THE ARROW FUND OUR HEARTS ARE JUST SO HEAVY . MARY THE EMACIATED BOXER WHO WAS A STRAY BECAME AN ANGEL TONIGHT. picture 1 is Mary receiving lots of love .... picture 2 is Marys eye upon arrival - she had a ruptured cornea which is so incredibly painful... picture 3 is Sweet Mary rubbing her head against us for some loving picture 4 shows the pitiful shape this baby was in... After bloodwork ,an ultrasound, and an a full evaluation from several board certified Vets at Blue Pearl , it was determined that Mary was up against so much. Mary had a mass in her abdomen that almost took up her entire abdomen. It was hard to the touch. Fluid was in her abdomen as well. Marys PCV was very low. In addition to that Marys cornea had ruptured . She was a body scale of 1 on a scale of 1 to 9 . The thoughts of this girl wandering the streets like this, in pain , just saddens us all . The damage to this sweet baby was just so great .... I was with Mary and told her of all of the people all around the world loving her.... I told her we wished we could have done more or found her sooner. I told her to look for Lad and Zeke to guide her . I told her ,in her honor we would strive to help more and asked her to watch over us. I told her all of these things and held this precious baby. Thanks to Dr. Mikala Brown for being with us and thanks to Baxter as well. Oh how it hurts when they are so far gone that the only thing we can do is assist them to the bridge. With such a sad heart I say goodnight . Run free Mary and sleep tight with the Angels- we love you now and always will... ~Rebecca~ please ask your friends to LIKE The Arrow Fund on facebook so that we can strengthen our army against such abuse , torture , and neglect.....
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:00:01 +0000

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