THATS WHY XBOTS WILL BE IN TEARS AT CHRISTMAS DAY............ OFFICIAL BENCHMARK MEASUREMENTS So, we now know the difference matters. The next question is why is this happening? Actually, thats easy to answer. Its because the PS4 is more powerful in graphics terms. And that means the PS4 can render higher detail graphics while maintaining smooth, playable frame rates. Both consoles are based on very similar basic architectures, with CPU and graphics provided by chip specialist AMD. In fact, the two share pretty much identical eight-core CPUs. So we dont have to worry about that. Where the big differences come in are graphics and memory subsystems. PS4 and Xbox One actually use identical graphics architectures, known as AMDs GCN technology. But heres the thing. The Xbox One has 768 GCN graphics cores. The PS4 has 1,152. The two consoles run at similar clockspeeds, so right from the get go, the PS4 has 50 per cent more raw shader power. Then theres memory bandwith. The PS4 packs 8GB of GDDR5 running at 5.5GHz data rate and thus packs 176GB/s of bandwidth. The Xbox One? 8GB of DDR3 at 2.13GHz and thus just 68.33GB/s. Oh dear. In mitigation, the Xbox does have 32MB of eSRAM offering another 102GB/s of bandwidth. But thats a misleading figure, since the eSRAM pool is very small compared to system memory. It certainly helps offset the PS4s bandwidth advantage. But an advantage it remains. With all that in mind, theres no denying the PS4 is simply faster at rendering graphics. The end.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 17:11:07 +0000

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