THE BOAT IN THE STORM: In Matthew 14 vs. 22-24, we read that Jesus - TopicsExpress


THE BOAT IN THE STORM: In Matthew 14 vs. 22-24, we read that Jesus made his disciples to get into the boat and go to other side. Shortly after they launched into the sea, a boisterous/violent wind came against their boat. Why the violent wind after Jesus approved of the journey? More questions maybe about His Will be done! Nevertheless hear these; 1. The disciples were not in the storm because they disobeyed Jesus. 2. Your obedience does not guarantee there will be no storms 3. Trouble does not mean that God has abandoned you 4. Between the command to "GO" and your safe arrival on the other side, there is often a crisis 5. Fear does not mean that you are a failure/unbeliever 6. The end of our human abilities is our opportunity to turn to God 7. Look unto Jesus in your time of fear and learn to trust God for it is not over until He says is over. "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." James 1 vs. 2-3. Life is not bed of roses, and even roses have thorns. Jesus did not promise us problem-free life, but He promised us victory. Without battle no victory. No cross no crown. And between Egypt and the Promise land, there is a wilderness.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:43:05 +0000

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