sanjay... All glories to Srila Gurudeva ... All glories to Srila Prabhupada ... Chant these names with love and you will feel the ecstasy: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare ... Hare Krishna ... Jay Jagannath ...
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:42:46 +0000

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