THE CONSERVATIVE VIEW BY RUSSELL TURNER STOP THE BLEEDING FIRST For anyone who thinks that some government bureaucracy has all of the answers to our health care needs, maybe they need to take a long look at the job our government is doing to enforce our immigration laws. I am grateful that emergency room doctors have more sense than the policy wonks in Washington DC. If a patient comes into the ER after a serious accident and is bleeding profusely, the doctors will set priorities and stop the bleeding first, then they can treat any other illnesses that the patient might have. When you look at it objectively, our borders are completely unsecure. Our federal government has completely failed in its responsibilities to prevent an all out alien invasion. I understand that most Americans are descendents of people immigrating to our country. One of the main differences between our ancestors and the current illegal immigration crowd is that our ancestors did not sneak in; they were willing to register and accept the laws and customs of the United States. It is absurd the way many of our current lawmakers justify wanting to extend what amounts to amnesty to the very people who have broken our laws and come here illegally in the first place. If any of us tried to slip into most other countries without the proper documentation, we would find ourselves cooling our heels in one of their local prisons. Here in this country, there are those who want to reward those who have violated our laws with citizenship to our country. In my opinion, the reason for the immigration problem in the first place is in part due to the over regulation of the business sector in this country. For years we Americans have hired illegal workers because they would work for less money than the American workers, and secondly many Americans wanted to avoid all of the expensive and time consuming paperwork that our government requires of the employers. If it becomes law, the Senate amnesty bill (S.744) will welcome tens of millions of immigrants to our country at a time when over 20 million Americans are struggling to find work. The bill will undermine immigration law, dismiss our sovereignty, lower wages and cheapen the value of our citizenship while creating voters who will vote to do it again in the future after the next wave of illegal immigration. We Americans have gotten into a bad habit of passing laws and only enforcing them when it is convenient. If the laws that are already on the books had been enforced we would not be having the problems we are having today. Our lawmakers should take a lesson from the ER doctors and stop the illegal flood of immigrants now, then find a solution to the other problems.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 03:34:22 +0000

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