THE 1873 NETWORK - HATS OFF TO HON. MNANGAGWA We are all - TopicsExpress


THE 1873 NETWORK - HATS OFF TO HON. MNANGAGWA We are all compelled to take our hats off to Vice President Mnangagwa for humbling himself to apologize to Deputy Minister Fred Moyo was reported in the media last week to have been ejected from a party held to celebrate Hon. Mnangagwa’s appointment. In the polluted atmosphere that members of ZANU-PF find themselves, Hon Mnangagwa’s gesture for raising the standards. His apology does confirm that the incident as reported in the media that Hon Moyo, the MP for Zvishavane-Runde, did turn up for the party. The article referred to can be found at: newzimbabwe/news-19562-Mnangagwa+apologises+to+Dep+Minister/news.aspx. The fact that Hon. Moyo and his brother, Mr. I. Moyo, the Zimbabwean Ambassador to South Africa, were ejected allegedly by former MP, Mr. Larry Mavhima, and Hon. John Holder, the MP for Zvishavane-Ngezi must be of concern not only to Hon. Mnangagwa in whose name the actions were taken but to all who cherish freedom and democracy. It is significant that Hon. Mnangagwa humbled himself to call Hon. Moyo to pronounce that the evictions were unwarranted and the people in whose name these despicable actions were taken were overzealous and wanted to seem more close to him than others. Indeed, it is true that many actions have been taken in the name of the President without his constructive knowledge and consent yet to the general public it always appears that the President is the driving force behind evil actions. What do we learn from the experience of Hon. Moyo? We are compelled to draw lessons because there many people who have evil minds but often want to use other people’s names to punish others. In this case, the victims was Hon. Moyo and others who were perceived to be aligned to former VP Dr. Mujuru. To arrive at this conclusion, there is no doubt that no effort was made to verify, if indeed, the allegations were correct. The very fact that one can be labelled as belonging to a faction suggests subjectivity for no objective measurement is capable of existing that would show the degree and level of the alleged alignment o not. In the words of Hon Moyo, “Yes the VP did make contact to express his regret on what happened as he felt it should not have happened,” it places Hon. Mnangagwa in a new league of politicians who are prepared to apologize as they should when other people’s rights are infringed in their names. He then also stated that: ““I must confess I was humbled as I did not expect it but accepted it as sign of good leadership. I can only hope that my friends realise that the VP is a national leader and that they behave in a manner that protects his national image.” Like Hon Moyo, my name was invoked in the build-up to the ZANU-PF congress by Mr. Patrick Zhuwao, a columnist of the Sunday Mail who sought to create a new category of entrepreneurs that he termed “Speculative Political Entrepreneurs” that he conveniently placed me in without regard to the facts of the matter. The article authored by Mr. Zhuwao was published by the Sunday Mail and as a consequence, I have sought over the last few weeks to get Mr Zhuwao to respect the truth by apologizing. Instead of using his own words to apologize, he has hypocritically sought my assistance to write the apology on his behalf as confirmed in the following emails: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mutumwa Mawere Date: Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 1:00 AM Subject: Re: To: Patrick Zhuwao Dear Patrick, Our telephone conversation of today refers. With respect to our discussion, I thought it would be useful and beneficial to summarize the content of our discussions 1. Your position was restated that you believe that in your article of 30 November 2014 published by the Sunday Mail constitutes an exhaustive apology and, therefore, the only way forward is for me to draft what I think would constitute an apology. I responded saying that it would be highly inappropriate for me to author an apology to myself. I did point out that the matter is very simple requiring no assistance from me as the author of the averments in question is you and, therefore, it is important for you to reflect on the allegations made especially in respect of your conclusions that I qualify to be categorized as an SPE. 2. With respect to the factual matrix as reflected in your article in contention, it is only you who can confirm to the public regarding the veracity of the allegations made. In the premises, I think that you should further reflect on what you opined in the article and so presented as common cause facts with a view to assisting yourself in arriving at a conclusion that is in the interests of justice, equity and fairness. 3. With respect to your statement regarding my interest in your discussions with the President, I did point out to you the context in which my interest was generated. I told you that I received a call from Mrs. Mupfumira regarding certain allegations arising from my meeting with you. I pointed out that there was no way I would have known that you had briefed the President were it not for the call. To the extent that my name was invoked in your conversation with the President, it was important for me to know from you hence my interest. 4. You indicated that you have not gone through the information I provided to you. To the extent that you have not had the time to go through the documents, it seems to me that it would be irresponsible for me to write my own apology. It would only be fair for you to read the papers given to you. The matter is so simple and I find the approach you propose so confusing. It is your version that you have not sought to confirm the veracity of the allegations you willingly made with the information now in your possession. To the public at large, I remain guilty as charged. It is your version that SMM was acquired by the support of a government guarantee and furthermore that I am an SPE then there would hardly be any need for any apology. 5. The question remains whether you still hold on to the views that you expressed in the article in dispute. If so, please confirm so that this matter can find its resolution where it is appropriate. I trust that you will find the above in order. I look forward to your response. Regards, ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Patrick Zhuwao Date: Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 1:11 AM Subject: Re: To: Mutumwa Mawere Our telephone call to you was to implore and beg you to assist us in structuring the appropriate wording for the apology and correction that you are demanding. I do not believe that your record of our conversation accurately reflects the nature and spirit of our efforts to find common ground. Patrick Zhuwao Chairman of Zhuwao Institute ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mutumwa Mawere Date: Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 1:19 AM Subject: Re: To: Patrick Zhuwao I acknowledge with thanks receipt of your email below. I am not sure where we are failing to understand each other. I cannot be the author of any apology that is directed at me. The issues in contention have been flagged sufficiently to allow you to refrain from making the injury worse that it is. What you seem to suggest and wish to involve in is that as far as you are concerned, the statements in dispute are essentially common cause. It is not the wording at issue but the allegations therein. You are the author of the allegations and, therefore, you should at the very least find it in yourself to give the correct position. I do not believe that I am asking you to do anything more than correcting your own narrative. You dispute the record of our conversation without any specificity. Accordingly, I am not sure what I misrepresented. Regards, The kind of Zimbabwe that I want to see is a Zimbabwe that is informed by actions that are respectful of others. Hon. Mnangagwa has sought to start a new a conversation for this alone he actions are worthy of noticing. We all hope that his apology is not limited to Hon. Moyo but marks the beginning of a new chapter in which he also can help in shedding light on his precise role in the affairs of SMM both before and after reconstruction. Many allegations have been made including by Hon. Zhuwao about his role that needs clarification. It is for this reason that we all encourage him to read what Hon. Zhuwao has said about his role in the affairs of SMM. Notwithstanding the fact that he has in his possession the correct facts he has chosen for political expediency to act otherwise.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 08:33:16 +0000

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