THE BEST DEEDS Allah says in the Qu’ran Verily we have made - TopicsExpress


THE BEST DEEDS Allah says in the Qu’ran Verily we have made that which is on earth as an adoration for it, in order that we man test them mankind as to which of them are best in deeds’’ (Al Kahf7) In another verse, Allah states, Blessed be he in whose hand is the Dominion, and He may test which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty God, the oft-Forgiving’’ (al-Mulk1-2) in neither of these two sets of verses did Allah stat that He is testing us to see which of us does the most deeds. Instead, Allah is clearly looking for the best of deeds from us. It is not simply a matter of quantity, we pray a lot in any manner we wish, for example, but it is also a matter of quality. We must do everything sincerely for the sake of God the Almighty Allah, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW peace be upon him. And in one reason why Allah put all of these adornments on this earth: To see who among us is the best in deeds. The best deed that is what Allah is looking for in us. In the Holy Qu’ran, Allah tells us the story of the two sons of Adam, known in English as Cane and Abel. Allah says: ‘’ And recite (O Muhammed) to them (the jews) the story of the two sons of Adam in truth, when each offered a sacrifice to Allah. it was accepted from one but not from the other. The latter said to the former, ‘I will surely kill you. The former said, verily, Allah accepts only from those who are God –Fearing ‘’ (al Mailah 27) Allah does not, in this verse, give us the details of the story of the two sons of Adam. Furthermore, there is no need for us to go to the of the Old Testament or to the New Testament, to get more information about this incident. It is clear from the Quran that one of the son’s sacrifices was accepted while the other’s was not. And I ties also very clear from the last part of the verse that the sacrifice of the one was accepted by Allah because he performed his deed with taqwa or fear of Allah. In addition, it can be understood from the verse, that the other’s sacrifice was rejected because he did not present it to Allah in the proper fashion with the correct taqwa or fear God the Almighty Allah in performing that deed. Ibn Kathir records Abu al –Darda, the companion of the Prophet peace be upon him as saying , For me to be certain that Allah has accepted just one of my prayers is more beloved to me than this world and all it contains. Verily, Allah has said, Allah accepts only from those who are God-fearing this was the statement of a close companion of the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) we know the companions very very well and we know of Abu al-Darda in particular. There is no question that they performed their deeds in the best manner they could. Yet, for Abu al-Darda to be certain that Allah accepted just one of his prayers would mean more to him than all the in this world contains. Is that the way we look to our prayers? Or do we just take it for granted that Allah will accept them? Etc……….. To be, many of us have to change our attitudes towards the deeds that Allah has prescribed. Instead of looking at them as chores that we wish to complete in any manner possible, we should realize that they are tests and trails from God the Almighty Allah. Yet, in these tests and trial, Allah is not simply looking to see who performs such deeds; instead, as Allah has made very clear in the Quran, Allah is looking to see who performs the best deeds. Again, Allah says Blessing is He in whose hand is the Dominion and he is able to do all things. Who has created death and like, that he may test which of you is best in deed. And he is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving’’ (al-Mulk1-2) ` May God the Almighty Allah guide and protect you and your family, saitan give you long-life and good health? May Allah the provider of the providers, provide you all needs in the this world and in the hereafter Ameen’’
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:47:44 +0000

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