THE CANCEROUS EFFECTS OF BASELESS PERCEPTIONS ................................................................... I decided resting my fingers because of some sweet news to be posted on Monday,i decided making the weekend apolitical so that I stretch forth my hands to my friends at the other side.I have been pondering over statements coming from some senior comrades who seem peeved for reasons best known to them,i am also confused reading commentaries on a response gives by one of the aids to the President.Listen,summing all up,i detected that,the agitations emanating from many of these senior persons,are based on nothing but perception of hijack which isnt representative of happenings on the ground.That primitive way of doing things is raising its ugly head,the idea that,the old ones are the only wise and capable in our administrative or political dispensation is the cause of these unnecessary rigmarole.I have taken time to assess the situation and can only assure the agitators that,the President has sworn to people of Ghana to better thei lives,we shouldnt therefore center our agitations on personal reasons or think of our personal advancement other than the whole nation. The irony is that these young guys targeted by the oldgaurds,are the very persons who are putting things together to help roll in the younger generation into development agenda of government.When I read certain comments targeting at the young guys around the President,i get sick,because,i cant pick anything damning to warrant the attacks.Look this attitude of not respecting or suspecting these young appointees and aids is affecting certain decisions of institutions which must operate within the realm of neutrality,example is the case between Okudzeto/Omane vrs Obetshebi,my little common sense suggests to me that,that perception that,some small boys has taken over our political administration,informed the final ruling,something coming generation would find difficult to understand. Can these agitators come out with any practical evidence of the allegations they talk about,the blockade they talk about isnt decision taken by aids of the President but rather,security network around the President,i dont think they will come out with what necessitated these tough security measures,but trust me,the security of the President wouldnt be left loose. I think,we must end these sour graves tantrums and step forward to help the administration,we shouldnt base our agitations on unsubstantiated perceptions and allegations propounded by some mischievous elements.To ungodly tag the aids of the President with unsubstantiated allegations of corruption,could mischievously be interpreted to mean there is some kind of corruption galore around the President which isnt the case.Look,all these attacks on the government are because of peoples personal issues with the young guys which is unfornate.I took time to research into these incessant allegations and ironically got an impression sharply opposite the perception out there,for the first time in many years,we have young guys around the President ready to cordinate effectively with the young comrade to take the party to another level something I so much admire.Who said we are going back to the snobbish era,never. The President wouldnt be exposed to any dangerous ploy,people are aggressively seeking for power through all means necessary and we wouldnt allow these charlatans have their way.Rawlings took up the gun at age 32 and today we are all enjoying his militant style,where were the oldguards when the rot started.We arent going back,if we all said Ghana needed a young and fresh blood other that the old expired blood of akuffo addo,did we know same proficient philosophy would be applied??? We need generational evolution of the party not hang up philosophy — by: Ohenenana Obonti Krow
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:13:50 +0000

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