THE ASTROLOGY......! The way to find out the hidden truth, - TopicsExpress


THE ASTROLOGY......! The way to find out the hidden truth, called THE FORTUNE . The Universe is a Great and unexposed Mistry And a Great Gift to The Living creatures of The World by The Great God itself Really The God has given A Great and precious Gift to them. The Science is at its peak to unearthened the mystieis of the universe,it has hidden belonging to uncountable fields . But simmultaniously I would like to say that the efforts being done towards this field are very and much late than that of The persons , called Astrologers . I would say that A subject like Science called Astrology was so ancient and well proved that The Science itself is amazened how it given The Ideas to Science that there must would be a way to calculate the things called numbers and digits or say caclucalions, or later on Mathematics. The calculation and movements of The Planets were been searched , identified and proved accurately in the absence of The Science. So i would be right to say that ASTROLOGY is The Mother of The Science Friends, I would limit my article only to THE ASTROLOGY and not anything else . First of all my question is if it is possible to know What would happen to-morrow with the living creatures of the Universe. It includes every living creatures like animals, humans , insects,birds and so on ....! Is it poiible to know what will happen or what will be the fate of those all, for their future. OR FOR THEIR UPCOMING LIFE. Many have criticised, many are criticising and many will criticise, the process of criticism will go till The Universe will remain.It will never be stopped. A section will say IT IS IMPOSSIBLE But simultaniously A section will ever be supportinmg the idea that IT IS POSIBLE This is The Mystry....! And Astrology takes birth right from here called Sprituallity. WHEN ALL EFFORTS OF THE SCIENCE COME TO AN END AND IT LIFTS ITS HANDS AND SURRENDERS , THE ASTROLOGY COMES TO ITS BIRTH . WORK OF THE ASTROLOGY STARTS, RIGHT FROM HERE. ( JAB VIGYAN KI HADDEN SMAPT HO JATI HAIN AUR VIGYAN APNE HATH KHADE KAR DETA HAI TABHI JYOTISH KI SHURUAAT HOTI HAI ) AUR TABHI JYOTISH KA KARYA SHURU HOTA HAI ) . THERE WAS A BABY about 6 months old ,suffered from a deasease of loose motions. she was given the treatment in two well known and prominent hospitals. but could not be cured. At the end doctors told her parents that she will be dead with in couple of days and dischatged her from the hospital. The parents wept for a while and brought home. I am really telling you that an Astrloger saved the life of that child with a little remedy of the stars and stunned the doctors. Now that baby is going to school since 2 years. This is the mistry. And The Astrolgy starts its work right from here. and It is THE ASTROLOGY. I know that a section of educated people will not be agree with me. And really I will not compell them to belive in me or in ASTROLOGY. But it happens one or the other way and effects the life of creaturs.And one thing i want to tell you that when the effect of the Stars or saay planets on them , they behave under its influence and the things as a result came towards them are ,The Millionary are going to be a begger, and the beggers to be a Millionary. Why and how it happens ? and really it happens or not ? if happens then whice power, which force does these things done and how ? No doubt it is the matter of criticism . But it is truth that A SUPREME POWER say GOD is doing these all things through its uncountable resources which are still to be exposed and still they are A GREAT Mystry. This Is THE ASTROLOGY. When solar eplics occurs , the pregnent ladies are so afraid that they eat or drink nothing and never sleep during the eplics period. Why ? It Is the Mistry and It is called Astrology. Now the science also has agreed that many dangrous rays come from The Sun during this period and can harm the growth of the infant in the stomach of a prenent mother. If Sun only can effect the Infants growth in the stomach and Moon effects the Tides or water of the SEA then why not other bigger or smaller planets. It is well know that Full Moon and No-moon situation in the sky effects very much more on the mentally retired people and the science has proved it. And I want to tell that The creautres of the Universe are definately effected through the planets and work under the great influence of these stars. The effect may be Good or bad .it depends upon the positions of the stars. Before I may proceed , one thing i want to tell you how the stars effect in the different proportinal amount and in the result of good or bad depending upon there position. So I am saying before I go ahead i would like to intimate you all about The HOROSCOPE. through which we Astrologers come to know the fortune of the natives. Do you Know What is Horo scope ? It is nothing but a map of The Postion Of Stars or Planets at the Time of birth of a native. We all know that universe is of 360 degree angle. And these 360 degrees are devided in 12 parts. thesse 12 parts are called The Rashis or signs in the Astrology. These part are average of 30 degree each. If we take a part of these 12 parts say 5th part for example and see this portion of averaage 30 degree , we will see after a careful look on the stars contaained in it we will find some glaazy aand many dim stars. and now if we link these glazious staars with an imaginary pen or pencil , to each other, we will find a shape called LEO. this shape looks like a LION. So fifth part of this Zodiac called LEO. Ans so on . So these 12 parts or Rashis or signs have different looks. dependeing upon this look , the 12 names are given to them. Ist part of 30 degree contains the shape like a sheep. so in sanskrit it is called Mesh - A Sheep. Aries in English. IInd part looks like a Ox . so called Brishabh.....means taurus in english IIIrd looks like a couple - Mithun or Gemini in English IVth lokks like Cancer and Kark in sanskrit Vth looks like leo--singh VIth looks like a Virgo ...Kanya VIIth looks like Libta- Taraju or Tula VIII th looks like brishchik -scorpio. XIth Dhanu or Dhanush or Saggitarious in English Xth Aquarious- Makar -Tortoise like XIth Kumbh- Ghada or A Pot full of water-p- Aquarious XIITH Pisces - machhli or meen. All these signs looks rising towards the SUN turn by turn taking average 2 hours each. in 24 hours they all complete their way towards The Sun. Now which sign was rising at the time of birth of a child or native, it is to know and after knowing it we astrologer write down the name or number of that sign in the Ist house of horoscope. This is called LAGNA-means The IST HOUSE , anti clockwise we writedown the numbers of other signs. and so on... Now which planet was running or transiting through which sign.. we come to know and write it down in horoscope. A map is now ready expressing the lagna and the degrees of other planets in the sky at the time of the birth of a child. Now you would have to know the impoetance of birth date place and time. why the astrologers ask these thing whenever anyone goes to a astrologer. This map is nothing but known as ....................HOROSCOPE. Now question is that it possible to come to know about upcoming events happening in the life of any person through this birth chart or HOROSCOPE ? Some people say ...No ...! It cant Be done Others say .........Yes.. it is possible and can be done. We will proceed step by step..! We again take THE SUN...! .. if a child is taking birth at 7 AM the the SUN will be soft. and other child at noon...The Sun will be at its peak and hot. At evening and at night ..Very cool. The nature of every child will be different due to the heat absorbed by the child at the time of his birth is different, so nature of all these children will be different. Same is the way of all other stars or planets to effect on a child at the time of his birth due to its position in the sky at the time of birth of that child. IT is a vast study. Astrology is purely a subject and let we know the procedure to unfold the layers of The Truth.....! The layers of the Fortune. Palbha method :- The method is to know the palbha of any city is as below. Ist of all take a 12 division smooth rod called shanku. For example 12’ height . Or the height of any equal division. Hold it vertically on a smooth floor on the sayan mesh period at mid day. Measure its shadow. Suppose it is 4-7 It will be called 4 anguls 7 viyungals ( Four divisions and 7th part of a division.) Now multiply with 5 = 20 – 35 N Approximately latitudes of any place with this size of shadow is as above. Ie 20 degree and 35 min Now there are some corrections to be made. Method as below;- Now get the square of the 4-7 (Shadow) which was obtained from shanku with below formula:- (4x4)-( 4x2x7)-(7x7) = 16-56-49 Now devide this sum by go mootrika method: 16/10=1 remaining6 multyply it with 60=360+56 of second item=416/10=41 ramaing 6 Multiply with 60=360+49=409/10 =41 We got 1-41-40 Deduct it from 20-35 -1- 41 -40 _____________ 18-53-20 It is the latitude of that place. Now Trigno metery method is the 2nd way to days:- Palabha = 12 x Tan(latitude) = ( It is the formula ) Say the latitude of Delhi is 28N38 then Palabha = 12 x Tan (28deg38min) = 12 x o.545972655 = 6Angula 33 Vynagula 6.02Prativyangula If in above example we calculate to find the Paklbha of Patiala with above method then go ahead as below Palbha = 12x Tan (30-20N) =12x 0. 0.585132738 =7.02159 now subtract 7 from it and multiply remainder with 60 = 1.2954 now again deuct 1 and multiply remainder with 60=0.2954 =17.724 say 18 Palbha is 7-1-18 of Patiala Now we see the reverse:- Make decimals of Palbha:- (1x60+17.724) /3600= (77.724/3600 )=0.02159 We got 7.02159 Now devide it by 12 we got 585132738 Covert it in degrees:- by tan-1 to degrees =30.3333 Degree of Patiala=30 Now deduct 30 and multy ply remainder with 60= 0.3333x60 = 19.998=say 20 Lattitude patiala= 30-20 N Do You know What is Manglik Dosha ? In Indian astrology a name known as Manglik Dosh is well known to all. Whenever a process for engagement of a girl or boy starts, the horoscopes by both sides are demanded. It is why, so that the manglik dosha and Guns can be checked. If the existance of the Mars in any of the horoscope is in (Ist - IVth - VIIth - VIIIth - XII th) house , the native will be called manglik. A manglik person is not allowed to marry a non manglik partner. Though there are so many remedies but the Astrologers rarely allo a manglik native to marry a non manglik native. Bhim Sain Sharma Jyotish Guru Let us Know about some others things. What are these things ? First Know about these things and later on I will tell , how these things effect. ( Match Making ) ( Gun Milan Vidhi ) (Asht-Koot Method ) :- The Most Important method among Hindus for Real Match- Making The asht koot gun Milan vidhi in Hindu Astrology in India is very important and play a very nice role for the successful marriages in India. It indicates the over all nature and compatibility both for boy and girl. The procedure is very easy and given below. There are total 36 gunas tob matched out of which minimum 16.5 gunas are necessiry to obtain to match the kundlies as successful. Below these marriage is not permitted. 1 Varan points = 1 2 Vashya = 2 3 Tara = 3 4 yoni = 4 5 Graha Maitri = 5 6 Gana = 6 7 Bharkoot = 7 8 Nadi = 8 You see that points are also in sequence and in tatal are = 36 1 Varan :- There are four avarans;- Brahmin, Kashatria, Vaishya and Shudra Note :- These varans are taken from old granthas of the Hindus and Not belong to any caste of society. As per astrology the varan of the boy should not be below the Varan of the girl. One point is awarded if varan of the boy is Higher or equal to the girl. Othervise point awarded is Zero. 2 Vashya :- There are six vashyas :- Chatushpaad, Manav, Jalchar, Vanchar, Keet and Srisrip. The Same vashya gives Two Points. For different combinations the points obtained Are also different as below:- The Same Vashya gives 2 points but different vashyas give points as under:- Chatushpad(F) Manav (F) Jalchar (F) Vanchar (F) Keet/Srisrip( F) Chatushpad (M) 2 1 1 0 1 Manav ( M) 1 2 1.5 0 0 Jalchar (M) 1 1.5 2 1 1 Vanchar (M) 0 0 1 2 0 Keet /Srisrip (M) 1 0 1 0 2 Where the vashyas of the boy or girl are crossed , those points are obtaind which are written in that cell. 3 Tara :- The nakshatra of the boy/ girl is if in the 3rd 5th 7th place when counting from the nakashtra of each boy and girl then the tara is under stood AShubh else in other positions it is shubh for example boy Is of ahvani nakshatra and girl of kritka. When counting From ashvani to kritka the position is 3rd from ashvani to Kritka, so it is ashubh. And from girls nakshatar i.e kritka To ashvani the position is 26 th, ie 8th . the greater than nine is to be devided by nine,hence it is shubh.only3rd, 5th and 7th position is ashubh and all other positions are shubh. Now points o underbtained will be as The points to be awarded are as under:- Shubh + Shubh = 3 Shubh + Ashubh = 1.5 Ahubh + AShubh = 0 4 Yoni :- There are yonies and their vair (Anti) yonies Name of yoni Vair yoni Ahav Mahishi Gaj Singh Mesh Vanar Sarp Nakul Shvan Mrig Vidal Mooshak vyaghra Gau ( Cow ) If one of two has vair yoni then points obtained = 0 If both are without vair yoni the points obtained =4 For example boy is of ashav yoni and girl of mahishi Yoni, the points obtained are =0 and Vice versa = 0 Ahav and Singh gives four points. Are friends , equal or anti . Hence the points obtained 5 ( Friendship of stars ):- The lords of the moon sign will be as under:- Mitar Mitar 5 Mitra Sam (Equal) 4 Mitra shatru 1 Shatru Shatru 0 Sam Sam 3 Sam Shatru 1.5 6 Gana :- these are three. Dev , Manushya and Rakshas Gana of boy Gana of girl points Dev Manushya 6 Dev Dev 6 Manushya Manushya 6 Rakshas Rakshas 6 Manushya Dev 5 Dev Rakshas 1 Rakshas Dev 1 Manushya Rakshas 0 Rakshas Manushya 0 7 Bharkoot :- If the moon sign of the boy and girl falls as below;- 2-12 5-9 6-8 then points = 7 Othervise =0 For example the boy is of Mesh Rashi And girl is of singh Rashi the combination is 5-9 Because Mesh to Singh position is =5 Singh to Mesh position is = 9 Hence combination is 5-9 and points obtained = 0. 8 Nadi :- Nadies are three:- AAdi , Madhya and Anth. If boy and girl are of same nadi points obtained Are =0 otherwise the points obtained = 8 For free updates for your future every day life you can contact me on face-book through the link below:- Mob- 9041969120 NADI CHAKRA -=- ( IN HINDU JYOTISH ) Rashi Hansak Varan Vahya Mesh Agni Kashatri Chatushpad Brish Bhumi Vaishya Chatushpad Mithun Vayu Shudra Manav Kark Jal Brahmin Jalchar Singh Agni Kashatri Vanchar Kanya Bhumi Vaishya Manav Tula Vayu Shudra Manav Varishchik Jal Brahmin Srisrip Dhanu Agni Kashatriya Man Chatush Makar Bhumi Vaishya Chatu Jal Kumbh Vayu Shudra Manav Meen Jal Brahmin Jalchar Grahsheel Chakar Nakshatra Yunja Mukh gyato Naitre Sawrup Tara gan yoni Ashwani Poorav Tiryak Kshipar Laghu Mand Ashavmukh 3 dev ashav Bharni Poorav Adho Ugar kroor Madhya yoni 3 manushya gaj Kritka Poorav Adho Mitar Sadha Sulochan kashur 6 rakshas mesh Rohini Poorav Udharv Dharuv Sathir Andh Shakat 5 manu sarp Mrig Poorav Tiryak Maridu netar Mand mrigmukh 3 dev sarp Ardra Madhya Udharv Tikshan Daru Madhya mani 1 manu shwaan Pun. Madhya Tiryak Charchal sulochan grih 4 dev marjaar Pushay Madhya Udharv Kshiprat andh vaan 3 dev mesh Ashlesha Madhya Adho Tikshan daru mandh chakar 5 rakshas marjar Magha Madhya Adho ugarkrur Madhya greh 5 rakshas mooshak PU Fa Madhya Adho ugarkroor Sulochan manchak 2 manu mooshak Utra Fa Madhya Udharv dharuv Sathir Andh Shaiya 2 manu gau Hast Madhya Tiryak kshiprat Laghu mand kar 5 dev mahishi Chitra Madhya Tiryak Maridu netra Madhya mukta 1 raksh vyaghar Swati Madhya Tiryak Charchal sulochan moonga 1 dev mahishi Vishakaha Madhya Adho Maridu netra andh toran 4 raksh vyaghar Anu Madhya Tiryak Mitra sadha mand balinibh 4 dev mrig Jyeshta Antya Tiryak Tikshan daru madhya kundal 3 raksh mrig Mool Antya Adho -do- sulochan singh puchh 11 raksh shwaan Pu Sha Antya Udharv ugarkroor andh gajdant 2 manu vanar Ut Sha Antya Udharv Dharuvsathir mand manchak 2 manu nakul Shrawan Antya udharv Charchal sulochan vaaman 3 dev vanar Dhanishta Antya Udharv -do- andh vardul 4 raksh singh Shat Antya Udharv -do- mand bartul 100 raksh ashav Pu Bha Antya Adho ugarkroor madhya manchak 2 manu singh Ut Bha Antya Udharv dharuv Sathir sulochan yamlabh 2 manu gau Revti Poorav Tiryaka Mridunetra andh mridung 32 dev gaj The vair ( Enemy) yoni is as under;- ashav =Mahishi Gaj= Singh mesh= vanar sarp= nakul shwaan = mrig marjar= mushak gau= vyaghar. Also its vice versa. Contact :- Mob 9041969120 RAHU KAAL Rahu kaal is a specific period during the day time which is not treated as good enough to start a new and pious work. It starts from the sun rise and ends in the sun set time. Every day a slab of 1:30 hour is known as Rahu Kaal during this day period.some astrologer also treat 1:30 hour period of night also as Rahu Kaal. It comes between Sun set to Sun rise. But the day period is known as most though the night period can not be treated as practical. The 12 hour period from Sun-Rise to Sun-set is devided in eight slabs of 1:30 hours each. The first slab of every day is not treated as Rahu Kaal. It is always known as good and pious time every day. The procedure is as follows:- The Sun Rise Time is supposed to be 0600 Hours at any place on every day ,then RAHU KAAL will be as under for every day. Monday 0730 hrs - 0900 hrs Tuesday 1500 hrs - 1630 hrs Wednesday 1200 hrs - 1330 hrs Thursday 1330 hrs - 1500 hrs Friday 1030 hrs - 1200 hrs Saturday 0900 hrs - 1030 hrs Sunday 1630 hrs - 1800 hrs Rahu kaal is the period between sun rise to sun set. It is devided in 8 equal parts, calles 8 segments. Ist segment is empty. 2nd will be on Monday 3rd on satureday as below.and so on Above given chart is exemple to condering time of sunset and sun rise is 6 o clock morning and evening If we start from sunday, the sequence of Rahu Kaal will be (8275643) means the eighth segment i.e from 1630 to 1800 hrs will be the RAHU KAAL period on sunday . Monday 0730 to 1000 hrs i.e 2nd segment of the day will be known as RAAHU KAAL on monday and so on.................. for day to day free updates for your future events you can visit Kaal Sarp Dosha It is Observed that people born in Kaal Sarp Yoga are often found some extra ordinary type. Some part of their life Called the heaven. And some part, may be critical. It is the reason That smooth life is often rare for this type of natives. If know that you are born in Kaal Sarp Yoga, It is all right. But if you dont know, then contact me. I will tell you. But simple way to know it, is that all the stars in your horoscope are in the seven houses and between Rahu and Ketu.Or say 5 houses out of 12 aere continously empty.There is no star in 5 continous houses anywhere in your horoscope. There is no charges for consultation through mail or face-book. If you like to get free updates about your fore-cast , you can like my page on face-book.The face book link is:- Pitri Dosh Please Note it that Pitri dosh in the horosscope shows troubles in life. It goes to the next generation also till it is not rectified through its proper remedies. For details you can contact us on The death is sure. Nobody can save himself from death. many members of our generation has died. Some of them peacefully and some with some unwanted circuimstances. So, the people who died in some accidents, suicide, before the average age or without enjoying their lives due to the uncompleted works in their livie, it is understood that their souls remain unpeacefull and not departure from earth. They wander near their family members. In one or other way it is said that they make troubles for them in one or another way. So proper remedies are required if it is confirmed that Pitri dosh is present in a family. Moreover two or more members of a family face same trouble. for example two or more persons of a family of blood members are suffering from Paralysis or faced unwanted death in the same way or suffering from debt- or loss in business in the same way or got divorce from their life partners in the same way or facing litigation for the same cause. Science will say It Is impossible. But spritual field say it is correct. I made a remedy for the same type of families and now they are enjoiying. But some astrologers make money. They misguide people for their personnal benefits. same like some doctors who make people afraid and compell them for unwanted,unnecessary operations for their personnal benifits. A daughter -in -law of my friend was admitted in a private hospital. She was to give birth to a baby.She been told that without sygerian operation birth can not be given to a child. But I told my friend to bring the case to a govt hospital. He done so, and a baby was given birth without any operation. God help all...! Disha shool....! Disha shool is an ancient concept in Indian Astrology. It is a part of Muhurt of undertaking a journey. In ancient times when travel was not safe and comfortable, people used to consult astrologers to select an auspicious time for starting the journey so that the traveler remains safe and is successful in his purpose of journey. As is evident by the name disha shool means Disha= Direction and Shool = thorn or problems. It indicates that one should not travel in a particular direction on a specific weekday. If done so the traveler will suffer in the journey and may not be successful in his venture. Modern people rubbish such concepts, but they are still relevant. A famous Vastu Shashtri has studied the travel days of Indian Cricket team and compared the wins and losses according to Disha Shool concept. Amazingly he found out that whenever the team traveled on forbidden days they have invariably lost the matches. Given below are the directions and days which form disha shool. Monday and saturday—– East Sunday and friday ——— West Thursday ——————– South Tuesday and wednesday — North Our ancestors have tried to pass on this wisdom to coming generations by forming couplets in simple language for people to remember them easily. one of them – If the travel is unavoidable than one should take some remedial measures to avoid the ill effects of disha shool. The traveler should eat and donate following things before starting a journey in the shool direction. Sunday– Beetal leaf or pan. Monday– Look in the mirror and donate one. Tuesday — Jaggry or gur Wednesday — coriander or dhaniya. Thursday — Cumin or jeera Friday — curd. Saturday — Ginger These things are well popular todays among The Hindus. How they work ? The subject is interesting and vast as well. But I Will be happy if You comment on this blog and let me know wheather you are interesting to go foward with me or not ? Soon we will proceed on this again . ज्योतिष गुरु भीम सैन शर्मा Mobile 9041969120 jyotishgurubhimsain.blogspot/
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:50:39 +0000

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