THE CROSSING… Joshua 4:1-24 In life, we will face barriers, - TopicsExpress


THE CROSSING… Joshua 4:1-24 In life, we will face barriers, obstacles that try to keep us from experiencing the abundant life Jesus died on the Cross in order to give us. What must we do in order to overcome those barriers and cross over to the other side – the other side where God’s richest blessings and abundance lie? FIRST, WE MUST ANTICIPATE… God always has something great, amazing and incredible in store for us just around the corner! And God will do everything in His power to get us across to the other side! We just need to be ready! The Children of Israel anticipated the great thing God was about to do and prepared to cross over to the other side – even though it looked like an impossibility! God was moving and He was going to get them where they needed to be! It’s the same with us! We must remain in a constant state of anticipation as we prepare for God’s great move among us! This will keep us moving forward as we get ready for God’s very best! NEXT, WE MUST ACTIVATE… Faith is not faith until it is acted upon! I wonder who was the first priest who dared to step into those floodwaters? The crossing didn’t become a reality until the Children of Israel put their faith in action and actually stepped into the River Jordan – that’s when the floodwaters were held back and a way was made. God will make a way for us also when we put out faith into action and take that first step, no matter how great the odds seem stacked against us! FINALLY, WE MUST ACCLIMATE… The Children of Israel knew that the Presence of God was among them, so they began to praise Him, and from now on, every step of their journey, they made time to praise God and remember His faithfulness and goodness to them. This enabled them to continue to march forward right into the teeth of great impossibilities, knowing that the best was yet to come! As we experience God’s faithfulness and delivering power and love, we must take time to acclimate ourselves to God’s continuing, holy presence. We do this when we take time to praise, honor and glorify God will all of our beings! It is this continuous, holy, presence that will enable and empower us to cross even more barriers and experience even more blessing! The good news is – the best is surely yet to come! What kind of barriers are staring you in the face right now? Remember with God, impossibilities can and will become possibilities and there is nothing that you and I cannot overcome! Be encouraged, because for every barrier – there is a crossing!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:49:53 +0000

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