THE 40 DAY CLEANSE - Day 11 The Gospel of John, Chapter 3 HUMAN - TopicsExpress


THE 40 DAY CLEANSE - Day 11 The Gospel of John, Chapter 3 HUMAN RE-GENESIS As much as I might try to move on to other elements in this present meditation, at this time I am compelled by my Advisor to stay, to pray, and to keep allowing myself to be drawn deeper and deeper into the subterranean elements of this exchange of words (an exchange of images really) between Nicodemus from the cult of the Pharisees (whom Jesus refers to in other places as the God pretenders) and Jesus, the direct human Son and offshoot of the eternal God, the El-Chayim, meaning El - strength, power, or source, and Chayim meaning - the very essence or fountain of life itself. To hold a conversation with Jesus is to hold a conversation with the direct human species link, the bridge point, the offshoot, the direct pivot point of electrified divine polarity and point of release of supra, incomparable energy between the One who is the very power and source of pure and unmingled life, the Creator Spirit energy, emanating the very image and likeness of the core fractal and Source Field of the Existence of all Existence, the I AM of pure life itself, unmixed and unmingled with any other thing. And John, our writer, who was there with Jesus and Nicodemus records the soup de jour of their conversation, which may well be the most important mix of elements to have ever been spoken on earth since Eden among our amazing, and yet seeming restricted and debilitated species, for it speaks to you and I, to all of us, about the, no...I mean the absolute necessity...of a human re-genesis...of Nicodemus human re-genesis, of my human re-genesis and of your human re-genesis. Nicodemus says, We want to know what is going on here. The teachings you teach. The miracles that you do. We want to know... And Jesus says, You cant know. These things are coming from a place you and the species you presently are cant even begin to perceive apart from an entire re-genesis, apart from you beginning again as something different than what you are right now. And Nicodemus, from his conditioned and limited human paradigm replies, How? How can someone who has already aged past the point of their genesis go back again and re-genesis? Can he go back a second time into his mothers womb, the place of his original molding within her soul and re-genesis? Once Jesus presents the puzzle, which the Spirit of God is so adept at doing for us, the low level processes active in the mind of Nicodemus go into total overload, racing through all the data he has ever received, coming forward from multiplied generations of all the minds that have preceded him, having passed on their information, and coming up blank, with no answers to attach to, and Nicodemus, considered a master of the teachers in Israel, is left with the confused question, How? Re-genesis? Re-genesis. How? How? How? And the question is, Is re-genesis of human life even possible? Can a human being be so altered at the core of their very existence, at the level of kind and species that they become an entirely new kind and species? Is such a thing possible? And, if so, then how can such a miracle be performed? To the question of such magnitude, Jesus responds with an emphatic, Yes! Human re-genesis is possible!, and then he gives us clues regarding the how of such an incredible miracle saying: Apart from any specific certain one being born of the sound, the voice, that echoes from within the deluge of the water and the copulative, cumulative force of the Spirit, he possesses no power at all to begin existing from within the core and center of the estate of God (John 3:5). How? Water and Spirit. The words of Jesus are very clear. There is an absoluteness to Jesus curative, regenerative pronouncement. There is an absoluteness to the re-genesis power of this water he speaks of. There is an absoluteness to the re-genesis power of this Spirit he speaks of. What could it mean? Maybe more tomorrow. - Rand Swift (Spiritual Revolutionary)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:09:22 +0000

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