THE 2 VIDEOS AT THE TOP HERE - I WILL DELETE AFTER A SHORT TIME: I PUT ONE OF THEM HERE IS BECAUSE THERE ARE A NUMBER OF MY FRIEND CONTACTS WHO ARE VERY ASTUTE - YET THEY HAVE NOT THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF *LIBERTARIANISM* AND THEY BELIEVE THAT IT CAN BE EITHER LOGICAL OR ETHICAL TO BE A LIBERTARIAN( As defined by the declarations of prejudicial Institutions like the CATO institute). Here is a Quick Libertarian rundown :: Libertarians attempt to discredit and morally delegitimize UNIONS and the right to unionize, then they go on to attempt to do the same thing to > [[ Tax-paid HEALTH CARE - but Tax-paid War is OK with them]] - and then >[[Tax-paid Higher Education; Libertarians are against that, but, Tax-paid Sherrifs evicting you from land their lawyer says is blocking their land is OK with them]] and[[ Libertarians dont want any Government Regulations restraining the power of the hereditary fortune holders controlling the stock-market and corporations - and as a right for that power, they agree that you as a 100 X100 property owner can keep elephants on your property that trumpet all night - as long as you dont object to laws on the Mega-corporations]] Thats Libertarianism and that is ADAM KOKESH; ALEX JONES and this Join-My-Cult Scam aritist STEFAN MOLYNEUX. (MOLYNEUX augments the defences of his GREED by styling himself an AYN RAND Objectivist Ha :) that Selfishness is the Greatest virtue . Basically that is the scholastic basis of the Greed is Good philosophy (and to put the Tin Hat on it for you, Molyneux will offer you a place in his Internet Cult Family if you make a big enough DONATION). NOTE: Molyneuxs TITLES in all his Broadcasts employ the format of The Truth about his and The Truth about that - and then he proceeds to state LIE after LIE about Che Guevara and Mahatma Gandhi - because their sacrifices for humanity are not Objectivist Selfish enough to qualify as virtue. SO I WARN you - MOLYNEUX is very persuasive but MOLYNEUX is BULLSHIT. See the Peter Joseph Review Video about him. The other Video is a record of the Answers Che Guevaras daughter, Aleida gives about Ernesto to an Interviewer. I cant leave these up more than a few days - because it is my duty to world-humanity to leave at the Head of my Timeline a presentation of the most coordinated Factual truth about our world by KENNETH OKEEFE . IT wont help you to know just 3 or 4 Essential truths of the World situation - To MAKE SENSE OF IT ALL, YOU MUST SEE ALL THE ESSENTIAL FACTS OF THE PRESENT WORLD SITUATION COORDINATED INTO ONE CLEAR UNDERSTANDING. THAT IS WHAT KEN OKEEFE DOES. https://youtube/watch?v=4cnuRRWZxSE#t=581 . . . . . . . . . . . ALEIDA, daughter of CHE about Commandante GUEVARA https://youtube/watch?v=ICKEH_IME1g
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:40:55 +0000

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