THE BOKO HARAM MENACE TO THE WORLD AND THE RELEASE OF OUR CHIBOK GIRLS I was going through some of the Nigerian national dailies of the 6th of May 2014 recently and there was this reports on the abduction of our Chibok school girls occupying the front page of most of the national newspapers and with the statement credited to Mallam Abubakar Shekau, the self acclaimed Boko haram leader who claimed it was his group that were responsible for the abduction of the 234 girls of the Chibok government secondary school, about 4 weeks ago. The front page of the Nigerian Tribune for instance captioned it, ‘’I TOOK THEM, I WILL SELL THEM’’- Abubakar Shekau. Another one says, ‘’ALLAH ASKED ME TO SELL THEM AND I WILL SELL THEM’’- Abubakar Shekau. He was even trying to justify the case of this action of his by saying the girls are suppose to have gotten married and not for them to be in school! What other statement can be more annoying as a statement like this of a man that has had his soul captured by the devil and he doesn’t know what he is doing again. He just need to be helped and be told that God doesn’t think this way but it is Satan that enforces its will on other people who are not its own and so it is him that talks to him(shekau) this way and not God of the universe. When a man finds it difficult to differentiate between, when God is talking and when Satan is talking it is always a problem and this is what Abubakar Shekau is suffering from. He is a an example of a manifestation of who Satan is and he just need to repent from this present line of thought and God is still able to show him mercy despite all the amount of Atrocities that he has allowed Satan to use him to unleash on humanity. HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN GOD IS SPEAKING TO HIS PEOPLE IN A COUNTRY LIKE NIGERIA? There is a way to know when God is speaking and when Satan is speaking. The litmus test of knowing this is that God will speak peace to His people Israel but curses to the enemy of Israel. The book of Psalm 85;8 puts it this way: ‘’I will hear what God the LORD will speak for He will speak peace unto His people and to His saints; but let not them turn again to folly.’’ When we look at the words of Abubakar Shekau’s kind of Allah. That voice is not the voice of God but of the devil. For it is the devil that will speak chaos to the Nigerian people of any state of the federation whether of Chibok or of any part of the country. So Shekau and people of his class should be wise against any of the words of this allah that runs contrary to any word of the bible for it is the devil that talks this way against the peace of any nation or any individual. When somebody had to go and be telling lies to steal 234 girls out of their dormitory in the heart of the Night of that day between 11;45pm and 3.00am, under the pretex of helping the children to avoid the raging advancement of the Boko Haram insurgence and the poor Principal too believed the presentation of the emissaries of this Allah of a kind and She too allowed the Boko Haram group to carry away the teenage girls away for what was supposed to be for safe keeping but the whole world came to find out later that the men that came as the Nigerian soldiers to rescue the girls were the Boko Haram themselves. This is manipulation to intimidate and to dominate the environment with terrorism withchcraftory. It is Satan that bewitch people but God doesn’t because withcrafting is of the devil for God is a God of love and of liberty and He has emphasized the need for everybody not to make himself a stumbling block on any other person but this is what the Boko Haram misfits of our society have now done to the future of these children and their parents that had plans for the future of their wards. Let see (Rom.14;13) where it says: ‘ Let us not therefore judge one another anymore: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brothers way. So for anybody that wants to walk in love so that the same can be a blessing to humanity, a daily Bible reading is a must and Christianity is the answer. This is the reason why Jn3;16 is the greatest message of love letter that God of the universe is sending to the world to teach man His Own Heaven’s lifestyle for a man that wants to follow God to walk in love and finally inherit the heaven after death but because the people that taught Abubakar Shekau religious studies must have forgotten to teach him a thorough Bible lessons that is capable of saving his soul. If his soul had been saved he would have been able to know the difference between Satan’s voice and the voice of the Jehovah God the Creator of the heavens and the earth. This should however serve as an eye opener to our school teachers to teach their children enough of bible teaching that will make their wards to be a better citizen than chosen to bring up their children in the way Abubakar Shekau was brought up through Islam and witchcrafting so that the world will not have the type of this person again iJN. I like the way Barack Obama puts the disgraceful action of this person of whose his Nigerian Nationality is probably contestible, because the gravity of this act is grossly unimaginable to anybody. Barak Obama said this action of Nigerian kidnapping of the school girls and other acts of terrorism all over the world has shown that there is still a lot for us to know about the dearth that is in human’s mind. Honestly, there is no sane human being all over the world that will not condemn this act of terrorism the type that has been introduce to these teenage girls of the Government Girls Secondary School Chibok, Borno State. However, there is the need to say a word or two about the subject called Witchcraftry so as to let people that may find themselves of forcing their own will on another person will to know that it the devil that is pushing them to do this kind of dirty acts to steal, to kill and to destroy their fellow human being anywhere in the world and not God. Whatever view that a man may feel to be right in his eyes, the only instrument we have to pursue it is prayer to God to help us to make our heart desire to come to pass and anything that is more than prayer is witchcrating and that has make one to be a child of the devil when one continues in it. When a man is walking by witchcrafting and the man is still hearing the word of one Allah either through Qur’an still coming to justify him in that path of witchcrafting my prayer for that man to please pick a very fast race and run to the feet of Jesus for He has said in the book of Mat.11;28, saying ‘Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly at heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. WHAT IS WITCHCRAFTRY? Whitchcrafting is a means where by somebody decides to force his or her will on another person’s will. It is very common in many societies of the world that do not know God through our Lord Jesus. It is satanic and needs to be avoided through the instrumentality of the faith that worketh by love (Gal.5;6) which can only be gotten through the Lord Jesus. It is only the faith of the Lord Jesus which is the faith that worketh by love that can deliver anybody from this kind of debasing methods of Satan on humanity. Gal 5;6 says, ‘For In Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. Anywhere there is love among the people love will not make the spirits of witchcrafting to thrive in any society and this is the reason why the bible says Charity covers the multitude of sin(Pro.10;12b and 1Pet.4;8b). (a) Prov.10; 12b says: but love covereth all sins. (b) And above all things have fervent Charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitudes of sin. This is the reason why Satan will always like to wage a very serious war on any group of people that will want to bring Christianity to any environment where witchcrafting has been thriving. In the scriptures above the word ‘Charity’ is another word for Love. So where a man has found himself in the midst of people it is love that will make that man to accommodate the excesses of the other people for if not, there will always be dissension among the members of an entity that must stay must stay together as one. This is the cornerstone of the teaching of the bible and that is why anybody that does not have the basic foundation of the bible will be a nuisance to his or her society the way the Boko Haram and their team is to the world today. If you don’t like to go to school nobody forces you but you must not force other people that like to go to school not to go that way because you do not want to go that way because everyman should have his own choice to make in this life whether to hell or to heaven. The book of (Deut. 30;19-20) have this to say,’’I call Heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that you and your children may live: 20) That thou may love the LORD THY God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy life, and that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy father, to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, to give them. So the act of encroaching on another man’s liberty concerning the acts of these elements asking people not take their children to schools against their the children personal wish and that of their parents coming from the shores of Nigeria is giving the whole world a kind of head ache and as such is of the devil and not of God. My prayer is for all those that must have shared this spirit with this group of people called Boko Haram should please have a rethink over this evil escapades that Abubakar Shekau Satanic Allah has asked him to carry out unto the peace loving people of Nigeria. The fear that some of these girls are martyred already pervades the atmosphere but my fear is that such must not be true for what kind of accusation would the captors of these teenage girls can be able to advance on these innocent teenage girls who do not even know what these people called Boko Haram are fighting for. About ten days ago the story had it that one of the Escapees student girl a moslem, who according to the report that I heard was one of the seven girls that were given to the head of the Boko Haram group but she escaped with one or two other colleagues of hers. I learnt she said two of her colleagues had their neck cut and were buried in a shallow grave close by, simply because they had refused to renounce Christianity. There was this other story too that is being carried around that there was this posting on the ‘Youtube’ of a girl that was buried and only the head was on the surface and some people gathered to watch the head smashed thrice with a huge rock stone until her blood was seen gushed out. My only prayer is that this stories should not be true for I didn’t know what those girls would have done that would have made them to have deserved such kind of a crude treatment from these faceless people called Boko Haram. The Spirit of the Lord will definitely catch up with you people in JESUS NAME, AMEN. TWO KINDS OF ISLAM THAT NIGERIAN PEOPLE PRACTICE I have said it many times that Islam is not from God but it is from the Anti-Christ but there are two kind of Islam that people in Nigeria practice. One can accommodate people of other religious groups more than the other. But this does not mean that there is a better Islam somewhere for none of these two that I want to highlight here can take anybody to heaven where God is. This clarification is very necessary for me to make here so that people will not feel that they will be accepted by any of the two kind of Islam but for the sake of opening people’s eyes I will want to say a word or two about these two kinds of Islam that the Nigerian people had experienced thus far. (1) The southern Nigerian kind of Islam and (2)The northern Nigerian kind of Islam. Every spiritual institution must have stages or different levels of spiritual conformity Posture until the adherents of any faith will get to the full stature of the actual spirits that is behind the faith whether the faith is towards God or it is towards Satan. This case is true of Islam and it is also true of Christianity. I have said it many times that the God of Heaven had told us that although Mohammed is a Prophet, he is not His own prophet. So this goes to show us the difference I will want to draw between the southern Nigerian moslem and northern Nigerian moslem does not mean that one can then be encouraged while the other should be discouraged for none of the two can take one to the Heaven where Jesus Christ Our Lord is sitting on the right hand of God the Father because it is only by the blood of Jesus that was shed on the Cross of Calvary that one can ride to get to the Heavens where our Lord Jesus and God the father are but the Moslems will go to where Satan is if they don’t repent. Now writing short notes on these kinds of Islam in Nigeria as: (1)The Southern Nigerian kind of Islam is where Moslems of this region seem to love strangers and have the fear of God in their heart and they believe in living peaceable with their neighbors. However, this kind of Islam can be described as a kindergarten type of Islam simply because the adherents of this faith in the southern part of Nigeria can just be Liken to a child that cannot differentiate between his right hand and his left hand. They don’t know the Spirits that is behind Islam and that is the reason why many of them ended their sojourn here on the earth unfulfilled. When a small child wants to clean his nose he can use his right hand for he doesn’t know the left hand is meant for such things that are not too clean. The people in the south that go into Islam had gone there so for the benefit of securing themselves and that of their family members and how to make themselves to be relevant to humanity by learning how they could showcase their God given gifts and talents in their live to the benefit of all. With this belief therefore at the back of their mind they can never lose their head in pursuing Islam to the point of embarking on Islamic riots that will involve the killing of their neighbors and their loved ones as it is the case in the northern part of the country. This kind of approach of the southern Moslem is the reason why the Northern Moslems cannot allow a southern Moslem to lead them in prayers for the later will always look down on the kind of Islam that the former practice as being lukeworm. The truth of the matter is that there is a kind of Islam that is on a ‘One to One’ basis with Satan the author of Islam which after it had been able to tie down the attention of its followers to itself as allah or ‘god’ it can by its own volition choose some of the few faithfuls out to show them the hidden secret of the other sides of Islam that many Moslems may not be able to use the verses of Qur’an to support. So the people that are not introduced to this level of communication with the person of the Anti-Christ who authored Islam, can be saying a lot of things against this group but they can’t be able to stop them but only God and His people can stop them and they will be stopped until the saints of God will be taken up to heaven to allow their father the devil to rule over this world for just 7yrs after which the saints of God will come down with Jesus the Lord to take over the kingdom from the A NTI- Christ and its army very shortly. (2)The northern Nigerian kind of Islam may not be too lettered like their southern counterpart but they are more radical and are more deadly than their southern counterpart. The northern Moslems are not interested in western education and that is the reason why they are not as civilized in their approach to live issues including religion and this is the reason why they can afford to be more deadly even with little provocation. This is the reason somebody of the kind of Abubakar Shekau can come out from the midst of this zone and had giving people like the American president to qualify this kind of a mind that there is still truly more to know about the dearth that is in a human mind from the kidnap stories of our Chibok girls and other acts of terrorism that the world has experienced from extremist like Abubakar Shekau. This is very shameful but I don’t blame these terrorists as much as I will blame those that brought Islam to a country like Nigeria in the 16th century and those that failed to teach these men the knowledge of the bible when they were young. They train their children on how to be ruthless with the opposition even though the bible teaches follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord (Heb12;14). Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life and no man can get to the father except through Him (Jn.14;6) so anybody that does not teach his children when they are young has killed the child while the child is yet alive but the Moslems don’t know this but my prayer is for them to know this before it is too late. However in fairness to my Northhern Nigerian Moslems they fear allah and what allah says instead of God the creator of the heaven and the earth which is the God of the bible. They have always felt that this allah was the creator of the heavens and the earth of which we that are that are Christians know that this allah is not Jehovah. They have found it very difficult to see the devil in what they had believed in. Secondly, while we were in Islamic primary school in the sixties when we were young we were taught of an Islamic of thought that says, it is forbidden for Moslems to be reading any material that does not begin with ‘’Bismillahi Ramani Raheem’’ which most of us as young as we were then saw as deceptive and some of us saw it that it is not too practicable since there are many subjects and besides we judged that statement to be faulty for it will make people to be parochial, narrow minded, and make us to look at the people that do not believe in this injunction as enemies. This is what people like Abubakar Shekau and his team must have over flogged and seriously believed in too much for they have been made to believe that it is God that was talking and this people had believed this kind of defective postulates of these people to make them to get to the full stature of Satan that they are now. The only way to help these kind of people is to establish a rehabilitation centers to correct this extreme aspect of Islam that this kind of Islam had deposited in their soul if the Northern leaders will want to help its people from this present state of chaos that the zone had been plunged into. The establishment of almajiri schools all over this land cannot solve this problem but a total overhaul of the psyche or a re-orientation of the minds of these people will do by making their mind to start thinking more positively of Jesus and of things that will make for peace. In the past when we were going to schools only the children of the Priviledged Northern Nigerian elites, the ruling class, the emirs, the former office holders that were going to school. The average commoners were not encouraged to the level of having their wards in higher schools and this must the cause of what must have pushed the youth of some of these northern states of the nation to think of having a militant squad to fight against this western education which they had not totally believed in, in the name of what is now known as Boko Haram. The level of influence that these few enlightened minds can actually have on the psyche of the larger population at the grassroot not to make this large population to have a biased mind towards the western education was near zero. To make this people to also have a more rightful mind towards their neighbor who are not Moslems could not be helped either. This is the reason why that zone had appeared to have been so grossly cheated when it is compared with other parts of the country since the minds of the people is not receptive to the kind of visits that will make the right kind of development desired to happen. I need also to state it here that somebody was writing about the Boko Haram, the Alqaeda of the middle east and Al Shabaab of Ethiopia as a nuisance to this faith but some of us wants to look at it differently that it is the real face of the devil that is trying to show forth its face in Islam through these agents of darkness mentioned above. However for the sake of the people who may want to know more about some hidden truth about Islam as a religion there is with me a 30 Reasons document why no one should aspire to be a Moslem which I will be releasing to the public in series from this week so anybody can then decide to make his or choice of whether to remain as a Moslem or to opt out of the same for Christianity for if I am asked about my own view about my view about Islam, I will say it is a ploy to divert the mind of people away from Christianity in order to shield the people from the life of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. However for those that will want themselves to be rehabilitated these scriptures highlighted below will be, among others that are not written here, will be beneficial to introduce them into the new life which is in Christ JESUS and so shall it be in Jesus Name Amen. THE SCRIPTURES THAT WILL BE RELEVANT IN REHABILITATING THESE SCRIPTURES IF THEY SO WISH (i) 2Tim.2;19-saying: ‘Nevertheless the foundation of the Lord standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, Let every one that nameth the Christ depart from iniquity. (ii) Heb.12;14-says,’Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. (iii) Mat.24;24-saying,’For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (iv) Jn.8;12-says,’ I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (v) 1Cor.5;7-saying; ‘Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: (8) Therefore let us keep the feast, not with the old leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. IS THERE ANY COMMON GROUND BETWEEN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY? I was shocked to my very foundation when I heard somebody, a high placed Nigerian that had confessed to be a Christian one day that there is a common ground between Christianity and Islam. This is an error indeed for it is the way east is far from the west so are the two religious faith being wide part. Christianity is of the light while Islam is of the dark world. This is the reason why Sun is the symbol for Christianity and the Moon and the Star is the symbol for Islam. The sun is for the day as the moon and the star is for the night. This is the reason why Moslems are less civilized than their Christian counterpart, even no matter the level of their education. However Catholicism and Islam have a common source and a common ground for the two are the fingers of the Anti-Christ escapade to make the devil to erode the effect of Christianity that God had sent the Lord Jesus Christ to come and die the death of the Cross for, during the dark ages to becloud the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus. But the question that anybody can have a Readymade Answers to is, Can darkness cancel light? It is impossible! HOW TO EFECT THE RELEASE OF THE GIRLS THROUGH PRAYER. While I need to thank countries like America, Britain and Israel for their coming to help us out of these Mess that the Boko Haram had plunged the country Nigeria into, we as Christians must still have to do our part which is to pray. So I will enjoin us all to please stand to pray with these prayers until the battle will be over. (i)Judges 5;31, So let all thine enemies perish, O Let thine enemies perish, O LORD: but let them that love Him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years. (ii) 2Chro.13-25 O our God, wilt thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us ; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee (13) And all Judah… (iii)The bible had already told us in the book of Mat.11; 12 saying : And the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. The relevance of this scripture for a situation like this cannot be overemphasized. So let us stay on this scripture and in conjunction with the book of Isaiah 49;24-26 will help us out of this mess, that the Boko Haram bigots of our society have decided to put the whole country into. Thanks
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 10:26:23 +0000

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