THE BEST C.E.O.OF DATE In banking parlance we have two terms - TopicsExpress


THE BEST C.E.O.OF DATE In banking parlance we have two terms meant to oppose each other and they remain wholesale banking and retail banking. In the vertical called wholesale banking the transactions involved are big ticket trans and the number of customers who will demand attention 24*7 will be comparitively less or can we use lesser to denote a comparitive study. Even a slightest negligence will not be tolerated leading to either flight of the account from a bank to another the same way Dhoni shifted hotel. If the customer wants to make the banker realise ,Whos da boss ? hell throw the entire gamut of banking be it either a consortium or a single bank to beg as the Lord of the Bankers who is destined to be so being a borrower by non servicing interest and installments. The other vertical, whom all the top level management want the branches to devote more time to but who rarely get the desired attention are the retail customers whose number is more, the volume is less and at the same time who carry the bank on their shoulders. They attend the customers meet sincerely offer their comments and suggestions for betterment of service and who are forgotten very easily.Whatever the charges that are levied after a simple grumble and after vociferously protesting by writing a letter to the Editor abide by the charges levied and do banking that forms a part and parcelof their daily chore the same way they buy milk every day morning. Now why the similies have been used is to illustrate the way the Modi l;ed B.J.P government took charge at the center. Mr. Modi, till one day before declaring the M.P results was a side bencher and was not given the center seat. The man at the center was Advani and was flanked by Rajnath Singh and Sushma Swaraj along with Mr.Modi. All the tantrums played by Advani who wanted a rath yatra or by the likes of Jaswant Singh were simply phoo phooed. The man who was destined to adorn the throne at the center never sent his troops to conquer but remained a mute spectator watching alll the games from Gandhinagar. When UPA I saw UPA II the man from Gandhinagar remained one of the leaders outside the camp of the Congress but who still retained his power though from the state of Gujarat that was like a retail customer when compared to the wholesale division of the Central rule from Delhi. All the ministers and ministries were seen to flunk and were hoodwinking not only Indians but the whole world by a single word made to pronounce as corruption An act called whistleblowers act was introduced aimed at transparency in the system and to cleanse the system by a detergent but the people who blew the whistle were made to eat the mud their names having been revealed by the topmost office of India viz., the PMO of the earlier government. That is why the CBI Director is demanding to know the name of the person who revealed the list of dignitaries who visited his home during the golden era Mr, Ranjit Sinha saw. The way his comments were borne with about rape though he was not a politician will bear testimony to this. Another factor of contention is when and with so many allegations against him , how the Director is being allowed to retain this one of the most powerful posts may be an ideal research topic for an MBA student to pass on to the posterity. a management lesson. Mr. Modi never staked his claim to be the P.M.candidate. He was identified by the party for the coveted post by his party. The identification was proved to be based only on merit by the candidate who never rested but who took to addressing the rallies and counter rallies all over Indiafrom Gauhati in the morning to a meeting at Coimbatore that day night itself. The next day he was seen to address the farmers in Lucknow and by the evening he was seen at Shimla. He was vociferous driving home points and assuring all that theyll see a transformed India if B.J.P was elected to power. With the regional powers alone to resist and the party Congress who predicted that they will come back to power even if ousted which their Advisors forecast will be only for a period temporary in nature. Congress remained calm not in a hurry very sure of their sizeable victory but in reality was to send to rest many a veterans to rest and recuperation by giving them a massive defeat. The more intelligent ones saw to it that their names were found in the list of Rajya Sabha candidates. Then came the massive debacle with Congress and its leaders kicked out of active politics from east to west and north to south. The dream which they envisaged wherein the B.J.P will bite the dust the same way a bureucrat turned politician was routed in the State of Delhi never materialised for Modi brought his strong man from Gujarat, Amit Shah as the President of the party. With Mr. Shah donning the role of the C.O.O, Mr. Modi showed exit door to those above the age of 75 from activepolitics. Here it should be noted that all along the earlier P.M. cum poet Mr. Vajpayee who closed the shutters of the factory Hindustan Motors by preferring a BMW was never brought in the picture. The B.J.P was a very organised team with Mr. Modi roaring like a lion supported by the team of experts who drove the social network in his favour to the team that organised his campaign by a term that could only define and stand as an example for 6 Sigma. The rule that was expected to crash easiliy crossed 100 days and is galloping like a horse that is sure to complete the term of 60 months succesfully. Now with thewholesale vertical of the central rule having been won B.J.P gave up the mid elections to the opponents. This drove homethe point to all in the cadres of B.J.P that is only Modi and no one else other than Mr. Modi,though in some states like Goa and Rajasthan leaders with local identity were available. In addition to this these mid term elections without any effect was to bestow a false confidence to the leaders of the opposition that the twin lions from the forests of Gir are tired. The way Mr.Modi is being received by his counterparts be it from Japan or China or the beautiful kingdom of Bhutan has revealed to the whole world that here is a man and who has come to deliver and who will deliver what is expected of him. The scientific way the government is moving could be clearly seen from the fact that being a CEO, Mr. Modi knew what is happening in the Ministries and the same way he was seen to address the school children pan India. He a declared hardliner of the conservative Indian still was kind enough to acknowledge the role played by Muslims though what was meant by the line, they will die for India remains to be seen. Leaving aside all these factors the Modi led B.J.P government made the whole world realise that the team could not be cheated inspite of the visit of the Chini bhais Premier, the same way Pandit Nehru led rule was cheated in the war of 1962. Just a day before the visit of the Chinese Premier it was declared that India will prove their strength in the Indian ocean to subdue the prowess displayed by China in the region. This will be carried over by Mr. Modis visit to the USA where the Indians are seen to play a decisive rule in the Obama led country. All these apart why the government that feels unshakable and stable dictating terms to the alliance partners this is what we want and this is what we will get has floated a scheme introducing overdraft in savings bank account with insurance cover though may be aimed at financial inclusion that is to be a sure head ache for the Bankers who can not do justice to the role expected of them as defined in the Banking Regulation Act in the present day scenario makes one wonder as to whether all is well as is painted so. The Government at the center has controlled the major powers , financial and political with some left to whimper for the much covetted post of the party of the opposition that will enable them to have say in the meetings that may take place to discuss the financial crimes committed earlier thus proclaimimg that the vertical wholesale has been reined and is it to control the retail players who will be decisive as a vote bank has this PM Aawaz Rojna been introduced. The days of Janardhan Poojary are brought back to the memories of a responsible citizen makes one wonder as to whether the CEO who was supposed to be the best is also another regular Indian politician only though he is flanked by a man with cold eyes and who makes a lady like Shobha De feel a chill when seated by his side.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:53:47 +0000

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