THE COMPANY OF JESUS SAY JESUIT The Jesuit Order is developed - TopicsExpress


THE COMPANY OF JESUS SAY JESUIT The Jesuit Order is developed in the mid-sixteenth century in France by Ignatius of Loyola and later the Society of Jesus is recognized by Pope Paul III under the jurisdiction of the Church of Rome. The August 15, 1534 in the underground chapel of the Church of Montmartre in Paris, Loyola founded the Society of Jesus. Ignatius and his nine followers made the vote to declare war on the Saracens Muslims of the East. Before creating the order, Loyola made a trip to Jerusalem in an attempt to escape from the Muslims the Temple of Solomon. He settled in Rome, laid the Society of Jesus at the disposal of Pope Paul III, who recognized that the Society as a religious order of the Catholic Church in 1540. Although legally subject to the Pope, the Order is a Church within the Church, a jurisdiction within a jurisdiction. A recent explanation of the relationship between the Company and the Papacy can be found in the connection between the Nazi Party and the SS. Hitler played the part of the Pope, Bormann (l Grey Eminence Hitler) played the part of the Cardinal Secretary of State, and the Nazi hierarchy was modeled according to the Roman hierarchy. The SS were external to the Nazi political power. Himmler was the Jesuit General, his General SS acted as his assistants Jesuits its SS, dressed in black like the Jesuits, were called men in black. MEN IN BLACK! The Society of Jesus quickly spread to every corner of the globe. The Jesuits, with time, crept in the affairs of government, war, banking, oil, and churches, earning finally expulsion from almost every nation in the world, including the Vatican itself ... Ignatius said that the purpose of the Order was to: To conquer God (the Pope of Rome), not only a single people, a single country, but all the peoples, all the kingdoms of the world. Loyola formed an army to conquer the world. The Order sought the domain from that time until NOW. The Order Plan (also referred to as the Order of Pius IX) is currently the first order of knighthood conferred the Holy Sees apostolic dignity follows the orders of the Supreme Christ and The Golden Militia that are considered dormant Pontifical the Yearbook. Was founded June 17, 1847 by Pope Pius IX with the brief Romanis Pontificibus to commemorate the first anniversary of his reign, acting as a continuation of the ancient Templars.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:44:09 +0000

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