THE BODY OF MOSES ..part 2. THE POLLUTED ATMOSPHERE AT MOSES FUNERAL. Not even the chief angel Michael did this. In his quarrel with the Devil, when they argued about who would have the body of Moses, Michael did not dare to condemn the Devil with insulting words, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” Jude 1:9 ...That the lord said unto Joshua ,Moses my servant is dead .Josh 1:1 Its Painful to my soul to see how a man, great and mighty in Gods army even moses ended. That Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof came handy and more meaningful to my fragile heart. I have had to retreat and weep over my own soul as heaven mirror this awesome law giver-moses as I see my own days unfolding . I have had to withdraw from many things and many places, many individuals where I might be made to just be a striker...striking even the rock of ages! As the host of Israel gathered and surround the tabernacle with tears rolling down their cheeks, the 70 elders each with a staff sorrowing and Joshua weeping and holding his head and hair, the cool breeze of Palestine blew around the tent, tension builds and mount. Caleb was worried that till now Moses body was not found. Tears flow much more; freely, ceaselessly! Mariam, their first born had died in Numbers 21 the first verse and Aaron the brother died too in the same chapter, in the last verse! What a matter to the Amarms they died as they were born! Moses the last born died last to joined them in the grave beyond ! But as the mourn...wailed and yell at that corner, Joshua came in and prayers were offered but there was an uneasiness in the obsequies! The atmosphere was strange! Nothing was adding up! A fowl odour intermittently permeate the vicinity! Joshua couldnt understand the owls and Palestine evil birds that came near with terrible noises. Is this not the burial of our G.O? Our Bishop and G.S? What is going on here?Joshua asked and was confused about his oga moses burial atmosphere. He struggled with many things but nothing was adding up and Joshua never knew why the uneasiness in the funeral. God kept this secret and sacred to honour his servant moses even at dead! Many years down the line the holy spirit that searches the deep things of God couldnt keep this anymore now revealed to Jude what really happened in moses funeral .How Satan himself arrived that day in the funeral procession taking active roles. He came with his agents to fetch moses body away! God also sent Angel Michael to rather protest and have moses body! It was another serious fight that day . But Joshua never knew that as they were singing hymns and spiritual Jewish songs in one hand Satan was much equally on ground doing their dominic procession producing that fowl and horrible odour in Bishop moses burial! Better is the end of a thing than the beginning therefore! How shall we end? Moses when he divided the red sea was at the top of his game! When about turning water blood in Egypt? Moses ? Great man of God who saw God face to face and communed with him? Is there any great man of God that has reach moses spiritual height in our time? But this great law giver had Satan and demons dancing at his burial??? Why? Sin! How many sins brought him this shame and eternal ridicule? 50sins? 200? 4?one and only one SIN was strong enough to empowered Satan himself to struggle and contend for moses body! I feel so worried as sin is not properly presented these days. We talk so much of Grace , grace today but correct grace is only understood and greatly appreciated as sin and sinfulness is deeply known and taught ...sin brought grace and never grace sin! most men of God this days dont preach sin again since they feed fat with church money and church treasury! Others in the guise of programs and conventions..conferences and conflagration raise monies for unending church building projects ...some have even claimed to have borrowed from the church purse running into millions and thousands without proper accountability!..hmm I see a Jude account waiting to unravel many secret madness not known by the print media nor any one else! A lot to glean from moses whose life sounded and resounded all through the bible but whose dead body invoked both the presence of God and of Satan, what a mixture ! What a choking, satanic atmosphere at moses burial !Those unknown Jews at the burial saw in part . knowing nothing! The real burial was a contest! All moses did to the devils in Egypt and the red dragons he pushed down into the red sea, they all came back for a sweet revenge to disgraced him and his end was heart breaking! Lord ,why , why did you waited till the 65th book (Jude) almost the last book of the bible to reveal the events and the circumstances around pastor Moses burial of a sin committed in Numbers 20 the 4th book of the bible? Here ,I fear you lord . In this I feel God. For how long more can you keep quiet over my own activities of numbers 20? That God seems to have kept mute over your last misbehaviour and you still preach and run things for God is a matter to worry about. Lets fear God. Let true Christianity bounce back! Let the revival begin. But it begins when men fear and revere God and keep the boundary he has set over sin. May the body of Moses and the empowered presence of the devil in his wake keeping, keep you and I awake in the spirit and humble as we draw near the end time . SELAH! Ashikabe Hilary ashikabe@yahoo
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:16:13 +0000

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