THE BROUHAHA OVER GENERAL MOSQUITOS LADIES COAT: A STORM IN A TEA CUP? Despite the astronomical hike in economic conditions and systemic rot in Ghana, the decision by Johnson Asiedu Nketia to put on his wifes coat on an official duty in Germany is gaining so much currency in public discussions. So much attention has been directed to this issue that one wonders if it is the oxygen that must keep the soul and body of the nation together. Alliance For Accountable Governance (AFAG), a pressure group in Ghana made recent call for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) chief scribe to eat the humble pie and render an unqualified apology to the good people of Ghana for what they describe as public humiliation of the country. The group called on president Mahama to compel his party kingpin to come out with a oublic apology. It will be recalled that Asiedu Nketia confirmed recently that the coat he wore on an official trip to Germany was that of his wife. He however saw nothing wrong with putting on his wifes coar, positing that we went there for brain work not for fashion show. The purpose of this piece is not to call for the head of the NDC scribe, neither is it to exonerate him. The question is that are there no much pressing issues to talk about than directing our strength and energy discussing a mere coat worn by someone? Must press conferences be held on an issue as this? When infants are dying in our hospitals; qualified candidates unable to gain admission or pay their fees; living standards deteriorating; and cost of living assuming and all time high dimension? I think Asiedu Nketia made a valid point when he said the outcries over his dress code was like water off a ducks back and that he would be worried if he was accused of using the taxpayers money on useless things. The aspect I find nauseous however about Asiedus comment is where he allegedly alluded to the fact that even the white men he interacted with did not complain about the ladys coay. This is a neocolonial mentality. Must the western world always call the tune as to what should be okayed or frowned upon? The dumsor monster still bares its teeth and no solution is in sight yet. Huge sums of money are developing mysterious wings and flying out of the consolidated fund and other public purses. And we waste time talking about coats? Ideas they say are like a stream that maust be allowed to flow freely; lest, it coagulates and stagnates, producing frogs and mosquitoes to harm society. My candid opinion. What is yours?
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:00:25 +0000

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